SOC 15303

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1896
subject Authors George F. Cole, Michael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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Discretionary release places great faith in the ability of the parole board members to:
a. link inmate treatment with the level of custody.
b. predict future offender behavior.
c. assess readiness for permanent release to community.
d. all of these.
Probation officers have broad discretion to investigate potential rules violations and
even new crimes.
a. True
b. False
a. A range of correctional management strategies
b. Incarceration followed by sentence reduction
c. Sanctions can be calibrated and made equivalent
d. Designed for young offenders
e. Compensation for loss
f. Penalty based on an offender's income
g. Free labor as compensation
h. Government seizes assets used in criminal activity
i. Potential loss to victim/system
j. Targets offenders subject to incarceration
Principle of interchangeability
Correctional officers carry deadly weapons.
a. True
b. False
The________model was dominant in the 1960s and early 1970s.
a. retribution
b. incapacitation
c. rehabilitation
d. reintegration
According to the text, every aspect of the corrections field raises questions that concern
deeply held values about:
a. money.
b. politics.
c. social relations.
d. punishment.
Behavior that blurs the social distance between prison staff and inmates is known as:
a. crossing the line.
b. boundary violation.
c. abuse.
d. rule violation.
The concept of separate confinement was introduced in several different locations;
which one became the fullest expression of rehabilitation through separate
a. Potomac, Maryland
b. Auburn, New York
c. Trenton, New Jersey
d. Cherry Hill, Pennsylvania
Match each item to the phrase or sentence below.
a. Designed for young offenders
b. Earned through behavior, education, and labor
c. Treatment is required for offenders
d. Done by inmate labor
e. Contractors exchange food and clothing for convict labor
f. Reintegration is the goal
g. Developed in Auburn, NY
h. Incarceration and supervision control behavior
i. Isolates prisoners from society
j.Sociological, biological, and psychological causes of crime
The deserved-punishment approach requires sanctions be administered solely for the
goal of incapacitation.
a. True
b. False
Parole supervision varies from state to state.
a. True
b. False
Unjust punishments can occur because of sentencing disparities and wrongful
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Inmates and visitors have a great deal of freedom
b. Newer with functional units located in the entry
c. Central corridor for prisoner movement
d. Treatment programs designed to reform offender
e. Restrictions on inmates/visitors are less strict than maximum security
f. Often used for juveniles and women
g. Emphasizes family and community ties as a method of reform
h. Strict limitations on freedom of inmates/visitors
i. A control center from which to monitor movement
j. Emphasizes security, discipline, and order
Medium security
_______________ release refers to the release of an inmate from prison without any
further correctional supervision; the inmate cannot be returned to prison for any
remaining portion of their sentence for the current offense.
a. Mandatory
b. Conditional
c. Expiration
d. Discretionary
Correctional officers rely on _______________ and _______________to gain
a. coercion and force
b. punishments and bribes
c. rewards and coercion
d. rewards and punishments
Western states tend to have the highest incarceration rates of African Americans in the
United States.
a. True
b. False
Formal codes of institutional conduct have emerged only in the last 40 years.
a. True
b. False
The "congregate" system of prison discipline was first instituted at the:
a. Walnut Street Jail.
b. Sing Sing Penitentiary.
c. Eastern Penitentiary.
d. Auburn Penitentiary.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Inmates and visitors have a great deal of freedom
b. Newer with functional units located in the entry
c. Central corridor for prisoner movement
d. Treatment programs designed to reform offender
e. Restrictions on inmates/visitors are less strict than maximum security
f. Often used for juveniles and women
g. Emphasizes family and community ties as a method of reform
h. Strict limitations on freedom of inmates/visitors
i. A control center from which to monitor movement
j. Emphasizes security, discipline, and order
Rehabilitation model
A consequence of the view of differential criminality would be that:
a. race would not be a factor in the criminal justice system.
b. the view is vulnerable to charges of racism.
c. it can inform preventative detention policies.
d. the view is vulnerable to charges of racism and it would mean the creation of a
"criminal class" of people who are dangerous.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. When an ex-offender's poor decision making makes adjustment problems worse
b. Handle problems with recently released offenders
c. Legal barrier to reentry
d. A small group living facility for offenders
e. The removal of a conviction
f. Violating conditions of parole
g. Act of clemency
h. Criterion for deciding whether evidence is strong enough to uphold an arrest
i.Originated in Wisconsin in 1913
j.Regulate non-criminal behavior
Conditions of release
According to the authors, which system of government divides power between one
national government and multiple state governments?
a. federalism
b. democracy
c. communism
d. capitalism
When compared to men, the offenses women commit are usually:
a. more violent.
b. more self-destructive.
c. less serious.
d. less expensive.
