SOC 56318

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1401
subject Authors Clark Spencer Larsen

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Plesiadapiforms are also called:
a. proprimates.
b. dryopithecids.
c. proconsulids.
d. adapids.
Sexual dimorphism:
a. refers to the mating rites of primates.
b. concerns differences in body size and canine size.
c. refers primarily to male and female social hierarchy.
d. is the study of sexual intercourse between primates.
Evolutionary synthesis is:
a. the concept of evolution through natural selection.
b. a unified theory of evolution that combines genetics with natural selection.
c. a combination of the inheritance of acquired characteristics and natural selection.
d. the combination of the theory of evolution and Linnaean taxonomy.
The maintenance of homeostasis:
a. is a key feature of most levels of any organism's biology.
b. involves the study of populations in their natural environments.
c. involves using material culture to make living possible in certain settings.
d. involves the replication of environmental conditions and human responses to those
The European archeological period that is marked by a great increase in technology and
various kinds of art starting about 35,000 yBP is called the:
a. later Stone Age.
b. Upper Paleolithic period.
c. Neolithic period.
d. Eurocentric period.
Homo habilis experienced a major shift to new environments that was characterized by:
a. dietary shift.
b. tool use for obtaining and processing food.
c. big-game hunting.
d. the use of marine resources.
Adolescence includes:
a. stability in physiology, behavior, and cognition.
b. a decline in function of tissue and many organs.
c. eruption of dentition and increased brain growth.
d. the development of secondary sex characteristics and interest in adult social, sexual,
and economic behaviors.
The frequent occurrence of agriculture around the world was accompanied by two
a. an increase in population size and food shortages.
b. a change in climate and consequent change in environment.
c. the distribution of land wealth and trade of produce.
d. a decline in nutritional quality and increase in infectious disease.
Australian aborigines are an endogamous society. This means that marriage and
reproduction take place within the group, leading to:
a. increased genetic diversity through genetic drift.
b. migration without gene flow.
c. more genetic diversity than would be observed in an exogamous society.
d. decreased genetic diversity due to a lack of admixture.
The individual genotypes in a breeding population, taken as a whole, are the:
a. gene pool.
b. DNA.
c. phenotype.
d. polygene.
An archaeological field school is announced in your anthropology course. The
description says that you will travel to Belize to learn about the lives of the ancient
Mayans. What, primarily, do you expect to learn during this field school?
a. what species of nonhuman primate occupies this region
b. how current populations of immigrants have changed local dialects
c. how to excavate and study material culture
d. how to socially navigate life in a Central American setting
The adoption of agriculture resulted in the development and spread of:
a. weight gain.
b. infectious disease.
c. an increase in health generally.
d. both a and c.
An oval cross section of an adult femur suggests that the individual:
a. was likely very physically active.
b. was lethargic and largely sedentary.
c. had a nutritional deficiency as a child.
d. You cannot discern anything from the shape of a bone.
The visual predation hypothesis proposes that:
a. better vision allowed for better access to fruits and small insects.
b. primate traits arose as adaptations to preying on insects and small animals.
c. species could see predators from further away, thereby securing time to flee.
d. predators had the ability to see primates better.
The rhinarium is present in:
a. baboons.
b. gorillas.
c. ring-tail lemurs.
d. howler monkeys.
Robust australopithecines were extinct by:
a. 1 mya.
b. 3 mya.
c. 4 mya.
d. Their lineage continued.
When epiphyses fuse to the diaphyses:
a. long bone growth is slowed.
b. full adult height is attained.
c. the adolescent growth spurt begins.
d. the diaphyses continue to grow but the epiphyses stop growing.
Fossil evidence of cutmarks made with stone tools at early hominid sites suggests that:
a. meat eating started only with the appearance of Homo erectus and stone tools.
b. big game hunting was the most common way early hominids obtained meat.
c. meat eating started before Homo erectus but increased with more advanced
d. none of the above
Which dating method would be most appropriate for establishing the age of a volcanic
ash layer from an early hominid site in eastern Africa?
a. carbon 14 dating
b. amino acid dating
c. potassium-argon dating
d. electron spin resonance dating
The earth's age is _______ years.
a. 4.6 billion
b. 3.4 billion
c. 6,000
d. 12 billion
Painted perforated shells are evidence that Neandertals:
a. traded with modern humans.
b. used body ornaments.
c. used symbolism.
d. both b. and c.
Distribution, in reference to food, means the:
a. location of food across the landscape.
b. distribution of primates in a primate group as they forage for food.
c. distribution of food among primates in a group.
d. adjustment in size of a feeding group.
Eras are:
a. divisions in geologic time divided into periods and epochs.
b. any time periods in the past.
c. divisions of time based on cultural standards, as in "Stone Age."
d. the time frames during which a certain fossil species existed.
The earliest members of the genus Homo have been found dating from:
a. 0.5 mya"present.
b. 2.5"1.0 mya.
c. 4.0"3.0 mya.
d. none of the above
A hominid fossil that has a long, low skull, projecting face and occipital bone, and large
nasal aperture is likely to be classified as having _______ characteristics.
a. modern
b. australopithecine
c. archaic
d. apelike
According to Darwin, natural selection operates at the level of:
a. individuals.
b. genes.
c. populations.
d. species.
In your primate anatomy lab you are shown the mandible (lower jawbone) of a species
of primate. While looking at the teeth you notice a large space between the canine and
first premolar. In your lab book you note that this:
a. is likely the lower jaw of a human, due to the potential presence of a canine-premolar
honing complex.
b. may be a species of Old World monkey or ape, as the space in the teeth of the
mandible suggests the presence of a canine-premolar honing complex.
c. is likely the lower jaw of a human, given the presence of a nonhoning chewing
d. may be a species of Old World monkey or ape, as the space in the teeth suggests the
presence of a nonhoning chewing complex.
Vocalizations enable primates to:
a. communicate as humans do.
b. solve distressing situations among primate groups.
c. name resources and monitor the social group.
d. communicate, but only between members of the same hierarchy.
Speech, advanced cognition, and complex material culture:
a. do not define a hominin.
b. define a hominin.
c. define a higher primate.
d. did not evolve through the primate lineage.
Why are primates social in the short term?
a. to increase female fecundity in dominant females only
b. to increase interaction between sexually mature males and females
c. to establish social relationships to prevent attacks from predators
d. to share food sources

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