SOC 42396

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1395
subject Authors Robert Jurmain

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What is paleoanthropology?
a. It is defined as the study of early humans.
b. It is practiced by archaeologists ONLY.
c. It is concerned with fossilized skeletal remains ONLY.
d. It is defined as the study of fossilized non-primate mammals.
e. It is practiced by physical anthropologists ONLY.
When a disease is continuously present in a population it is said to be
a. pandemic
b. chronic
c. epidemic
d. lethal
e. endemic
Lactose intolerance can be characterized by all of the following except
a. results from the lack of lactase
b. has a genetic basis
c. is a good example of biocultural evolution
d. can be influenced by the environment
e. does not involve a person's ability to digest milk
Before the AIDS epidemic in Africa, Botswanans had a life expectancy of 65 years. At
the height of the epidemic it was about ______ years.
a. 15
b. 40
c. 60
d. 75
e. 85
The most immediate risk of acidification of the oceans is to the whales and dolphins off
the western coasts of North America.
What is significant about areas in the DNA that contain repeated segments?
a. They are termed SNPs
b. They are the basis for DNA fingerprinting
c. They are the same from person to person
d. They cannot be mapped
e. They disprove the belief that there are variations of the human genome
The discovery of evolutionary principles first took place in western Europe, made
possible by
a. advances in scientific thinking that began in the 18th century
b. understanding by Christians that there was a recent origin of life on earth
c. the cohesive theory formulated by Arabs, Indians, and Chinese that species were
continuously changing
d. advances in scientific thinking that date back to the 16th century.
e. the central importance placed on evolution by physical anthropologists.
If human population growth rates remain unchecked, it is possible that by the year 2050
human numbers could approach
a. 10 billion
b. 2 billion
c. 500 million
d. 100 billion
e. 25 million
Female primates
a. assume most of the responsibility for infant care
b. have the same nutritional requirements as males
c. use the same strategies as males for avoiding predators
d. spend almost one-half of their lives pregnant or lactating
e. are the same size as males
Dating too about 850,000 years ago, human fossils from Gran Dolina are placed within
a. erectus
b. habilis
c. neanderthalensis
d. antecessor
e. heidelbergensis
The current evidence indicates that hominins possessed all the major structural changes
necessary for bipedalism by
a. 4 million years ago
b. 5 to 7 million years ago
c. 8 to 10 million years ago
d. 3 to 4 million years ago
Who was responsible for popularizing eugenics among 19th century Europeans?
a. Charles Darwin
b. Francis Galton
c. Georges Cuvier
d. Charles Lyell
e. Thomas Jefferson
Vertical clinging and leaping is a locomotor pattern frequently practiced by which of the
a. apes
b. lemurs and tarsiers
c. terrestrial monkeys
d. Old World monkeys
e. gibbons
What is the average cranial capacity of H. erectus?
a. the same as for early Homo
b. approximately 900 cubic centimeters
c. the same as that for modern humans
d. the same as for Australopithecus
e. approximately 700 cubic centimeters
Which of the following statements is false?
a. Several definite Homo erectus fossils have been discovered in France.
b. Earlier Homo erectus populations had a smaller cranial capacity than later
c. Thick cranial and postcranial bones characterize mostHomo erectus specimens.
d. Homo erectus appears to have been less encephalized than Homo sapiens.
e. Homo erectus was most likely the first hominid to live outside of Africa.
Information concerning the genetic and environmental effects on growth comes from
studies of which of the following?
a. Old World monkeys
b. lemurs
c. identical twins
d. pleiotropic genes
e. interviews of elderly
How many ABO phenotypes (blood types) are there?
a. 4
b. 2
c. 3
d. 6
e. 1
Monkeys raised without mothers in captivity
a. were able to form lasting affectional ties
b. displayed completely normal parenting behaviors as adults
c. displayed normal sexual behavior
d. did not know how to care for infants
e. were socially normal as adults, provided they received adequate nourishment
Which is not true about paleoanthropology?
a. It is the study of human evolution.
b. It includes the fossils of ancient reptiles and amphibians.
c. Its goal is to identify the various human ancestors.
d. It attempts to gain insights into human adaptation and behavior.
e. It is a valid way to conduct anthropology.
a. are specialized proteins
b. are major constituents of body tissues
c. cannot break the bonds between bases throughout the DNA molecule
d. are not responsible for separating two previously joined strands of nucleotides
e. do not direct chemical reactions in the body
By most standards, Homo sapiens
a. is a successful genera.
b. is a successful species.
c. constitutes a majority of the cells on the planet.
d. has not altered the face of the planet.
_________ was an 18th century thinker who believed that living forms changed in
response to the environment yet still rejected the idea that one species could give rise to
a. Alfred Russel Wallace
b. Georges-Louis Leclerk de Buffon
c. Erasmus Darwin
d. John Ray
e. Georges Cuvier
Arms that are longer than the legs, and a short stable lumbar spine are traits associated
a. brachiation
b. vertical clinging and leaping
c. arboreal quadrupedalism
d. terrestrial quadrupedalism
e. full-time bipedalism
Primates are found primarily in tropical and semitropical habitats of the Old World and
North America.
a. primarily recover valuable artifacts
b. are not interested in human behavior
c. study earlier human groups using artifacts and structures as their evidence
d. never work with physical anthropology
e. only examine complex civilizations
The sum of the genetic, fossil, and archaeological evidence suggests that Neandertals
a. are closely related to modern humans
b. are a fully separate biological species
c. were probably incapable of fertilely interbreeding with modern humans
d. represent several points in the dynamic process of speciation
e. were not successful hominins
The principle of uniformitarianism
a. stated that the geological processes that operated in the past are still occurring in the
b. was a problem for the development of evolutionary theories
c. proposed that the earth was only a few thousand years old
d. was the same as the theory of catastrophism
e. was first proposed by Georges Cuvier
The Upper Paleolithic culture period is divided into categories based on stone tool
technologies. These include all of the following except
a. Solutrean
b. Magdalenian
c. Aurignacian
d. Chatelperroonian
e. Grottevian
Ultraviolet radiation can be an important factor in selection for increased melanin
production because UV radiation can cause which of the following?
a. rickets
b. albinism
c. skin cancer
d. the rebuilding of folate
e. spina bifida
The earliest stone tools are dated to approximately
a. 2.6 million years old
b. 25,000 years old
c. 250,000 years old
d. 25 million years old
e. 50 million years old
Which of the following is not one of the subfields of anthropology in the United States?
a. Cultural
b. Physical
c. Psychological
d. Archaeology
e. Linguistics

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