SOC 68647

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 21
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subject Authors Mark Sutton

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Christian Thomsen suggested the Three Age System, which divides the past into the
Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages.
The rate of epiphyseal union is the same in every bone, and so cannot be used to age
The site of Great Zimbabwe in Zimbabwe was actually built by the Phoenicians.
All mummies were purposefully created by human beings.
It is always easy to determine the gender of individuals in the archaeological record.
The National Register is administered by the National Park Service.
The professionalization of archaeology came about in part because of an increasing
number of museums in the early 1800s.
Germany's search for the Ark of the Covenant is an example of using archaeology to
support nationalistic goals.
Studying cuisine is a part of the study of subsistence.
Decomposition has two basic causes - biological activity and inorganic action.
All people were once hunter-gatherers.
System theorists equate culture change with disequilibrium.
The mortuary data at Moundville support the interpretation of its having been a ranked
Sites are only excavated if they are very important to the field of archaeology
The strongest most centralized cultures will always arise in the areas with the most
productive agricultural system.
Willard Libby formulated the Law of Superposition.
Living cultures should be regarded as exact representations of past lifeways.
Most archaeologists agree that early states were formed as a result of warfare.
Benjamin Franklin conducted some of the first scientific archaeology in the 1780s.
Pastoralists are never sedentary.
The investigation of subsistence involves identifying diet, technology, and organization.
Bows and arrows are easy to make, but are less productive in terms of killing game.
Before becoming farmers, homo sapiens rarely incorporated plants into their diet.
Recent comparative studies of blood groupings now suggest that there may have been
four separate migrations into the New World.
Processual archaeology tended to generate models of a male-dominated past.
Occam s Razor says that you must consider the simplest explanation first.ʹ
Historically, all archaeological survey has been systematic.
Minoan civilization is only known from written historical sources.
Modern technology has made it possible to analyze mummified remains without
removing the wrappings.
Ceramics technology was developed independently in different regions of the world.
Archaeologists can learn nothing about the past from the classification and distribution
of modern languages.
Archaeology was used to legitimize the Nazi notions of an Aryan fatherland.
The market for illegal antiquities is primarily collectors in Third World countries.
The Stone Age was further divided into three periods the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and
Laws to protect archaeological resources in the United States have been in existence
since the early 1900s.
Classification or typological schemes allow archaeologists to communicate through
shared terminology and nomenclature for describing and naming objects under study.
Classification is the placing of materials into categories of types that can be used
for identification and comparison.
Traditional African art is easier to interpret than that of other cultures.
The development of environmental archaeology was linked to the development of
processual archaeology.
The federal law that states that federal agencies are responsible for identifying and
evaluating all sites in areas to be developed, to determine eligibility for the National
Register is __________.
A) Section 106 of NHPA
B) Section 110 of NHPA
E) The National Register Act
Malnutrition is an example of something __________.
A) that would manifest as a physiological adaptation
B) that would manifest as an anatomical adaptation
C) that would not show up in the archaeological record
D) that is only present in past populations
E) that is rare in agricultural populations
Protein residue analysis can detect the presence of such substances as__________.
A) blood and saliva
B) metals
C) clothing
D) inorganic dyes
E) bodily oils, such as those contained in fingerprints and sweat
A __________ shift occurred when it was discovered that Earth revolves around the
A) paradigm
B) law
C) theory
D) hypothesis
E) methodology
The study of past ways of thought as inferred from material remains is called
A) ecological archaeology
B) social archaeology
C) cognitive archaeology
D) processual archaeology
E) post-processual archaeology
The law of gravity is an example of __________.
A) a universal generalization about classes of facts
B) an empirical framework
C) a systematic explanation for observations
D) an idea about relationships between data
E) a construct of interrelated hypotheses and theories
Band societies are characterized by all of the following except __________.
A) seasonal mobility
B) informal leadership
C) small scale population
D) formal ranking
E) egalitarian social system
From earliest to most recent, which of the following are in the correct order?
A) Mesolithic, Oaleolithic, Neolithic
B) Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
C) Neolithic, Paleolithic, Mesolithic
D) Paleolithic, Neolithic, Mesolithic
E) Neolithic, Miolithic, Paleolithic
