SOC 65085

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2174
subject Authors George F. Cole, Michael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Individuals are asked to report on their own criminal behavior
b. Inequality of treatment
c. A difference explained by legitimate factors
d. Complex concept with changing definitions
e. Cultural characteristics
f. White fear of blacks will be greatest in areas where the proportion of blacks
approaches that of whites
g. Punished 100 times more severely than powdered
h.ommitted a crime in their lifetime
Nearly everyone
According to the authors, in the correctional system women are known as the:
a. fragile offenders.
b. minority offenders.
c. pink-collar offenders.
d. forgotten offenders.
_________________ is a form of therapy that focuses on changing the thinking and
reasoning patterns that accompany criminal behavior.
a. Psychotherapy
b. Transactional analysis
c. Behavior
d. Cognitive skill building
It is estimated that roughly ____ Americans cannot vote due to their felony convictions.
a. 1 million
b. 2 million
c. 3 million
d. 5 million
Most sexual offenses occur between strangers.
a. True
b. False
At the end of 2002, most prisons were operating:
a. at capacity.
b. above capacity.
c. below capacity.
d. either at capacity or above capacity.
The victim's perception of the race of the offender:
a. is usually accurate.
b. differs from the race of those arrested.
c. has influence over sentencing.
d. is neither here nor there.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Remove an offender's capacity to commit crime
b. Min/max range of incarceration
c. Punishment as an example to the public
d. Restoring the offender to society
e. Control over the amount of time a prisoner serves
f. Deserved punishment
g. Incarcerated for the betterment of society
h. Goal of punishment seeking to repair damage caused
i. Fixed time of incarceration
j.Punishment for the individual
The way someone behaves in accordance with an order or directive given by another
person is:
a. normative power.
b. remunerative power.
c. coercive power.
d. compliance.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Interacting with clients to change their behavior
b. Corrections is divided against itself
c. Problem of attraction and motivation
d.Choice between unsatisfactory alternatives
e. Focusing on prisons
f. Looking for patterns and consistencies in study findings
g. Expectations and goals
h.Assigning a group to a valid program and one group to a non-valid program
i.Achieves correctional goals through technology
j.Disproportionately affected minority group members
Classification systems apply a set of subjective criteria to all inmates in order to arrive
at an appropriate classification.
a. True
b. False
According to the _____________________ model of corrections, criminals can be
controlled appropriately through more direct use of incarceration and other forms of
strict supervision.
a. due process
b. crime control
c. medical
d. reformatory
According to the authors, the general rule of architecture, including prisons, is that form
a. freedom.
b. function.
c. style.
d. all of these.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Houses people convicted of serious crimes
b. A facility authorized to hold pretrial detainees
c. Mutual transfer of resources
d. Workers who provide programs and services
e. Power between national and state government
f. Method of applying scientific knowledge
g. One of the goals of corrections
h. Common goals influenced by the environment
i.Conforms to the rules of society
j.Manages accused or convicted offenders
Correctional practices, especially the use of the penitentiary, developed similarly across
the United States.
a. True
b. False
To combat ambiguities in classification, correctional administrators have started using:
a. more subjective criteria in an attempt to successfully predict future criminal behavior.
b. expanded criteria to admit all relevant facts and use those facts involved in the case.
c. a limited number of factors pertaining to substance abuse.
d. classification systems that recognize similarities and differences between offenders.
Extremely serious juvenile crime incidents are rare.
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Advocated for separation of sexes while incarcerated
b. Rise of programs in which youngsters could live with their mothers in halfway
c. First female prison warden
d. Required for women to regain custody of children
e. Homosexual marriage and kinship
f. First warden of Elmira Reformatory for young men
g. Challenge for women upon release from prison
h. Account for the great increase of women in prison
i. What most distinguishes incarcerated women from incarcerated men
j. Separate treatment-oriented prisons
Stable housing
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Post-custody supervision in the community
b. Without any further correctional supervision
c. Used with indeterminate sentence
d. Furloughs
e. Required release
f. The prisoner promises to abide by certain conditions in exchange for being released
g. Stipulated by parole guidelines based on offenders actions
h. Treat a mental abnormality
i. The government extends the privilege of release
j. Conditional release
Expiration release
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Apply objective criteria to all prisoners
b. IQs of less than 70
c. Person who sees criminality as their life
d. Mental patient returns to the community
e. Julie Schenecker is one
f. Confined for life or until cured
g. Classification based on possible future criminal conduct
h. Classification based on appropriate correctional treatment
i. Classification based on seriousness of crime
j. Person who spends more than 10 years incarcerated
Which statement is NOT an argument made against the practice of preventive
a. It may violate the due process provisions of the Constitution.
