SOC 27512

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1748
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Religious involvement
A) tends to interfere with advanced moral development.
B) does not seem to prevent early sexual activity and teen pregnancy.
C) promotes responsible academic and social behavior.
D) increases as adolescents search for a personally meaningful identity.
Which of the following statements about prenatal sensitive periods with respect to
teratogens is true?
A) The fetal period is the time when serious defects are most likely to occur.
B) During the embryonic period, teratogens usually affect the growth of sensory organs,
such as the eyes and ears.
C) In the period of the zygote, before implantation, teratogens rarely have any impact.
D) During the fetal period, teratogens have no impact on the developing organism.
Evaluations of Incredible Yearsreveal that the program
A) is highly effective at improving parenting and reducing child behavior problems in
families with aggressive children.
B) initially helps families with aggressive children, but the effects of the parent training
component do not endure.
C) is somewhat helpful to control groups but does not improve the parenting of children
with conduct problems.
D) does not have any real lasting impact on children with serious conduct problems.
The embryonic disc
A) becomes the new organism.
B) is the outer ring of cells on a blastocyst.
C) has a good chance of survival outside the womb.
D) is a protective membrane that surrounds the amnion.
A __________ is an inborn, automatic response to a particular form of stimulation.
A) reflex
B) state of arousal
C) shrill cry
D) movement pattern
Verbally and relationally aggressive acts are particularly frequent in
A) children's television programming.
B) police and hospital TV shows.
C) reality TV shows
D) cartoons.
When asked about her political beliefs, Blair responds, "Oh, I don"t know. It doesn"t
make much difference to me." Blaire is demonstrating identity
A) moratorium.
B) diffusion.
C) foreclosure.
D) achievement.
Dr. Rodin is conducting a study on environmental factors that contribute to telomere
length. Dr. Rodin can expect to find that telomere shortening
A) predicts longevity.
B) is related to slowed disease progression.
C) is accelerated by certain health behaviors and psychological states.
D) occurs earlier in women than men.
Molly says, "Only girls can be nurses." Molly
A) is a gender-aschematic child.
B) has not yet attained gender constancy.
C) has an androgynous gender identity.
D) is a gender-schematic child.
According to __________ theory, social barriers to engagement, not the desires of
aging adults, cause declining rates of interaction.
A) continuity
B) activity
C) socioemotional selectivity
D) disengagement
Lev Vygotsky's theory focuses on
A) critical periods of human development.
B) children's capacity to shape their own development.
C) how behavior patterns promote survival.
D) how culture is transmitted to the next generation.
Once patients near death stop expressing hope, those close to them
A) should encourage them to hope for a cure.
B) should encourage them to hope for a miracle.
C) must accept this.
D) must maintain hope for a miracle.
According to Erikson's theory, a mistrustful baby
A) protects herself by exploring the world.
B) will reject her mother and look to other adults for comfort.
C) protects herself by withdrawing from people and things around her.
D) will develop a disorganized/disoriented attachment.
Dr. Faulkner believes that directly observable eventsstimuli and responsesare the
appropriate focus of the study of development. Dr. Faulkner probably follows the
__________ perspective of development.
A) psychosexual
B) psychosocial
C) behaviorism
D) cognitive-developmental
Among Westerners, __________ is important in limiting death anxiety.
A) a sense of life's meaning
B) belief in an afterlife
C) belief in God
D) regular prayer
Erikson described early childhood as
A) a period of "vigorous unfolding."
B) a time of ego growth.
C) the most stable time for personality development.
D) a "steady stream" of growth.
Social learning theory focuses on
A) how moral behavior is learned through reinforcement and modeling.
B) the emotional side of conscience development.
C) children's ability to reason about justice and fairness.
D) identification and guilt as motivators of good conduct.
According to Erikson, the psychological conflict of the preschool years is
A) trust versus mistrust.
B) autonomy versus shame and doubt.
C) industry versus inferiority.
D) initiative versus guilt.
Which of the following statements about age-related hearing loss is true?
A) African tribal people display little age-related hearing loss.
B) Women's hearing declines earlier and more rapidly than men's.
