SOC 59537

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1390
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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On average, girls reach puberty __________ boys.
A) at approximately the same time as
B) two months earlier than
C) two years earlier than
D) two years later than
__________ affect(s) the chances that an emotionally reactive baby will become a
fearful child.
A) Heredity
B) Birth order
C) Child-rearing practices
D) Concentration of the stress hormone cortisol
Compared with previous generations, American youths are
A) displaying less antisocial behavior.
B) displaying fewer adjustment problems.
C) achieving less well.
D) showing stronger, more secure self-images.
__________ doubles the risk of SIDS.
A) Failing to tightly swaddle an infant during sleep
B) Using a pacifier
C) Placing an infant to sleep on his back
D) Maternal cigarette smoking
The immune response is the combined work of specialized cells that neutralize or
destroy __________ in the body.
A) T cells
B) B cells
C) telomeres
D) antigens
Infants and toddlers grow
A) by making steady gains over time.
B) slower than at any other time during childhood.
C) in little spurts.
D) in dramatic spurts.
Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen laid the modern foundations for
A) social learning theory.
B) developmental cognitive theory.
C) ethology.
D) psychoanalytic theory.
Which of the following statements about infant learning is true?
A) Babies do not come into the world with built-in learning capacities.
B) Infants are capable of learning through classical, but not operant, conditioning.
C) Babies learn through their natural preference for novel stimulation.
D) Toddlers, but not infants, learn by observing others.
The majority of rape victims are __________, and the abusers are __________.
A) over age 30; under age 30
B) under age 30; men they know well
C) unwilling to prosecute their attacker; strangers to the victim
D) over age 20; sober at the time of the attack
When sperm and ovum unite at conception, a(n) __________ results.
A) autosome
B) gamete
C) zygote
D) allele
Current theorists agree that for most young people, identity development is not
traumatic and disturbing but, rather, a process of __________ followed by __________.
A) confusion; a crisis
B) exploration; role confusion
C) exploration; commitment
D) questioning; role confusion
While great diversity characterizes the interests and concerns of developmental
scientists, they share a single goal: to identify
A) genetic factors that contribute to longevity.
B) environmental factors that contribute to disease and illness.
C) those factors that lead to abnormal development in children and adolescents.
D) those factors that influence consistencies and transformations in people from
conception to death.
A major strength of the clinical interview is that it
A) makes comparing individuals' responses very easy.
B) permits participants to display their thoughts in terms that are as close as possible to
the way they think in everyday life.
C) is directed toward understanding a culture or distinct social group.
D) allow researchers to see the behavior of interest as it occurs in natural settings.
When Baby Ian is held horizontally on his back, he sometimes makes an "embracing"
motion by arching his back, extending his legs, throwing his arms outward, and then
bringing his arms in toward his body. Ian is demonstrating the
A) palmar grasp.
B) moro reflex.
C) tonic neck reflex.
D) Babinski reflex.
Which of the following causes of disability and death is more prevalent among women
than among men?
A) cancer
B) cardiovascular disease
C) emphysema
D) Alzheimer's disease
Amelia and Andrew praise and stimulate their children, and they mutually support each
other's parenting behaviors. Amelia and Andrew engage in effective
A) induction.
B) permissive parenting.
C) coparenting.
D) niche-picking.
Carmen adopted her son just after his second birthday. What can you tell Carmen about
the opportunity for attachment?
A) It is imperative that the first attachment bond develop within the first year of life.
B) Her son will definitely display attachment difficulties because he is a "late adoptee."
C) The first attachment bond can develop as late as 4 to 6 years of age.
D) Her son will likely shy away from adult attention throughout childhood.
Recall is more challenging than recognition because it
A) involves noticing when a stimulus is identical or similar to one previously
B) does not involve a deliberate search of long-term memory.
C) does not involve the imitation of novel behaviors.
D) involves remembering something that is not present.
Possible selves are the __________ dimension of self-concept.
A) positive
B) negative
C) temporal
D) social
The more alcohol a woman consumes during pregnancy, the
A) poorer the child's intelligence and achievement test scores during the school years.
B) greater the likelihood of ARND instead of FAS or p-FAS.
C) higher the birth weight of the child.
D) greater the child's speed of information processing.
Apart from direct contact with the environment, schemes also change
A) through organization.
B) externally.
C) abruptly.
D) reflexively.
By encouraging adolescents to discuss concerns about death, adults can
A) help them build a bridge between death as a logical concept and their personal
B) aid them in constructing romantic notions of death, which challenge logic.
C) correct their religious beliefs and faulty logic.
D) offer comforting statements such as "Our dog, Rover, went to live on a farm."
Baby Nathan is most likely to develop attachments to
A) his mother only.
B) a variety of familiar people.
C) his father, but only when his mother is unavailable.
D) any female caregivers who feed him.
Reduction in bone density during adulthood is
A) minimal.
B) substantial.
C) common in men but not women.
D) common in women but very rare in men.
Which of the following statements about emotional self-regulation in middle childhood
is true?
A) Problem-centered coping is internal, private, and aimed at controlling distress.
B) By age 10, most children shift adaptively between problem-centered and
emotion-centered coping.
C) When outcomes are beyond their control, school-age children rely on
problem-centered coping and seek social support.
D) Young school-age children emphasize concern for others' feelings more often than
older children.
Brian is a star high school athlete, who has recently exhibited severe mood swings and
aggressiveness. An initial health screening also indicates that Brian has acne, excess
body hair, and high blood pressure. Brian's symptoms are consistent with
A) delayed puberty.
B) sexual maturation.
C) anabolic steroid use.
D) excessive stimulant use.
Newborn infants who are brain damaged or who have experienced birth trauma often
A) display disturbed REM"NREM sleep cycles.
B) cry less than those with no brain-functioning problems.
C) spend about 20 percent of their total sleep time in REM sleep.
D) have very low or inaudible cries.
Professor Gimbly wants to investigate how children of different ages characterize their
friendships. Professor Gimbly should use a __________ research design.
A) cross-sectional
B) sequential
C) correlational
D) longitudinal
__________ fat generally comes from meat and dairy products and is solid at room
A) Unsaturated
B) Saturated
C) Polyunsaturated
D) Partially hydrogenated
Compared with __________ adults, __________ adults show a stronger cardiovascular
response to stress.
A) female; male
B) higher-SES; low-SES
C) lower-SES; high-SES
D) male; female
Among college-educated young adults, Kohlberg's Stage _____ reasoning is the typical
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

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