SOC 55525

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1508
subject Authors Robert Jurmain

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Thermoluminescence dates
a. Water-logged artifacts
b. bone
c. wood
d. burned flint tools
e. thatch
Which of the following would be best suited to the carbon-14 dating technique?
a. materials more than 100,000 years old
b. volcanic rock
c. sedimentary rock
d. metals
e. certain organic materials less than 75,000 years old
Genetic drift is
a. the change in allele frequencies produced by random factors
b. the result of large populations
c. the opposite of founder effect
d. not evolutionary change
e. the change in allele frequencies produced by nonrandom factors
Chinese archaeologists point out that Chinese premodern H. sapiens specimens show
no indications of genetic continuity with modern H. sapiens from China.
Human language can be characterized by all of the following except
a. uses symbols
b. is limited to communicating about the present
c. is an open system of communication
d. cannot be said to be the same as communication evidenced by the Great apes
e. evolved directly from nonhuman primate communication
__________________ proposed that population size increases at a faster rate than food
a. Erasmus Darwin
b. Alfred Russel Wallace
c. Thomas Malthus
d. Charles Lyell
e. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Upper Paleolithic stone tools were found at the French Neandertal site of St. Csaire,
dated to _______ years ago.
a. 75,000
b. 50,000
c. 100,000
d. 35,000
e. 65,000
Regulatory genes produce enzymes and other proteins that either switch on or turn off
other segments of DNA.
Environmental factors
a. have no effect on growth and development
b. have not been studied in regards to their effects on growth and development
c. definitely have effects on growth and development
d. always have negative effects on growth
e. call into question any effect of hormone glands
What causes rickets?
a. overexposure to ultraviolet radiation
b. too much vitamin D
c. an insufficient amount of melanin
d. too few melanocytes
e. an insufficient amount of vitamin D
One primary way in which genes have an effect on growth and development is through
a. nerves
b. the chromosomes
c. hormones
d. DNA replication
e. mitosis
By using the designation Homo habilis, what was Louis Leakey not implying?
a. There were at least two hominin lineages present at Olduvai Gorge.
b. The Homo lineage was distinct from the australopithecines.
c. That Homo habilis was more closely related to modern humans than were the
d. That Homo habilis was more closely related to australopithecines
e. Members of the group were the early Olduvai toolmakers.
Modern human occupation dates to 50,000 in
a. Australia
b. South America
c. North America
d. Africa
e. Europe
Hominins have been variably defined as having which of the following?
a. a large brain, toolmaking abilities, adaptations for bipedalism
b. toolmaking abilities but no adaptations for bipedalism
c. adaptations for bipedalism, but lacking a large brain
d. a large brain and no toolmaking abilities and adaptations for bipedalism
e. a small brain, no toolmaking abilities and no adaptations for bipedalism
Growing attacks on traditional beliefs resulted with growing awareness of biological
diversity. _________challenged a notion proposed by Aristotle to account for the
movement of the sun and planets.
a. Copernicus
b. Linnaeus
c. Darwin
d. Wallace
e. Mendel
Which hormone is among those important in growth?
a. insulin
b. hemoglobin
c. gluten
d. lactose
e. hormones are not important in growth
What is the range for estimated cranial capacities for Homo erectus?
a. 400 to 800 cubic centimeters
b. 700 to 1,250 cubic centimeters
c. 1,000 to 2,000 cubic centimeters
d. 1,250 to 1,600 cubic centimeters
e. 300 to 750 cubic centimeters
The primate emphasis on the visual sense is reflected all of the following except
a. the reduction in the size of structures related to the sense of smell
b. the presence of color vision in most species
c. a more forward facing position of the eyes relative to most other mammals
d. visual information from each eye transmitted to visual centers in both hemispheres
e. lack of color vision in most species
What is the view that the extinction and the subsequent appearance of more modern
forms could be explained by a series of disasters and creations?
a. natural selection
b. catastrophism
c. use-disuse theory
d. uniformitarianism
e. descent with modification
Which are the largest of the living primates?
a. orangutans
b. chimpanzees
c. gibbons
d. bonobos
e. gorillas
Hominin sites in the European regions of Spain and Italy evidence fossil material that is
contemporaneous with Homo erectus. They include all of the following except
a. Sima del Elefante
b. Ceprano
c. Hexian County
d. Gran Dolina
e. Atapuerca caves
Two people (both heterozygotes) are able to taste a chemical substance called PTC. The
ability to taste PTC is caused by a dominant allele (T). The inability to taste PTC is
caused by a recessive allele (t). What proportion of their children would be expected
not to be able to taste PTC?
a. 3/4
b. All
c. 1/4
d. 2/3
e. none
Several events had combined to alter Western Europeans' ideas about the earth by the
18th century. These did not include
a. the circumnavigation of the globe
b. the discovery of the New World
c. the notion of a sun-centered universe
d. a less than rigid feudal class system
e. "arguments from design", meaning structures were engineered to meet purposes for
which they were designed
Amicable behaviors that promote group cohesion are called _______ behaviors.
a. cultural
b. philopatric
c. ritualized
d. affiliative
e. autonomic
What does the term endothermic refer to?
a. mammalian tooth shapes
b. the loss of heat in animals without fur
c. using metabolic activity to maintain a constant internal body temperature
d. staying warm by laying in the sun
e. energy is generated externally
Neandertal fossil remains have been found to reach as far back as ________ years ago.
a. 100,000
b. 500,000
c. 65,000
d. 10,000
e. 130,000
The order Primates includes all of the following except
a. monkeys
b. prosimians
c. humans
d. tarsiers
e. marsupials
Two different Replacement Models have been proposed. They differ from each other
with respect to which of the following?
a. the anatomy of modern humans
b. the timing of the origin of modern humans
c. whether a speciation event caused the demise of Neandertals
d. the origin and dispersal of the first modern human populations
e. the use of DNA sequences in analyses
The skeletal remains of Homo floresiensis are notable for each of the following
characteristics or assumptions except
a. the short stature.
b. the small cranial capacity
c. they were living 13,000 years ago.
d. their predecessors were perhaps H. erectus populations
e. they came to Flores on rafts, the remains of which were recovered from the island of
The La Chapelle-aux-Saints skeleton is not a typical Neandertal
a. and therefore not considered to be a Neandertal.
b. because it represents what is most likely a deliberate burial.
c. because is that of an older male.
d. because, as a specimen, it is a nearly complete skeleton.
e. because the individual not only had arthritis of the spine but evidences an extreme in
the Neandertal range of variation.
Chromosomes are
a. made up of DNA and proteins
b. visible during all stages of cell division
c. composed of two strands during early stages of cell division
d. indiscrete structures
e. occur singularly
What is the term for the stone tool technology most often associated with the
Neandertals that extended across Europe and North Africa, into the former Soviet
Union, Israel, Iran, central Asia and possibly China?
a. Mousterian
b. Middle Paleolithic
c. Early Paleolithic
d. Denisovian
e. Oldowan
Polygenic traits
a. are discrete
b. have a continuous range of expression
c. are controlled by only one genetic locus
d. include the ABO blood type system and cystic fibrosis
e. are also called Mendelian traits

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