SOC 29529

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2109
subject Authors Larry J. Siegel

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Which is the goal of punishment that is designed to prevent others from committing
similar crimes?
a. deterrence
b. incapacitation
c. rehabilitation
d. restoration
Home confinement:
a. can lower recidivism rates.
b. can be cost effective.
c. is labor intensive for officers.
d. all of these choices.
In the case of ____________________, excessive and unnecessary force and abuse
were cited as commonplace in the special housing unit at Pelican Bay in California.
What has contributed to professionalism in corrections?
a. well-behaved inmates
b. staff development and training
c. a decrease in the inmate population
d. all of these choices
Cruel and unusual punishment refers to:
a. degrading the dignity of human beings.
b. punishing people because of their race, religion, and mental state.
c. punishment that is more severe than the offense for which it has been given.
d. all of these choices.
Brad just graduated from the corrections academy in his state. He has been
assigned to a maximum security prison that houses all types of offenders. He is
shadowing a veteran correctional officer named Carl.
While working one day in the yard, Carl confides in Brad that he is planning to apply to
the Federal Bureau of Prisons to be a correctional officer. He wants to make the change
because the federal government pays their correctional officers more. Brad is curious
about the requirements to become a federal correctional officer. He asks Carl what the
minimum educational requirements are to become a federal correctional officer. Carl
tells Brad that he must at least have a:
a. GED.
b. high school diploma.
c. three years of college.
d. a bachelor's degree.
Which of the following is Not a characteristic of the prison love affairs that are
established in female prisons?
a. They are unstable.
b. They are long term.
c. They are explosive.
d. There is a strict differentiation between the male and female role.
Frank Connelly is a convicted sex offender. He is serving an 80-year sentence for
sexually assaulting young boys over a 5-year period. He is one of many inmates
who have recently been sentenced to this correctional facility. He will never be free
again. However, they are dozens of sex offender inmates at this facility who are
eligible for parole or are approaching the end of their sentence. Brad is an inmate
who is eligible for parole next month. Joseph is one inmate who is about to
complete his sentence.
How many offenders nationwide are indefinitely committed after they serve their prison
a. 100
b. 1,000
c. 3,000
d. 30,000
The sentence requiring a certain number of years of incarceration for particular crimes
is a:
a. mandatory minimum sentence.
b. indeterminate sentence.
c. concurrent sentence.
d. consecutive sentence.
A signature bond is usually given for minor offenses, such as minor traffic offenses, and
is based on the defendant's written promise to appear in court.
a. True
b. False
Ted just entered the reception center of his state's correctional system. He is about
to begin his 10-year prison sentence for the crime of armed robbery. During his
classification, it becomes evident that Ted is in need of a wide variety of
correctional treatment. Officer Smith is the official assessing Ted's needs.
The most important assessment that Officer Smith must complete is the __________
assessment, which is designed to predict if Ted is likely to commit new offenses or
misbehave in prison.
a. academic
b. needs
c. risk
d. recidivism
The purposes of sentencing have shifted:
a. from an emphasis on utilitarian aims toward a greater focus on appropriate
punishment proportionate to the harm done.
b. from an emphasis on proportionate punishments to an emphasis on utilitarian aims.
c. from an emphasis on just deserts to rehabilitation.
d. from an emphasis on restoration to rehabilitation.
Community treatment refers to efforts to provide ____________________ for juveniles
in need.
a. care
b. protection
c. treatment
d. all of these
More than half of all incarcerated women are parents to children under the age of 18.
a. True
b. False
It is difficult for small jails to develop a variety of programs because they lack:
a. space.
b. staff.
c. fiscal resources.
d. all of these choices.
The number of escapes from prisons is increasing due to untrained officers and poor
security measures.
a. True
b. False
The view that suggests that if inmates are given the same rights and privileges as any
citizen, their anger and resentment toward society will diminish, thereby aiding the
rehabilitation process is:
a. the legalistic/due process view.
b. the crime control view.
c. the humanistic view.
d. none of these choices.
Nathan and Thomas were both just convicted of felonies and sentenced to prison.
Nathan was convicted of attempted murder. Thomas was convicted of stealing
multiple vehicles. Both offenders have juvenile records, but this is their first
conviction in adult court. Nathan is being sent to a state institution. Thomas is
being sent to a private prison in the state.
Nathan's crime of attempted murder is classified as a violent crime. What percentage of
state inmates are violent offenders?
a. 8 percent
b. 17 percent
c. 35 percent
d. 53 percent
Planning, monitoring, staff development and fiscal management are some of the
responsibilities of wardens or superintendants.
a. True
b. False
The first formal legal code was the:
a. Code of Hammurabi.
b. Declaration of Independence.
c. Magna Carta.
d. Twelve Tables.
Incapacitation is based on being able to predict the future needs of the offender, not on
the gravity of the current offense.
a. True
b. False
With the rise of truth-in-sentencing laws, more and more inmates were sentenced to
prison and required to serve what percentage of their sentence?
a. 35 percent
b. 50 percent
c. 85 percent
d. 95 percent
Consecutive sentences are usually the norm.
a. True
b. False
The majority of adults on parole are:
a. equal between males and females.
b. female.
c. male.
d. none of these choices.
The electric chair is the most common method used for executions.
a. True
b. False
Intensive supervised probation (ISP) was started in:
a. Georgia.
b. California.
c. New York.
d. Florida.
The warden is the one who labels a sex offender as a sexually violent predator.
a. True
b. False
A risk assessment is designed to:
a. predict new offenses or prison conduct behavior.
b. predict the length of a prison term.
c. predict age.
d. all of these choices.
What is the most widely used transfer mechanism when sending juveniles to adult
a. judicial waiver
b. prosecutorial waiver
c. statutorial exclusion
d. public defender request
Religious instruction and services are always provided in federal, state, and private
a. True
b. False
Intermediate sanctions are typically administered by jails.
a. True
b. False
The first colony to institute a jail was _______________.
_________________ jails offer many advantages, including effective supervision of
inmates, improved communication between staff and inmates, safety of staff and
inmates, and improved classification and orientation of inmates.
By some estimates, by the year 2030 one-third of the U.S. prison population will be
geriatric. How will this affect the correctional industry?
Why do people fail parole?
Discuss forfeiture as defined by the RICO Act and the CCE Act.
Institutions that have implemented a(an) _____________________ have stripped
prisons of weight rooms, do not provide cable television, and serve mediocre food.
If prisoners become involved in serious disciplinary offenses or attempt to escape, they
can lose their ____________________________.
What are the characteristics of day reporting centers?
Name at least four jail programs currently utilized.
____________________ jails provide linear/intermittent surveillance of inmates.
A(An)__________________ is usually given for minor offenses, such as minor traffic
offenses, and is based on the defendant's written promise to appear in court.
The ____________________ means that convicted offenders must pay back their
victims for their loss, the justice system for costs related to processing their cases, and
society for the disruptions caused because of their crimes.
Some lasting contributions of the ____________________ are indeterminate sentences,
the payment of inmates for work, the supervision of inmates in the community, and a
system of behavior modification.
A ___________________ can vary from probation centers, restitution centers, county
work-release centers, to therapeutic communities.
The ____________________ appropriates funds for criminal justice agencies, thereby
shaping their structure and mission.
Parole violations that pertain to behavior that is not a crime, such as the failure to
refrain from alcohol use, are called ____________________.

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