SOC 13984

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2060
subject Authors Earl R. Babbie, Michael G. Maxfield

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In order for there to be no ethical considerations in doing criminal justice research, the
researcher must do all of the following except
a. ensure that participation in the study is voluntary
b. make sure that no physical, emotional or psychological harm comes to the subjects
c. adhere to either confidentiality or anonymity " whichever is promised to the subjects
d. make each subject fully aware of purpose, reasons and outcomes of the research
Which of the following is accurate with respect to paradigms?
a. paradigms consist of groups of hypotheses
b. paradigms are ways of organizing our views
c. paradigms are hypotheses linked in a logical framework
d. all statements are accurate
Which of the following sampling techniques would not be appropriate for field
a. snowball
b. purposive sampling
c. stratified sampling
d. probability
Defensible Space is:
a. the current U.S. policy for protecting Americans
b. an attempt to understand the link between urban design and crime
c. a movie that demonstrates how to protect yourself
d. U.S. missile defense system
In the concentric zone theory of the "Chicago School" the zone of transition is
characterized by:
a. the citizens that formed the core of morality for the city
b. the wealthiest citizens of Chicago
c. low-income immigrants from Europe initially
d. people who relocated from the suburbs
The first part of most scholarly journal articles is:
a. the Introduction
b. the Discussion Section
c. a Research Abstract
d. the Methods Section
Households used by the National Crime Victimization Survey are an example of which
unit of analysis?
a. individuals
b. groups
c. social artifacts
d. organizations
Which of the following would be an example of a retrospective approach to
longitudinal studies?
a. asking how many victims of childhood abuse later abuse their own children
b. asking how many child abuse victims' parents were also abuse victims
c. asking how many offenders incarcerated in the state of New York have high school
d. none of the above is an example of a retrospective approach
If a researcher tries to assess criminal victimization of the poor and disadvantaged,
rather than using the term
"welfare" in her questionnaire, which of the following is less biased?
a. assistance to the poor
b. on the dole
c. the underclass
d. public nuisance
What can be said about the relationship between process evaluations and impact
a. process evaluations can be used in interpreting results from an impact assessment
b. process evaluations monitor program implementation and questions about a
program's effects
c. process evaluations are a method of assessing the accuracy of the data collected
d. there is no relationship between impact assessments and process evaluations
In order to measure a program's success in meeting goals, the researcher should be able
to do which of the
following in advance of the inception of the research?
a. involve measureable performance dimensions
b. all important terms must have non-controversial definitions
c. relevant standards or criteria must be specified
d. all of the above
Which of the following are not true concerning sampling error?
a. if many independent random samples are drawn from a population, then the sample
statistics from those samples are distributed in a predictable way around the population
b. probability theory allows us to use a formula to estimate how closely the sample
statistics are clustered
c. the standard error identifies how spread out or clustered the sample statistics are
around the population parameter
d. sampling error allows us to know if we selected the wrong subjects for our sample
Supporters of Humphrey's "Tearoom Trade" cited all of the following reasons for
Humphrey's methods except
a. deceit used in the research was essentially harmless
b. the topic of anonymous sex in public places was worthy of study
c. being a voyeur in sexual encounters is something that "caught on" resulting in many
replications of his study
d. anonymous sex in public bathrooms could not be studied any other way
Of hair color and blonde, which is the attribute?
a. hair color
b. blonde
c. both are attributes
d. neither are attributes
Criminal justice researchers have ethical obligations to
a. make shortcomings known to readers
b. report negative findings
c. colleagues in the scientific community
d. all of the above
If you wanted to measure the number of date and acquaintance rapes that happen in this
country and use UCR data as your source, what is likely to be your most significant
a. generalizability
b. validity
c. reliability
d. applicability
Rather than try to exclude or otherwise control possible outside influences, scientific
realism studies how such influences are involved in
a. external validity claims
b. cause-and-effect relationships
c. cohort and trend studies
d. patterns and trends
Follow up questions are typically used during which interview:
a. the initial interview
b. the second interview
c. the third interview
d. none of these answers are correct
Quasi-experiments differ from true experiments in that they lack random assignment to
control and experimental groups.
