SOC 26711

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1538
subject Authors Barry Lewis, Lynn Kilgore, Robert Jurmain

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The proposition that increased aridity in the Near East at the end of the Ice Age led to
the development of domestication around permanent water sources is known as the:
A.Packing model
B.Oasis theory
C.Neolithic revolution
D.Nuclear zone model
E.Marginal zone model
Culture is defined by which of the following characteristics?
A.economic activities
B.symbolic communication organization
D.material culture
E.all of these
Which of the following describe the origins of physical anthropology?
A.desire to refute the ideas of Darwinian evolution
B.concern about the mechanisms by which modern species came to exist
C.desire to explain the biological variability in humans
D.all of the above
E.only B and C
Which of the following statements regarding primate dominance hierarchies is NOT
A.Dominance hierarchies tend to decrease the amount of physical violence in a group
due to increased competition for status.
B.Status is typically determined at birth by the rank of the mother.
C.Dominant animals typically have greater access to mating partners.
D.Ranking within the hierarchy is typically expressed through gestures.
E.Positions of status are learned.
Which of the following is the term for collector-type hunter-gatherers from the Near
East ca. 12,000 y.a.?
The Complete Replacement, or Recent African Evolution, Model proposes that:
A.modern human populations only emerged in Africa
B.the development of modern humans represents a speciation event
C.modern humans replaced non-African premodern species
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
The process of assigning an age in calendar years to materials is known as:
A.context dating
B.stratigraphic succession
C.relative dating
D.chronometric dating
E.calendric succession
When a disease is continuously present in a population it is said to be:
Why are stone tools important for reconstructing the human past?
A.They are the aspect of culture most often preserved.
B.They represent the most important part of culture.
C.Tool use is a unique to hominins.
D.all of these
Cities are defined by:
A.specialized occupations complexity
C.formal organization
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
An alternate approach to dividing primates as either prosimians or anthropoids involves
what two suborders?
A.Prosimii and Anthropoidea
B.Platyrrhini and Catarrhini
C.Strepsirhini and Haplorhini
D.Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea
E.Callitrichidae and Cebidae
An alternate form of a gene is known as an:
The morphological changes associated with habitual bipedalism serve to accomplish
what function?
A.maintaining a stable center of balance
B.allowing more efficient weight transfer from upper body to legs
C.allowing the leg muscles to work more effectively
D.provide greater leverage from foot/big toe
E.all of these
Traits that reflect specific evolutionary lines and can be informative as to evolutionary
relationships are called:
D.convergent characters
The principle of segregation is based on:
A.the fact that all alleles occur in pairs
B.the separation of allele pairs during meiosis
C.the presence of only one member of a chromosome pair in a gamete
D.all of these
E.none of these
The development of the disk shaped cores by Neandertals provided what technological
A.the ability to produce sharper tools
B.the ability to make more efficient use of the stone
C.the ability to successfully work bone and antler
D.the ability to manufacture a wide range of tools
E.all of these
John Ray is associated with which important biological concept?
A.the species
B.inheritance of acquired characteristics
C.common ancestry of all life
D.binomial classification
E.none of these
The primate emphasis on the visual sense is reflected in:
A.presence of color vision in most species
B.forward facing position of the eyes
C.reduction in size of structures related to the sense of smell
D.all of the above
E.only B and C
The successful diversification of mammals occurred during which geologic era?
The non-random impact of natural selection on genetic variability is known as:
A.genetic drift
B.gene flow
C.directional selection
D.selective fitness
E.adaptive radiation
Which of the following is a recent area in American archaeology in which many
contemporary archaeologists are employed?
A.forensic archaeology
D.public archaeology
E.cultural archaeology
Which of the following statements best defines intelligence?
A.It can be accurately measured with an IQ test.
B.It is determined by environmental factors.
C.It is determined by genetic factors.
D.There is a clear, scientifically demonstrated association between intelligence and
population affinity.
E.only B and C
Which of the following definitions best describes the concept of uniformitarianism as
proposed by Lyell?
A.All species have evolved at a relatively uniform rate.
B.The earth was uniformly stable as created by a divine entity.
C.The earth was too young for evolution to have produced significant changes.
D.The geological processes that operated in the past are still occurring in the present.
E.only A and C
The development of formal, non-kin, organization is defined as:
A.the adoption of social roles, such as adjudication, by the state
B.the end of kin relations as an important factor for the individual
C.political succession based on a system other than heredity
D.the transition from an egalitarian to a ranked structure
E.the establishment of an institutional bureaucracy
Which of the following explains the presence of grooming as a social behavior?
A.reinforces social bonds
B.provides means of gaining favor from dominant animals
C.forms a means of conflict resolution
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
Which of the following statements best describes the geographic distribution of Middle
Pleistocene hominins?
A.They significantly expanded the range of Homo erectus.
B.They were unable to spread much beyond Africa and the Near East due to geographic
C.They settled virtually every inhabitable area, outside of Antarctica and Polynesia.
D.They were concentrated primarily in Asia and southern Europe.
E.They lived in roughly the same geographic range as Homo erectus, with a denser
occupation of Europe.
Lactase persistence is defined as:
A.the inability to digest fresh milk
B.the persistent presence of vitamin D deficiency due to insufficient milk consumption
C.the ability of adults to produce lactase
D.all of these
E.none of these
What australopithecine possesses large pointed canines, a semisectorial lower first
premolar, and parallel to convergent tooth rows?
A.Australopithecus africanus
B.Australopithecus afarensis
C.Australopithecus robustus
D.Australopithecus anamensis
E.Australopithecus boisei
The Dmanisi hominins indicate that Homo erectus may have evolved in Asia, rather
than Africa.
Which of the following best defines the term "reproductive success"?
A.the ability to raise offspring to reproductive age individuals genetic contribution to the next generation
C.the ability to successfully pass on transmutations to offspring
D.all of the above
E.answers A and B only
Which of the following is NOT an explanation offered to explain the occurrence of
A.results from competition for resources
B.aberrant behavior caused by overcrowding
C.increases group fitness
D.inadvertent killing
E.increases fitness of the male
A technique that allows scientists to make multiple copies of a DNA segment is called:
C.polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
D.gene sequencing
Burins are associated with:
B.the Levallois technique
C.working hard materials like bone, antler, and ivory
D.soft-hammer percussion
E.the Mousterian

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