SOC 39896

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1476
subject Authors Richard T. Schaefer

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In 1900, African American sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois called attention to the
overwhelming importance of ________ throughout the world.
a. the class structure
b. the color line
c. cultural diversity
d. globalization
Which of the following is true of the criollos?
a. They are well-educated.
b. They are of mixed racial lineage.
c. They form the majority of the Mexican population.
d. They have familial roots in Africa.
The native peoples of Canada are collectively referred to by the government as the
a. First Nations
b. Qubcois
c. Aztecs
d. Mayan Indians
In the context of Latinos' political presence, the ________ have clearly garnered the
allegiance of Hispanics.
a. Republicans
b. Dictators
c. Democrats
d. Communists
The White primary elections endorsed in Jim Crow's formative period were finally
challenged in the 1944 ________ decision.
a. Smith v. Allwright
b. Shelley v. Kramer
c. Williams v. Mississippi
d. Plessy v. Ferguson
________ is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that
results from the normal operations of a society.
a. Essentialism
b. Eliminationism
c. Occupational segregation
d. Institutional discrimination
Patrick is a 40-year-old healthy man who loves his wife and children. He has had a
steady job for the last 17 years, is an active member of the local sports club, and in the
evenings, likes to dress up in his wives clothes and make-up. Given this information,
Patrick can be regarded as a ________.
a. schizophrenic
b. feminist
c. homosexual
d. transvestite
Which of the following is true of people with disabilities?
a. People with disabilities are less likely to be victims of violent crimes.
b. Ethnic minorities are disproportionately more likely to experience disabilities.
c. Nationwide charity telethons promote a positive image of people with disabilities.
d. Negative attitudes are the only challenge that people with disabilities face.
The stereotype about Jews being obsessed with money can be explained by ________.
a. the countersignalling theory
b. the social comparison theory
c. the fringe-of-values theory
d. the world systems theory
Which Muslim group is predominant in Iraq and Iran and is second-largest in majority
in the United States?
a. Sunni
b. Shi"is
c. Ash'ari
d. Athari
________ refers to the conscious experience of a negative discrepancy between
legitimate expectations and present actualities.
a. Affirmative action
b. Cultural assimilation
c. Relative deprivation
d. Xenocentrism
Opponents of the Afrocentric perspective see it as ________.
a. a cultural resistance against assimilation with the dominant group
b. an attempt of the African people to come to full self-determination
c. a movement against White and Eurocentric intellectual interpretations
d. a separatist view of history and culture that distorts past and present
Which of the following could be advantageous for Puerto Rico if it is granted
a. The island would receive federal money to build the infrastructure.
b. The island would retain representation in the Miss Universe pageant and Olympic
c. The islanders would enjoy U.S. citizenship with a distinct national identity.
d. The islanders would not be required to pay federal income taxes.
Sociologists consider Jewish Americans as an ethnic group because ________.
a. culture is a more defining trait for them worldwide than is religious doctrine
b. they share a religious orientation that goes beyond their cultural tradition
c. they are a religious minority in the United States
d. Christianity is the dominant religious tradition in the United States
During the 1980 Mariel boatlift, prisoners, mental patients, and drug addicts were sent
to the U.S. from ________.
a. El Salvador
b. Dominican Republic
c. Haiti
d. Cuba
The sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited,
transformed, and destroyed is known as ________.
a. racial formation
b. ethnocentrism
c. stratification
d. racial labeling
Which of the following statements is true of the Jewish people in the United States?
a. Jewish Americans experience fair treatment from non-Jews.
b. Jewish men and women rather marry outside the group than one other.
c. Jews share a cultural history with the dominant group.
d. Jews have a strong sense of group solidarity.
Which of the following reasons can be attributed to the underrepresentation of African
Americans while seeking medical care?
a. history of mistreatment
b. low cost of treatment
c. inexperience of medical practitioners
d. unreliability of medical reports
________ are set apart from others because of their national origin or distinctive
cultural patterns.
a. Gender groups
b. Ethnic groups
c. Racial groups
d. Formal groups
Which of the following statements is true of the Judaic faith?
a. The three major sects of Judaism embrace a philosophy based on the Torah.
b. The Judaic faith is divided into five similar factions with distinct roots.
c. The exact number of followers of the three major groups is recorded in the Talmud.
d. The Orthodox faith and the Conservatives faith are at either end of the Judaic
According to historian Carl Degler, which of the following is the key to the differences
in Brazilian and American race relations?
a. de jure segregation
b. two-state solution
c. bamboo ceiling
d. mulatto escape hatch
Japanese Americans expect ________ to be less acculturated than other Nisei.
a. Yonsei
b. Kibei
c. Haoles
d. Sansei
Government actions often cause better-qualified White men to be bypassed in favor of
women and minority men. This is an example of ________.
a. ethnocentrism
b. reverse discrimination
c. xenocentrism
d. racial integration
Etsuko, born to Japanese immigrants, was sent back to Japan for her schooling. If she
returns to the United States after completing her education, she is a(n) ________.
a. Issei
b. Kibei
c. Sansei
d. Yonsei
In Plessy v. Ferguson, the U.S. Supreme Court ________.
a. supported the right of governments to deny the right to vote on the basis of race
b. ended the practice racial discrimination by Whites
c. upheld "separate but equal" accommodations for Blacks
d. said that the states could not pass laws which created racial segregation
Traditionally, Islam permitted men to have multiple wives ________.
a. regardless of their economic resources
b. only if they could economically and emotionally support their wives
c. only if the first wife could not bear children
d. and they could have a maximum of seven wives
Which of the following was the objective of the Allotment Act?
a. assimilation of Native Americans into the White society
b. creation of a pluralistic society of Indians and non-Indians
c. expatriation of Native Americans
d. ethnic cleansing of Native Americans from the White society
African American studies scholar Molefi Kete Asante has called for an Afrocentric
perspective that ________.
a. justifies the slave trade in the US
b. seeks to override Eurocentrism
c. emphasizes the customs of African cultures
d. disregards the history of Blacks in the US
Which of the following statements is true of the Termination Act of 1953?
a. It activated recommendations for a period of tax immunity for Americans.
b. It provided funding for the essential federal services.
c. It focused on individual needs in spite of maximizing costs.
d. It resulted in the withdrawal of basic services such as road repair and medical care.
In disobeying unjust laws, which of the following strategies did Martin Luther King, Jr.
a. acting with the conviction that the universe is with the unjust
b. seeking to defeat and humiliate opponents
c. actively but nonviolently resisting evil
d. attacking people who happen to do evil rather than the forces of evil
Reconstructionism is an offshoot of ________ Judaism.
a. Orthodox
b. Conservative
c. Reform
d. Hasidic
The term ________ is occasionally used to describe all Japanese Americans.
a. Kibei
b. Sansei
c. Issei
d. Nisei

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