SOC 23471

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1759
subject Authors Bunny McBride, Harald E. L. Prins, William A. Haviland

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If two people are given the same kinship term, this means that
a. they have the same genes.
b. no one can tell the difference between them.
c. they occupy a similar family status.
d. they are identical twins.
e. they are members of an adopted family.
Which of the following is not a cultural characteristic associated with Neanderthal?
a. Deliberate burial of the dead
b. Ability to make and control fire
c. Care for the elderly and disabled
d. Living sites in caves
e. Use of Mousterian tools
In which urban area do we currently find some of the largest numbers of urban poor?
a. London, England
b. Nairobi, Kenya
c. Paris, France
d. Los Angeles, California
e. Lagos, Nigeria
A holistic spiritual worldview that is found in egalitarian societies and which permeates
all daily activities is called
a. positivistic.
b. spiritualistic.
c. naturalistic.
d. monistic.
e. dualistic.
The major difference between animism and animatism has to do with whether the
supernatural force that occupies an entity is
a. personal or impersonal and without identity.
b. natural or supernatural.
c. a god or an ancestral spirit.
d. a priest or a shaman.
e. an example of witchcraft or of divination.
Global warming is thought to be primarily caused by
a. climate shifts.
b. tilting of the Earth.
c. loss of ozone.
d. burning fields.
e. burning fossil fuels.
Which of the following best defines applied anthropology?
a. The use of anthropological techniques to better prepare populations for market
research and the introduction of capitalism
b. The application of anthropological types of change in order to help indigenous people
develop further
c. The use of anthropological knowledge and methods to solve practical problems in
communities confronting new challenges
d. The implementation of change into indigenous populations only in order to save and
preserve them
e. Teaching anthropology in the classroom to a new generation of students
Cross-cultural research that allows anthropologists to explain why differences or
similarities occur between groups is known as
a. ethnography.
b. biography.
c. ethnology.
d. ethnohistory.
e. ethnoarchaeology.
All peoples engage in artistic behavior as they use their imagination creatively to
interpret, understand, and even enjoy life. The archaeological record suggests that
humans have produced art for how many years?
a. 250,000
b. 150,000
c. 80,000
d. 40,000
e. 10,000
A society in which human labor, hand tools, and animal power are largely replaced by
machines, with an economy primarily based in big factories, is called a(n)
a. foraging society.
b. horticultural society.
c. pastoral society.
d. agricultural society.
e. industrial society.
Suzanne Leclerc-Madlala worked with traditional healers in what country in order to
promote greater awareness and effectiveness in addressing HIV/AIDS rates?
a. The United States
b. Kenya
c. South Africa
d. Rwanda
e. Liberia
The caste system remains deeply entrenched in Hindu culture and is still widespread
throughout southern Asia, especially in rural India.
Several years ago, the Italian tourism minister commented on the "typical
characteristics" of Germans, causing a huge controversy as to whether or not a people
could be labeled. This labeling and grouping is called
a. modal personality.
b. national character.
c. stereotype.
d. group personality.
e. independence training.
In the United States, there are _____ different ethnic groups within its borders (in
addition to hundreds of federally recognized American Indians).
a. 1,118
b. 406
c. 237
d. 120
e. 76
Descent groups are associated with all of the following except:
a. they provide social security for the elderly members.
b. they promote harmony through worship of ancestors.
c. they play a role in arranging marriages for members.
d. they make all laws for the state.
e. they are economic units providing aid.
People who cross over or occupy an intermediate position in the binary male-female
gender construction are called
a. transsexuals.
b. intersexuals.
c. transgenders.
d. eunuchs.
e. third genders.
In acculturation, subordinate groups will often incorporate new cultural elements into
their own culture, creating a blend of old and new. A reinterpretation of new cultural
elements to fit them with already existing traditions is called
a. innovation.
b. syncretism.
c. assimilation.
d. acculturation.
e. modernization.
Ideal "cultural personality" traits among Yanomamo men would include being
a. irritated and whiny.
b. loving and respectful.
c. questioning and anxious.
d. fierce and humorous.
e. nurturing and affectionate.
The most preferred form of marriage around the world is
a. polyandry.
