SOC 34139

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1740
subject Authors Richard T. Schaefer

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Which of the following is a similarity between Christianity and Islam?
a. Both are polytheistic.
b. Both worship the same God.
c. Both view Jesus as the Son of God.
d. Both question the existence of an afterlife.
Stokely Carmichael's ideology differed from that of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s in that
Carmichael rejected the goal of ________.
a. assimilation into White middle-class society
b. constitution of de jure segregation
c. abolition of slavery in the United States
d. representation in elected offices
Which of the following is true of Chinatowns today?
a. They are not susceptible to economic setbacks.
b. Contemporary Chinese American families do not wish to move out of them.
c. They serve as a source of identity for young Chinese Americans.
d. They are no longer important to contemporary Chinese immigrants.
By the end of the nineteenth century, more and more immigrants to the United States
were ________.
a. neither English speaking nor Protestant
b. English speaking and Catholic
c. experienced in democratic political practices
d. native English speaking white population
In 1993, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the government's right to intercept ________
refugees at sea and return them to their homeland without asylum hearings.
a. Haitian
b. Cuban
c. Chinese
d. Mexican
Which of the following agencies notifies major companies that it will soon audit its
employment records looking for illegal immigrants?
a. the Department of Homeland Security
b. the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
c. the Citizenship and Immigration Services
d. the Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Which of the following statements best defines marginality?
a. the social ranking of people in a country
b. the status of being between two cultures
c. the process of transformation of racial categories
d. the development of solidarity between ethnic subgroups
The fact that Italians often are characterized as criminal is an example of ________
toward White ethnics.
a. victim discounting
b. reverse discrimination
c. respectable bigotry
d. White privilege
Luca claims his ancestors came from the country that was the largest single source of
White immigrants to the United States. His ancestors were most likely from ________.
a. England
b. Ireland
c. Mexico
d. Germany
Cumulative impact of oppression because of race, gender, and class as well as sexual
orientation, religion, disability status, and age is termed as ________.
a. institutional segregation
b. pluralism
c. matrix of domination
d. color-blind racism
Which of the following statements regarding the socioeconomic status of Native
Americans is accurate?
a. The contemporary Native American population lives entirely on reservations.
b. The Native Americans living on reservations have good quality houses.
c. Native Americans are a highly employed people.
d. Native Americans are an impoverished people.
Functionalists believe that the arrangement of gender roles with which they were
familiar had arisen because ________.
a. relationship between females and males has been one of unequal power
b. marital partners needed a division of labor
c. females bear children and are natural care givers
d. biological differences made the males superior to females
Which of the following factors has made the United States an attractive destination for
Black people?
a. legalization of interracial marriages
b. restrictive legislations
c. improved living conditions
d. liberal immigration policies
Which of the following statements is true of a functionalist view of gender roles in the
a. It denies the presence of a differentiation by sex.
b. It contends that the relationship between females and males has been one of unequal
c. It argues in favor of adults specializing in particular roles within families.
d. It debates that more flexible gender roles will lead to social stability.
The Indian Removal Act of 1830, called for the relocation of ________.
a. all northern tribes to the south
b. all Eastern tribes across the Mississippi River
c. all Western tribes across the Colorado River
d. all Native Americans to the African continent
In the context of the racial scenario of Brazil, which of the following statements is true?
a. There is no form of racial prejudice or discrimination in Brazil.
b. Mullatos do not enjoy a similar income status as White Brazilians.
c. Mulattoes face more discrimination than Blacks.
d. Blacks do not face a glass ceiling that limits their upward mobility.
The Irish immigrants and their children who began to move into the more affluent urban
areas ________.
a. were referred to as the "shanty Irish"
b. were successfully and immediately assimilated
c. received derogatory remarks and comments
d. quickly overtook the dominant White community