The__________ was a penitentiary system developed in Pennsylvania in which each
inmate was held in isolation from other inmates.
a. congregate system
b. assemble system
c. separate confinement system
d. segregated confinement system
Drug crimes are the only place we see discriminatory incarceration rates.
a. True
b. False
The most pressing medical problem in jails is the problem of AIDS and HIV.
a. True
b. False
Death row inmates tend to be poorly educated men from the middle class.
a. True
b. False
Studies have shown that young men between 16 and 24, both inside and outside of
prison, are more prone to violence than older men.
a. True
b. False
In prison, gangs are organized primarily to:
a. control an institution's drug trade.
b. control gambling and extortion within the institution.
c. control debt-collection rackets within the institution.
d. all of these
Vaginal examinations are frequently conducted by correctional officers to discover
a. True
b. False
Racial disparities become racial ___________ if people who are otherwise similar in
their criminality are treated differently by the criminal justice system because of their
a. discrimination
b. bias
c. exploitation
d. favoritism
_______measurement makes sure programs are having their intended effects.
Offenders who repeat certain kinds of crime are sentenced to long prison terms through
the concept of __________incapacitation.
___________________is the release of an inmate from incarceration without any
further correctional supervision.
Correctional__________ is difficult to assess.
If parole is not regularly awarded to eligible prisoners,________ among inmates may
suffer, consequently impacting their attitudes and behavior toward staff and other
Provide definitions for coercive, normative, and remunerative power as they relate to
the correctional system.Discuss the effectiveness of each type of power. Which do you
feel could lead to a more secure and productive correctional setting? Be sure to fully
explain your answer.
Answer:Answers will vary.
An inmate released from prison to conditional supervision at the discretion of the parole
board within the boundaries set by the sentence and the penal law has a/an
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Punishment to a body inflicting pain
b. Law of civil society
c. Forced rowing
d. Detention facility
e. Pleasure over pain
f. The right to be tried in ecclesiastical court
g. Retaliation
h. Age of Reason
i. A form of banishment
j. Free will and severe punishment
_________are designed to distinguish inmates with respect to risk of escape, potential
misconduct in the institution, and future criminal behavior.
________refers to a sentence in which the offenders serve terms of incarceration in
their own homes.
Discuss how the relationship between politics and criminal justice policy are reflective
of race and punishment. Are there differences? How have the differences changed over
Answer:will vary.
Half of all people placed in jail were under the influence of _________or at the time of
When prison space is limited, judges reserve ___________ for only the most violent
The first recognized U.S. Supreme Court case recognizing the termination of the
hands-off policy was the case of________ .
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Compliance by threat
b. Compliance for material resources
c. Compliance through manipulation of symbolic rewards
d. Supervisor can oversee limited subordinates effectively
e. Subordinate reports to only one superior
f. Toleration of some actions of inmates to operate the prison
g. Behavior violation of department policy
h. Prison disorder results from weak management
i. Support line personnel
j. In direct contact with the client
Staff personnel
Progressives implemented probation, , and parole throughout the United States.
Discuss the impact of the prisoners' rights movement that ultimately changed
corrections in this country. When answering, be sure to highlight key events, cases, and
decisions that can be considered causal and inspirational for the movement.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Women are often referred to as "the forgotten offenders." Discuss how they"ve come to
receive this title. In what ways are they forgotten? Describe the way that sexism has
impacted the experiences of women offenders.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Administrators believe that elderly inmates should remain in the general prison
population; however, they should receive _____ accommodations.

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