SOC 84420

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1482
subject Authors Robert Jurmain

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A polytypic species
a. is one that has no phenotypic variability
b. has never been observed in nature
c. is one composed of local populations that differ from one another with regard to the
expression of no more than three traits
d. is one composed of local populations that differ from one another with regard to the
expression of one or more traits
e. is composed of widely dispersed populations
What is the term used to refer to the observable, physical expression of genotypes?
a. genotype
b. phenotype
c. phenotypic ratio
d. genotypic ratio
e. independent assortment
The prediction is that the destruction of rain forest species will represent
____________of all plant and animal species on earth.
a. 5-10%
b. 10-20%
c. half
d. three-fourths
e. the most insignificant
The majority of Neandertal fossils been found in _____________where they have been
most studied.
a. South America
b. Asia
c. India
d. Africa
e. Europe
The cell nucleus
a. is the same thing as the cytoplasm
b. is not distinct from the cytoplasm
c. contains only X and Y chromosomes
d. is made up of ribosomes
e. contains genetic information
At birth, the human brain is approximately what percent of its adult size?
a. 15 percent
b. 25 percent
c. 50 percent
d. 75 percent
e. 100 percent
When compared to large-bodied earlierHomo specimens, Homo erectus relative brain
size is
a. about the same
b. much smaller
c. about twice as large
d. about 25 percent as large
e. is unimportant in discussions of hominin development
The Miocene hominoids
a. were distributed over much of the New World
b. were all members of the same species
c. displayed little to no morphological variation
d. were all about the size of a house cat
e. evidenced the "golden age of hominoids"
Permanent male-female bonds are
a. common among nonhuman primates
b. not common among nonhuman primates
c. the basis of monogamous pairing typical of all nonhuman primate species
d. nonexistent in primates
e. known only in orangutans
What is the term for a female's first menstruation?
a. menopause
b. menarche
c. andropause
d. andrenarche
e. cyclopause
Who coined the term "biology"?
a. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
b. Georges Cuvier
c. Thomas Malthus
d. Charles Darwin
e. Charles Lyell
What is the term for the philosophy of "race improvement" through the forced
sterilization of some groups and the encouraged reproduction of others?
a. eugenics
b. genetics
c. monogenism
d. polygenism
e. polytpyic
Family planning can slow population growth. One of the best strategies family planning
a. the shift to more local economies
b. the migration of rural populations to urban centers
c. shifts in employment from manufacturing to agriculture
d. access to family planning
e. education of girls and women
The study of human biology within the framework of human evolution can be said to be
the domain of which of the following?
a. cultural anthropology
b. physical/biological anthropology
c. primatology
d. osteology
e. archaeology
Which of the following statements is false?
a. The United States produces 25 to 30 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions.
b. The average American consumes 400 times the resources of the average person in
c. The United States has the highest rates of overpopulation.
d. For all people on the planet to match the consumption levels of the United States, we
would need four more planets.
e. The ecological footprint in the U.S. is 24 acres, compared to 2.5 acres in
non-industrialized nations.
What strategy is unique to humans develop that allows them to adapt to the natural
a. evolution
b. culture
c. biological adaptation
d. walking on two legs
e. genetic change
Chimpanzees that are orphaned before they are weaned
a. usually have the longest life-spans
b. have increased reproductive success
c. are emotionally dependant on their mothers
d. are not affected
e. usually die
According to proponents of behavioral ecology,
a. individuals act to enhance the survival of their species
b. infanticide is beneficial for the social group
c. individuals consciously behave in ways that ensure their fitness
d. behaviors have evolved through the operation of natural selection
e. Individuals choose certain environments based upon the likelihood of carrying out
aggressive behavior
Scientists estimate that around 10,000 years ago ___________people inhabited the
a. 10,000
b. 1 million
c. 2.5 million
d. 5 million
e. 1 billion
Primate social structure of a group of animals refers to
a. the composition
b. the size
c. the sex ratio
d. the composition, size and sex ratio
e. the behavior of the animals
The HbS allele increased in frequency in West African populations due to which of the
a. sickle-cell anemia
b. genetic drift
c. migration
d. increased mutation rates
e. natural selection
The terms Sivapithecus, Proconsul, and Dryopithecus applied to different groups of
Miocene hominoids, refer to a distinction made at what taxonomic level?
a. species
b. genus
c. subfamily
d. family
e. order
Species producing relatively large numbers of offspring and invest little parental care
a. K-selected
b. r-selected
c. p-selected
d. alloparental
e. sympatric
Forensic anthropologists
a. study disease and trauma in ancient populations
b. apply anthropological techniques to the law
c. are primarily concerned with the recovery of material culture remains
d. examine the relationships between medical treatment and culturally determined
views of disease
e. study nonhuman primates
Which concept, proposed by Charles Lyell, had a profound effect on 19th century
scientific thought?
a. recent origins for earth
b. the role of catastrophic events in producing geological phenomena
c. natural selection
d. the immense age of the earth
e. the inheritance of acquired characteristics
Infectious diseases can delay growth, particularly when coupled with
a. Parasitic infection
b. too much protein consumption
c. adequate vitamin D
d. humidity
e. technologies introduced by western culture
For humans, culture integrates an entire adaptive strategy involving all of the following
a. cognitive components
b. political components
c. economic components
d. social components
e. biological components
What is a major underlying factor for the declining numbers of nonhuman primates?
a. the killing of primates for human consumption
b. the trapping of live primates for biomedical research
c. unprecedented human population growth
d. the trapping of live primates for the pet trade
e. the overpopulation of nonhuman primate groups
Tarsiers, monkeys, apes, and humans are placed together in which suborder?
a. Prosimii
b. Lorisoidea
c. Hominoidea
d. Haplorhini
e. Strepsirhini
___________________wrote the highly praised Principles of Geology in which was
emphasized the principle of uniformitarianism.
a. Charles Darwin
b. Charles Lyell
c. Alfred Russel Wallace
d. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
e. Thomas Malthus
Since abundant remains of animal bones are found at their sites paleoanthropologists
have described Neandertals as
a. successful hunters and therefore efficient mastodon hunters.
b. successful small game hunters, but not necessarily as successful large game hunters
as modern humans.
c. never gathering shellfish.
d. less prone to head and neck injuries.
e. possessing long-distance weaponry.
In the context of social groups, dominance hierarchies
a. are maintained by females only
b. are maintained by males only
c. are not present in any primate species
d. impose a certain amount of order within the group
e. have not been studied by primatologists
The fossil skeleton known as "Lucy" belongs to which species?
a. africanus
b. aethiopicus
c. habilis
d. boisei
e. afarensis
According to the Regional Continuity Model, ________ prevented local populations of
premodern Homo sapiens from becoming separate species.
a. founder's effect
b. gene flow
c. displacement by African Homo sapiens
d. mitochondrial DNA
e. genetic drift

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