SOC 23971

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1866
subject Authors Earl R. Babbie, Michael G. Maxfield

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Police measurement of crime is imperfect because:
a. people do not always report crimes to the police
b. police do not always record crimes that become known to them
c. police do not always record crimes that they observe
d. all of the above
The relationship between policy analysis and program evaluation is best characterized
a. both rely upon clearly identical goals and objectives
b. program evaluation is used to test the achievement of goals and objectives worked
out through policy analysis
c. program evaluation must precede policy analysis
d. there is no relationship between policy analysis and program evaluation
Which of the following is a fundamental variable in criminal justice and criminology?
a. timeliness
b. applicability
c. crime
d. arrest rates
Reliability is threatened every time there is a single observer as the source of data.
a. True
b. False
The more a person drinks and drives the more likely they are to be pulled over for DUI.
This is an example of:
a. a theory
b. a law
c. a hypothesis that results in a negative relationship
d. a hypothesis that results in a positive relationship
Which of the following is not a concept?
a. juvenile delinquency
b. peer group
c. grade in research methods
d. religiosity
A variety of approaches towards compensating research participants exist, one of the
most rewarding is:
a. letting them see the data later
b. providing them with a stake in the project
c. using their information with no compensation whatsoever
d. none of these answers are correct
Questions do what in regard to participant's responses:
a. frame
b. nothing
c. contradict
d. motivate
The interview schedule for focus groups can be:
a. structured
b. semi-structured
c. unstructured
d. all of the answers are correct
Which of the following is not considered a threat to internal validity in an experimental
a. maturation
b. instrumentation
c. randomization
d. statistical regression
Ruth wanted to study the educational histories of inmates at prison. She interviewed
prisoners on their involvement in school and academic performance. Ruth was
conducting which type of research?
a. longitudinal
b. panel
c. retrospective
d. cohort
Measures of central tendency include all except:
a. standard deviation
b. median
c. mean
d. mode
Which of the following statements is not correct?
a. a measure is valid if it truly measures the underlying concept
b. a measure is reliable if it is observable over time
c. a measure is reliable if it is constant
d. both validity and reliability are important in a measure
Regarding nomothetic explanation, which of the following specific criteria for causality
do researchers consider?
a. two variables must vary togetherthey must be empirically correlated.
b. the cause must occur before the effect.
c. the empirical correlation between cause and effect is not due to some other factor.
d. all of the above
Atlas and NVIVO are examples of what:
a. random words
b. quantitative data analysis programs
c. qualitative data analysis programs
d. responses participants have given in qualitative studies
Surveys may be used for all but which of the following?
a. descriptive research
b. motivational research
c. explanatory research
d. exploratory research
What time of the year would be best to do an observational study of thefts from cars
parked at shopping malls?
a. early in the year, January " February
b. early summer, June " July
c. late summer, August
d. late in the year, December
One important step in selecting a measure of crime is deciding what crimes will be
a. True
b. False
The "Chicago School" was noted for the study of crime in various sections of the city of
Chicago. Which of the following was used to study where crime happened?
a. concentric zones
b. ask people why they left Chicago for other northern cities
c. interviews with police officers
d. content analysis of newspapers
When we use regression analysis, we are finding the regression equation that represents
the geometrical line that comes closest to the distribution of points. This can be
illustrated in which of the following?
a. the regression equation Y = a + bX allows us to infer values of X when we know the
value of Y
b. the regression equation Y = a + bX allows us to infer values of Y when we know the
value of X
c. the regression equation requires that we know the values of X, Y, a and b when we
begin doing the analysis
d. the regression equation has little, if anything, to do with the understanding of the
distribution of points in a data set
Which of the following is not a type of interview used in qualitative research:
a. structured
b. semi-structured
c. unstructured
d. all of these types of interviews are used in qualitative research
When compared with UCR, which measure has the chance to provide greater detail to a
broader range of offenses?
b. Monitoring the Future
All people are mortal, therefore Socrates is mortal is an example of which type of
a. deductive
b. observation
c. inductive
d. hypothesis
In order to study active criminals who have not been arrested for their criminal acts, the
researcher would be wise to employ which type of sampling technique?
a. purposive sampling
b. snowball sampling
c. convenience sampling
d. stratified random sampling
A key feature of qualitative interviewing is:
a. data
b. validity
c. contextualization
d. regression
With the use of regression analysis the researcher is able to:
a. offer a graphic picture of the association between two variables
b. summarize the association between two variables
c. predict other sets of values
d. all of the above
Which of the following would a researcher completing an impact assessment be
concerned with?
a. understanding how participants are selected
b. measuring the dependent variable
c. measuring the success of the program
d. measuring the independent variable
Which of the following is not an example of a type of statement?
a. laws
b. propositions
c. axioms
d. objectives
A focus group is typically classified as a type of:
a. survey based research
b. qualitative interview
c. forced interaction
d. advanced analytical technique
Ratio measures are the highest level, followed by:
a. interval, nominal and ordinal
b. nominal, interval, ordinal
c. interval, ordinal, and nominal
d. ordinal, nominal, interval
Which of the following would not be considered an appropriate method of gathering
information in field studies?
a. automated devices such as ELMO
b. using written records
c. paper and pencil to write notes
d. videotape
This is the range of sample statistics obtained when many samples are selected?
a. random numbers
b. sampling distribution
c. selection interval
d. quota
Webster's New World dictionary (4th ed.) defines ethical as "conforming to the
standards of conduct of a given profession or group."
a. True
b. False
When dealing with sensitive issues it may be more effective to use a self administered
a. True
b. False
Which of the following represent targeted victims surveys?
a. self reports
b. Uniform Crime Reports
c. National Crime Victimization Survey
d. Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring
refers to how a researcher connects with participants.
When referring to whether results from experiments conducted in one setting would be
obtained in other settings, our main concern is one of validity.
Murder rates and arrest rates are common examples in which the is a relatively
straightforward count.
is a matter of whether a particular measurement technique, applied repeatedly to the
same object, will yield the same result each time.
When the researcher can list each element of a population, that list is known as the
To ensure that variables that occur rarely in a population will be represented in a
sample, the researcher would want to employ a sampling technique.
Give two specific examples of research where a quasi-experimental design would be
more appropriate than a classical experiment. Why would each of your examples not fit
the classical experiment model?
involve interviewing multiple people simultaneously.
Manifest and latent content can be distinguished by the degree of required in
refers to the importance that subjects not be affected by the researcher's role as
Harm to subjects, researchers, and third parties is especially risky when doing studies.
Accidental spillover of an experimental stimulus to the control group is an example of
In order to guess values on one variable when two variables are related the model of is
employed which suggests the stronger the relationship, the greater the reduction of
When the researcher must rely upon available subjects such as stopping people on the
street to ask opinions about a recent crime, the technique is called .
Illogical reasoning occurs if you choose to follow the exception that proves the .
Data analysis usually begins with data management and .
Moving from specific data to a general theory or understanding is called reasoning.
The refer to the basic question of what a policy action is trying to achieve.

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