b. monogamy.
c. group marriage.
d. polygyny.
e. serial marriage.
Justifications for war are embedded in a society's
a. religious beliefs.
b. class structure.
c. worldview.
d. political organization.
e. perspective of sanctions.
Anthropology has sought directly to do each of the following except:
a. document the practice of culture.
b. impose a Western and modern approach to life.
c. document disappearing cultural practices.
d. reconstruct traditional ways of life.
e. educate its audience on the importance of culture.
In today's Native American societies, the preferred term to describe an individual who
falls between the categories of "man" and "woman" is known as
a. berdache.
b. gay.
c. passive homosexual.
d. two-spirit.
e. effeminate.
A process of cultural change in which a population tends toward a nonreligious
worldview is called
a. desecration.
b. reaction.
c. syncretism.
d. secularization.
e. revitalization.
Which of the following is not a phase typically associated with revitalization
a. Normal state in which stress is low and the culture satisfies basic needs
b. Normal means of satisfying basic needs no longer functions
c. Emergence of a prophet or leader to guide a following
d. Mass emigration of the followers to other nations in order to spread the religion
e. State of cultural upheaval leading to domination and exploitation by outside force
Most African slaves found in the burial ground in New York died early. Few lived past
the age of
a. 15.
b. 25.
c. 40.
d. 50.
e. 65.
Families can be consanguine or conjugal. The conjugal family has many forms. One
type of conjugal family is the _____, consisting of the husband, wife, and dependent
a. polygynous family
b. polygamous family
c. polyandrous family
d. nuclear family
e. extended family
What was the focus of Annette Weiner's research in the Trobriands?
a. Women's reproductive work
b. Women's productive work
c. The village religious structure
d. Men's canoeing and trade relations
e. Migratory patterns and changes in family structure
In the 1930s and "40s, Edward Sapir and _____investigated the idea that language, by
providing habitual grooves of expression, predisposes people to see the world in a
certain way.
a. Leslie White
b. Franz Boas
c. Benjamin Lee Whorf
d. Peter Woolfson
e. Bill Haviland
_______________ was a pioneer in using anthropology as an instrument to combat
a. Franz Boas
b. Matilda Coxe Stevenson
c. William Haviland
d. Stephen Jay Gould
e. Suzanne Leclerc-Madlala
When kinship membership is traced either through males or through females but not
both, it is called
a. bilateral.
b. unilineal.
c. patrilineal.
d. ambilineal.
e. matrilineal.
What is the role of peasants in an urban society?
Answer:Will vary
In what ways is "progress" a relative concept, especially for indigenous societies?
Answer:Will vary
Anthropology is different from other disciplines that study humans because it is very
focused on singular aspects of a culture.
Discuss how various societies have sought to regulate sexual relations. What is the
impact of a globalized media on these arrangements today?
Answer:Will vary
Discuss the relationship between advocacy anthropology and social justice.
Answer:Will vary
What effects has shamanism had on rock art throughout southern Africa?
Answer:Will vary
Who are thought to be supplying Somali pirates with arms and supplies, and why?
Answer:Will vary
Discuss and evaluate each of the mechanisms involved in cultural change.
Answer:Will vary
The Eskimo kinship system produces a designation of parallel and cross cousins.
Bronislaw Malinowski, in his classic essay, "Magic, Science and Religion," claimed
that each of magic, science, and religion were each a viable mode of cognition and that
most societies exhibit all of them in variable proportions. In what ways does magical
thinking persist in contemporary North America?
Answer:Will vary
A chief can expect his authority to remain unchallenged during his lifetime, unlike the
tonowi, who is in constant danger of being thrown down from his pedestal.
One way that culture is preserved and shared is by language.
How does healing occur among the Ju/"hoansi?
Answer:Will vary
Discuss the process of modernization and its effect on societies. Be specific.
Answer:Will vary
Compare and contrast convergent and parallel evolution, and provide an example of
Answer:Will vary
How was the rise of the state linked to the emergence of plural societies?
Answer:Will vary
Distinguish between a nation and a state.
Answer:Will vary
Almost half (44%) of all people in the world get by on less than $2.00 per day.
A group of people without a common culture who are stranded together for a month on
a desert island and who learn to work together for survival while they are there, may be
said to constitute a society.

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