SOC 32169

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2484
subject Authors Fredda Blanchard-Fields, John C. Cavanaugh

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In a study by Chee (2011), which group received the lowest amount of elderspeak?
a. the ambulatory group
b. the wheelchair group
c. the dementia group
d. all groups received the same amount of elderspeak
Jackie is a postal worker who processes mail. Jackie perceives a lot of pressure on the
job, and the pace is more than she can bear on most days. Jackie is likely to be
a. alienation.
b. burnout.
c. stress.
d. unrealistic expectations.
There are eight criteria for whole-brain death. In order for whole-brain death to be
declared, how many criteria must be met?
a. 5 out of 8
b. 4 out of 8
c. 2 out of 8
d. all 8 must be met
"John is such a good person" is an example of a
a. situational attribution.
b. environmental attribution.
c. causation.
d. dispositional attribution.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor (2013), the job category that includes such
occupations as ________has the lowest participation rates of women.
a. administrative assistants and nursing
b. science and technology
c. social work and day care workers
d. electricians, plumber, and carpenters
In Lawton and Nahemow's model, the less competent the person is, the greater the
a. adaptation level.
b. use of preventive adaptations.
c. impact of environmental factors.
d. proactivity.
_______changes allow older adults to adapt to the inevitable decline of specific areas of
the brain.
a. Compensatory
b. Personality
c. Compromise
d. Collaboration
If 47yearold Matt can remember the poem he memorized in Mrs. Smith's 2nd grade
class, Matt is using what
type of memory for this task?
a. sensory memory
b. episodic memory
c. semantic memory
d. remote memory
Dementia is
a. a specific disease.
b. a family of diseases.
c. an inherited disease.
d. a reversible disease.
Stereotypes help us understand why people behave as they do, and they can help guide
our behavior. However, they
a. are always negative.
b. are sometimes applied in ways that underestimate the potential of the person we are
c. are resistant to change.
d. always overestimate the abilities of older persons.
According to Piaget, what is responsible for cognitive development?
a. changes in cognitive structures
b. changes in function
c. changes in assimilation processes
d. changes in behavior
An example of an extraindividual intervention is
a. beginning an exercise program.
b. keeping a positive outlook.
c. taking advantage of transportation programs to increase mobility.
d. surgery.
A term for the level in a corporation that women may rise to but not go beyond is
a. glass ceiling.
b. gender barrier.
c. hidden discrimination.
d. overt sexism.
Due to physiological changes, older adults are at risk for all of the following except
a. increased side effects from medication.
b. increased risk of toxic effects from medication.
c. slower absorption of medication.
d. faster excretion of medication.
_______ends when one loses independence or must rely on others for activities of daily
a. Maximum life expectancy
b. Average life expectancy
c. Active life expectancy
d. Dependent life expectancy
The________ one's education level, the__________ one's experience of stress
immediately after losing one's job.
a. lower; lower
b. higher; lower
c. higher; higher
d. There is no predictable association between these variables.
Kramer, Kahlbaugh, and Goldston (1992) identified three distinct styles of thinking:
absolutist, relativistic, and
a. dialectical.
b. diabolical.
c. diversified.
d. demographical.
Research on memories concerning personal health conducted by Coleman and
colleagues, based on the Harvard Longitudinal Studies, showed that
a. memories improved between ages 40-50.
b. people at all ages performed poorly.
c. memories about eating were more accurate.
d. specific episodes were remembered best.
The index of age that represents a person's intellectual, memory, or learning ability is
a. biological age.
b. perceived age.
c. sociocultural age.
d. psychological age.
Older adults in New Zealand reported that they volunteered because
a. it gave them a way to keep busy.
b. it provided them with a social opportunity to be around others.
c. it allowed them to give back to their local communities.
d. it allowed them to develop new skills and talents.
Why are the results from neurocorrelational studies considered speculative?
a. because random sampling is not used
b. because the measures used in these types of studies lack validity
c. because we cannot be certain that the behavioral tests accurately assess the actual
anatomical and functional activity of the brain region under investigation