C) The first sign of hearing loss is a sharp loss at low frequencies.
D) Few middle-aged adults with hearing difficulties benefit from sound amplification
with hearing aids.
EEG, NIRS, and fMRI measures of neural activity in various cortical regions reveal
A) that the left hemisphere is relatively inactive in early childhood.
B) especially rapid growth from early to middle childhood in areas of the prefrontal
C) a burst in activity in the right hemisphere in early childhood.
D) a rapid change in density in the parietal lobe in middle childhood.
Which of the following statements about the development of make-believe play is true?
A) Make-believe play becomes increasingly self-centered with age.
B) Toddlers' first pretend acts are flexible and involve imitating a typical household
activity, such as cooking.
C) Sociodramatic play gradually decreases during the preschool years.
D) Increasingly, preschoolers realize that agents and recipients of pretend actions can be
independent of themselves.
Unlike Piaget's cognitive-developmental theory, the information-processing approach
A) uses clinical interviews to determine a child's stage of development.
B) does not divide development into stages.
C) characterizes each developmental stage by qualitatively distinct ways of thinking.
D) views development as a discontinuous process.
According to Erikson, preschoolers' exuberant play and bold efforts to master new tasks
break down when they
A) are threatened, criticized, and punished excessively by adults.
B) identify too strongly with the same-sex parent.
C) identify too strongly with the other-sex parent.
D) have an overly lenient superego.
Difficulties with prospective memory seen in the laboratory do not appear in real life
because older adults often compensate for declines in working memory by
A) relying on external memory aids.
B) resorting to strategies like rehearsal.
C) using elaboration.
D) focusing more on recognition than on recall.
Which of the following statements about sex differences in motor skills in early
childhood is true?
A) Boys have better balance than girls.
B) Girls can broad-jump slightly farther than boys.
C) Boys can hop and skip better than girls.
D) Girls are ahead of boys in fine-motor skills.
According to Kbler-Ross, engaging in sympathetic listening is the best reaction to
which of the five typical responses to the prospect of death?
A) anger
B) bargaining
C) depression
D) acceptance
Sixteen-month-old Grayson calls all dogs "dog," but only uses the word "puppy" to
refer to his family's dog. This is an example of
A) overextension.
B) underextension.
C) infant-directed speech.
D) referential style.
Asian parents and teachers are more likely than their American counterparts to view
__________ as key to success.
A) ability
B) luck
C) effort
D) intelligence
Aimee is coordinating a continuing education program for older adults. Which of the
following pieces of advice should she follow?
A) Relate new material to what older adults have already learned by drawing on their
B) Present the information in one session or in several short sessions.
C) Present information at a fairly rapid pace so it is not quickly forgotten.
D) Do not provide handouts and outlines because they are often cumbersome.
When their mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, the Johnson family chose a
comprehensive program of support services that provided an interdisciplinary care
team. The team emphasized quality of life. The Johnson family chose
A) home care.
B) an intensive care unit.
C) the hospice approach.
D) a long-term care facility.
Jeanine is 55. According to her doctor, Jeanine's reproductive capacity has ended. She
has reached the midlife reproductive transition called
B) the climacteric.
C) senescence.
D) menarche.
Forty-five-year-old Lizette remembers how she was caught shoplifting as a teenager,
and how the visit to the police station steered her away from a troubled adolescence.
She credits this event as sparking her interest in social work, and now works with
troubled and at-risk youth. Lizette's commitment story contains a theme of
A) invincibility.
B) reward.
C) contamination.
D) redemption.
Mild family conflict
A) is associated with a rise in antisocial behavior, particularly for older adolescents.
B) often escalates into intense parent"child disagreements and a sharp rise in sibling
C) informs parents of the changing needs and expectations of their children, signaling a
need for adjustments in the parent"child relationship.
D) interferes with adolescent autonomy and identity development and predicts
long-term adjustment problems.
If they are all statistically average, which of the following individuals is the most likely
to be lonely?
A) Donna, who is 25 years old and has recently divorced
B) Steven, who is 35 years old and has been married for 10 years
C) Janine, who is 40 years old and has never married
D) Miguel, who is 50 years old and has recently married

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