Excavation unit types include all of the following except __________.
A) auger probes
B) shovel test pits
C) trenches
D) stratigraphy
GIS programs allow archaeologist to __________.
A) assign absolute dates to artifacts
B) determine the material used to make an artifact (e.g., bone vs. stone)
C) generate models to predict site locations
D) interact with local indigenous communities
E) identify microscopic plant remains in soils
Palaeontologists are most likely going to be found excavating __________.
A) cultural debris
B) localities where people lived, worked, or visited
C) portable artifacts
D) ecofacts
E) dinosaur remains
All of the following were buried by a volcanic eruption except __________.
A) Puerto Escondito
B) Pompeii
C) Herculaneum
D) Ceren
__________ has primarily been developed through the use of ethnographic analogy,
experimental archaeology, and ethnoarchaeology.
A) Marxist archaeology
B) Indigenous archaeology
C) Evolutionary theory
D) Postprocessualism
E) Middle-range theory
The neolithic, mesolithic, and palaeolithic are all parts of __________.
A) the Iron Age
B) the Bronze Age
C) the Stone Age
D) the Dark Ages
E) the Medieval Period
Research at Lakeside Cave, Utah, indicated that __________.
A) grasshoppers were a critical resource, crucial to survival
B) grasshoppers were a highly prized ritual food
C) the optimal diet of the prehistoric people of the area cannot yet be determined.
D) optimization models can never be proven
E) acorns were less important than previously thought
A simple technique to alleviate seasonally uneven resource distributions is __________.
A)the use of storage.
B) letting animals graze
C) living near a water source
D) hunting larger animals
The dispersal of the Bantu language family is associated with __________.
A) iron metallurgy and sorghum farming
B) just iron metallurgy
C) only sorghum farming
D) the development of writing
E) the extinction of megafauna
Woods and Titmus tried to quarry limestone with flaked stone bifaces. This is an
example of __________.
A) exoarchaeology
B) experimental archaeology
C) behavioral archaeology
D) cognitive archaeology
E) ethnoarchaeology
The study of bones is called __________.
A) bioarchaeology
B) osteology
C) archaeology
D) biopathology
E) zooarchaeology
Scratching, incising, and punching are all techniques for__________.
A) preparing hides
B) making stone knives
C) decorating pottery
D) weaving textiles
E) molding glass bottles
The study of the relationship between humans and their environment is called
A) paleodemograghy
B) human adaption
C) cultural evolution
D) human ecology
E) cultural adaption
Unilinear cultural evolution __________.
A) was widely adopted by archaeologists in the late when it was introduced in the mid
B) depended upon a belief in the idea of cross-cultural diffusion
C) was first conceived by Charles Lyell
D) claimed that all cultures moved through a progression of stages
E) is a completely unbiased concept
__________ is the breaking up of a population into smaller segments that then disperse
into different areas without replacing the existing population.
A) Decentralization
B) Migration
C) Diaspora
D) Innovation
E) Invention
A __________ allows for much more rapid mapping of sites, and provenience points
generated can be manipulated to produce an accurate computer map.
A) robot excavator
C) "total station"
D) computer model
A) clearly show evidence of modification
B) cannot be items that were brought to a site by the owner
C) depict no evidence of use
D) do not include fire-affected rock
E) are not cultural in origin
Chiefdoms are characterized by all of the following except __________.
A) leaders authorized to use force
B) formal ranking
C) centralized political structure
D) a foraging subsistence system
Polities with populations with up to tens of thousands of people, with large permanent
settlements and a centralized political structure are called __________.
A) chiefdoms
B) bands
C) tribes
D) states
E) lineages
Site components are generally defined in terms of which of the following?
A) human remains associated with them.
B) the site features
C) their architecture
D) the preservation conditions of the site
E) their artifacts
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) __________.
A) states that federal agencies are responsible for identifying sites that might be
impacted by development
B) may require archaeological survey to identify sites within areas of possible impact
C) that the federal government take ownership of archaeologcial significant lands
D) B and C
E) A and B
The technology of glass manufacturing developed in tandem with__________.
A) metallurgy
B) flintknapping
C) ceramics
D) textiles
E) increased trade between cultures
Which of the following would be dated best with thermoluminescence?
A) bone.
B) shell.
C) wood.
D) pottery.
E) charcoal.
The first step in preparing an Egyptian mummy was __________.
A) removal of hair
B) chemical drying
C) organ removal
D) wrapping
E) treatment with various antimicrobial preparations
Those who are very interested in the past and take up archaeology as a hobby are more
commonly referred to as __________.
A) collectors
B) purists
C) preservationists
D) pillagers
E) antiquarians
Archaeomagnetism dates objects and events __________.
A) by measuring their magnetism.
B) by measuring their resistivity.
C) by measuring their levels of radioactivity.
D) by linking them to known-age shifts in Earth's magnetic poles.

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