b. It is typically employed only against property offenders.
c. It is impractical and can be potentially nefarious.
d. It is difficult to identify those individuals for whom this concept would most aptly
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Houses people convicted of serious crimes
b. A facility authorized to hold pretrial detainees
c. Mutual transfer of resources
d. Workers who provide programs and services
e. Power between national and state government
f. Method of applying scientific knowledge
g. One of the goals of corrections
h. Common goals influenced by the environment
i.Conforms to the rules of society
j.Manages accused or convicted offenders
Gang involvement decreased by the end of the 1990s, but has increased substantially
since the 2000s.
a. True
b. False
The United States has just over________ jails.
a. 1,500
b. 2,800
c. 4,200
d. 1,000
According to sociologists, the "big house" image of the American prison has:
a. ceased to show a limited understanding of the contemporary prison.
b. provided us with a deeper understanding of the modern prison.
c. spawned a great deal of humanitarian reform in the eyes of the public.
d. created interest in the operations of the modern prison among the general public.
_____________________theory is a governance theory which states that prison
disorder stems from unstable, divided, or otherwise weak management.
a. Officer balance
b. Administrative control
c. Power control
d. Inmate balance
There seems to be __________relationship between the crime rate and the incarceration
a. little
b. a direct
c. a parallel
d. a corresponding
The process by which a new inmate absorbs the customs of the prison society and
learns to adapt to the environment is known as:
a. prisonization.
b. integration.
c. socialization.
d. assimilation.
In prison, educational programs seek to treat the underlying emotional or mental
problems that led to criminality.
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Failure to abide by rules and conditions of probation
b. Fines, community service, restitution
c. Reporting to the probation office a change of address
d. Establishes goals for supervision and evaluates
e. Constraints to deal with a significant problem/need
f. The first to provide bail for defendants
g. Formal obligation to perform an act within the community
h. Judge can suspend a sentence for good behavior
i. Method for increasing the effectiveness of correctional treatment
j. Approach crime from a problem-solving perspective
Motivational interviewing
_________was the first person to advocate for changes in the treatment of sentenced
women and children.
Legal rules created in judges' decisions that serve to guide decisions in similar cases are
called ________ .
A series of organizational positions in order of authority, with each person receiving
orders from the one immediately above and issuing orders to the one immediately
below is known as________ .
The correctional goal of ____________________ assumes that society can, by
detention in a correctional facility or by execution, remove an offender's capacity to
commit further crimes.
Explain what is meant by revocation of probation. List and discuss the ways one could
have their probation revoked? In your opinion, should all violators be given additional
chances regardless of the number of times they have violated their probation? Why or
why not?
Answer:Answers will vary.
During the rehabilitation model many prisons were converted into
____________ refers to the process by which an inmate absorbs the customs of prison
society and learns to adapt to the environment.
Compare the situational offender to the career criminal. What are the main differences
and what are their similarities?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Most of the people who cycle through__________ , prisons, and parole come from a
limited number of impoverished communities
According to Allen J. Beck, the continuing increase in the prison population is a result
of tougher laws resulting in both more prison sentences and_________ .
The overrepresentation of African Americans in the criminal justice system has led to
________________________ was an early English correctional reformer who
advocated for the utility of prison confinement to treat and reform criminals' thought
processes that he deemed a "hedonistic calculus."
________is a form of sanction that requires compensation for financial, physical, or
emotional loss caused by an offender, in the form of payment of money either to the
victim or to a public fund for crime victims
List and discuss the main arguments that both favor and do not favor the use of
community justice strategies. How have these arguments impacted its implantation and
usage in the United States? In your opinion, should be continue to invest in community
justice programs? If so, which ones and why?
Answer:will vary.
A ___________ in the prison inmate culture is considered to be an aggressive inmate
who pursues his own interests at others' expense.
There has been an apparent rise in the number of women arrested for certain offenses.
Please list and explain these particular offenses and the impact they have had on the
female correctional population. Finally, how has the corrections system responded to
this growth and do you agree with their response strategy?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Parolees are released from prison on condition that they follow rules designed both to
aid their readjustment to society and to__________ .
Discuss the terms behavioral therapy and social therapy. What does each mean and
what is the effectiveness of each type of therapy? Are there any negative aspects to
these types of therapy and if so, what are they? Which is more beneficial to offenders?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Effective programming begins with effective ______________ in terms of housing
assignments, therapeutic approaches, and educational and vocational opportunities.

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