d. because correlational findings are more speculative than those acquired from
experimental designs
Damaged and dying neurons that collect around a core of protein produce
a. neurofibrillary tangles.
b. granulovacuolar bodies.
c. synaptic nodes.
d. neuritic plaques.
Even if age is positively correlated with speed of cognitive processing, we cannot
conclude that age "caused" this
increase because
a. response speed is not usually affected by age.
b. age normally causes a decrease in cognitive speed.
c. only experimental studies can demonstrate cause and effect relationships.
d. only correlational studies can demonstrate cause and effect relationships.
Staudinger argues that openness to experience is highly correlated with ego
development, wisdom, and emotional complexity and that all of these characteristics in
people as they age.
a. increase
b. remain the same
c. decline
d. become increasingly difficult to measure
A ________research design combines two or more cross-sectional designs.
a. cross-sequential
b. longitudinal
c. cross-sectional
d. longitudinal sequential
Bowman and colleagues (2012) identified three different_________associated with
cognitive functioning and brain volume.
a. biomarker patterns
b. genes
c. personality types
d. types of exercise
Which of the following occurs when there is a lack of promotional opportunity in the
organization or a person decides not to seek advancement?
a. career deceleration
b. obsolescence
c. career plateauing
d. depression
Burnout does not affect all people in a given occupation. Vallerand (2008) proposes that
this is related to the types of _____________ one experiences.
a. coworkers
b. passion
c. tangible rewards
d. personality traits
Research indicates that in young adulthood________ is the primary goal of emotional
selectivity and in older adulthood_______is the primary goal.
a. information seeking; self-concept
b. information seeking; emotional regulation
c. emotional regulation; information seeking
d. emotional regulation; self-concept
Which person conceptualized person-environment interactions as the equation B = f (P,
a. Bandura
b. Lewin
c. Kahana
d. Schooler
Manipulation is a fundamental component of
a. correlational techniques.
b. naturalistic inquiry.
c. observation.
d. experimentation.
What can be concluded regarding Oregon's Death with Dignity Act?
a. Between 1998 and 2011, more than 5,000 people died under the terms of the law.
b. The factors of depression, coercion, and misunderstanding the law were not
well-screened for.
c. The law was found to have a negative psychological impact on patients.
d. A comprehensive review indicates that all safeguards worked.
Several countries, such as Belgium, Columbia, and Switzerland, tolerate
physician-assisted suicide provided five criteria are met. Which of the following is not
one of these criteria?
a. The patient is competent.
b. The patient makes repeated requests.
c. The patient is over age 65.
d. The patient's condition is intolerable with no hope for improvement.
Older adults have slower vasoconstrictor response. This means
a. they feel hot all the time.
b. they sweat more than younger adults.
c. it takes longer for them to raise their internal body temperature, or warm up.
d. they are especially sensitive to cold and feel cold all the time.
What are ADUs?
What is creativity, and how does it change across the life span?
There is much evidence that the process of________is much slower in older adults.
This means that drugs stay longer in the body as people grow older.
What are some conclusions that can be drawn regarding health promotion programs and
older adults?
_________, which often accompanies long-term alcoholism, involves major loss of
recent memory and sometimes a total inability to form new memories.
Mentoring fulfills Erikson's psychosocial crisis of__________.
The_________dimension of friendship represents how our friends keep us entertained
and are a source of amusement, fun, and recreation.
The neurocorrelational approach attempts to link measures of_________performance to
measures of brain
or functioning.
What is the neurocorrelational approach? How does it differ from the
neuropsychological approach? Explain.
Erikson (1982) talked about successful aging as___________.
What was Project ACTIVE? What was learned from this project?
What are the benefits of regular exercise for older adults?
What are the major assessment techniques?
By 2030, the proportion of older adults in the United States will have_________.
______is the normative age-related loss of the ability to focus on nearby objects.
Explanations that people construct about the causes of behavior are referred to

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