Which of the following statements is true about German Americans in the twenty-first
a. The German-American National Alliance declined membership to urban Protestant
middle-class German Americans.
b. With World War I and the rise of the Nazi era, most German Americans distanced
themselves from the politics in Germany.
c. With the end of wartime tensions, German Americans moved from having a single
identity of White to multiple identities.
d. German Americans were denied permanent residential status due to the Nazi tyranny
in Germany.
Who among the following people is most likely to be a neo-Nazi?
a. Miriam, who supports the creation of the state of Israel
b. Warren, who opposes all forms of aggression
c. Jane, who actively opposes fascism and fascists
d. Graham, who supports racism and homophobia
________ refers to intertribal social movements in which several tribes, joined by
political goals but not by kinship, unite in a common identity.
a. Pan-Indianism
b. Neocolonialism
c. Nativism
d. Ethnocentrism
Which of the following is the most sweeping antidiscrimination legislation that went
into effect in 1992 and was a result of a strong social movement for disability rights?
a. the Mental Retardation Facilities Construction Act
b. the Americans with Disabilities Act
c. the Civil Rights Act
d. the Social Security Disability Benefits Reform Act
The Cuban American presence is most notably felt in ________.
a. Atlanta
b. New York
c. Miami
d. El Paso
In 1999, a new territory was created in Canada in response to a native land claim.
Nunavut recognizes the territorial rights of the ________.
a. Inuit
b. Mtis
c. Aztec Indians
d. status Indians
Which of the following statements is true of diversity training programs in
a. They aim to reduce ill treatment based on race, gender, and ethnicity.
b. They are more prevalent in corporations with lower representation of minorities.
c. They follow a standard structure in all organizations.
d. They exclude all aspects of citizenship status, marital status, and parental status.
The ________ of 1867 put each Southern state under a military governor until a new
state constitution could be written, with Blacks participating fully in the process.
a. Reconstruction Act
b. De Jure Segregation Act
c. Slavery Reparation Act
d. Emancipation Proclamation Act
In 1986, the Supreme Court in Bowers v. Hardwick ruled that the Constitution
a. does not endorse that heterosexual relations alone are to be considered normal
b. does not hold any view regarding the sexuality of people
c. does not protect homosexual relations, even in the privacy of one's home
d. considers all sexual relations within the confines of one's home a private matter
Which of the following is the basis of Jewish identity?
a. race
b. religion
c. nationality
d. ethnicity
Which of the following examples of ingroup virtues becoming outgroup vices was
experienced by Jews in the United States?
a. For Christians to observe Sabbath on Sunday is being orthodox; for Jews to observe
Sabbath on Saturday is being reformist.
b. For Gentiles to take interest in the repayment of loans is justifiable; for Jews to do
the same is a punishable crime.
c. For Christian men to marry Jewish women was acceptable; for Christian women to
marry Jewish men was intolerable.
d. For Gentiles to prefer Gentiles as friends is understandable; for Jews to choose other
Jews as friends suggests clannishness.
Li, a recent immigrant to San Francisco, is a worker at a grocery store in Chinatown.
Which of the following established organizations can help her with monetary troubles,
settling disputes, and any problems arising from racism?
a. the yakuza
b. tsu
c. tongs
d. the hui kuan
According to sociologist Max Weber's classic definition, class refers to social ranking
of people who share ________.
a. related cultural values
b. similar perspectives
c. similar wealth
d. similar physical characteristics
Which of the following is a conclusion of a survey on White attitudes toward African
a. Less progress was made in the 1950s and 1960s than that was made in the late
twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first centuries.
b. The pursuit of a color-blind agenda has created lower levels of support for politics
that could reduce racial inequality if implemented.
c. There has been a growing reluctance by Whites for integration, interracial dating, and
having members of minority groups attain political office.
d. Even during periods of dramatic social upheaval, White attitudes toward African
Americans remain unchanged within all generations.
Carla believes that if all women were to give up homemaking and childrearing and
become breadwinners while men take on these roles, it would result in social chaos.
With which of the following perspectives do her beliefs align?
a. conflict perspective
b. functionalist perspective
c. feminist perspective
d. interactionist perspective

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