a. True
b. False
Ordinal measures are variables whose attributes may be logically rank-ordered.
a. True
b. False
Retrospective studies have the danger of faulty memories or even subjects lying.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following would be an inappropriate manner to report findings on the
variable gender?
a. median
b. mode
c. raw numbers
d. percentages
To guard against most threats to internal validity in the classical experiment the
researcher should:
a. focus upon external validity
b. focus upon generalizability
c. use random assignment
d. put subjects only in experimental groups
Scientific inquiry in practice typically involves a relationship between:
a. theory and policy
b. concepts and paradigms
c. hypothesis and hypotheses
d. deduction and induction
The results of Burgess and Park's study using the concentric circles in the city of
Chicago resulted in:
a. the finding that where ever the poorest people live will be the least amount of crime
b. the finding that where the most wealthy people live will be the highest rates of
property crime
c. the finding that the crime rate will be the highest in the area characterized by
d. the finding that when people move from one zone to another, they take their criminal
tendencies with them
Two pillars of science are:
a. logic and data
b. questions and answers
c. logic and observation
d. research and development
All of the following are examples of information collected by or for public agencies
except for:
a. published statistics such as National Crime Victimization Survey
b. research produced by faculty at private colleges and universities
c. nonpublic agency records such as internal police data identifying where most crime
happens in their jurisdiction
d. new data collected by agency staff that is "hybrid" in nature
Which of the following is not appropriate subject matter for a field study?
a. juvenile gang behavior following the arrest of one of its leaders
b. police-citizen interactions at a rock concert
c. homeless men's use of shelters
d. measuring the length of jury trials
Overgeneralization can lead to misrepresentation and:
a. justification
b. simplification
c. complication
d. replication
Individual contribution to a topic of study is known as the structural functionist
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is most accurate with respect to published statistics?
a. published statistics such as FBI data presents almost no threat to validity
b. published statistics such as FBI data presents almost no threat to reliability
c. published statistics such as FBI data presents potential threats to validity and
d. published statistics such as FBI data should only be used by law enforcement since
the data was collected by them
Bivariate analyses typically have an explanatory purpose.
a. True
b. False
When constructing questions it is a good idea to ensure that a set of given responses is ,
including all reasonable responses in the categories given.
The standard deviation is the square root of the .
Archives and agency records may be based on of analysis that are not suitable for
particular research questions.
As a researcher keep in mind that when individuals are selected to participate in any
sort of research study it
their regular activities.
Generally speaking, secondary data are least useful when the purpose of research is .
Another word for intersubjective agreement is ____________________.
A definition that spells out precisely how the concept will be measured is known as .
When any given response fits in only one given set of categories the categories are
Explain why experimentation is not well suited for the purposes of description and
When a researcher asks people to recall their past in order to obtain measurement of
some phenomena over time, the technique is called a(n) ____________________ study.
Specifying the different of a concept often paves the way for a more sophisticated
understanding of what we are studying.
Explain the role of randomization in classical experiments.
Unidentified specialized words in qualitative interviewing are referred to as categories.
To gain access to a formal organization for the purposes of field research, one needs to
find a
who is personally known to and respected by the director.
In order to make sure that there was no long-term damage done to the participants of
the simulated prison, the researchers held sessions with "prisoners" and "guards" after
the termination of the project.
Your research methods class has been given the assignment to measure the student body
of your university with respect to their attitudes about the death penalty. To ensure equal
representation of undergraduates, graduate students and all majors, what sampling
technique would you use? How would you go about pulling that sample? What would
you need to know before that sample is pulled?
If a researcher restricts the kinds of concepts and variables to be considered as causes in
criminal justice research, they are committing the error of ?
When there is a study of a large number of variables that are associated with a small
number of cases or subjects, the researcher is engaged in ____________________
In content analysis one may code the visible, surface content known as the content.
means repeating a study, checking to see whether similar results are obtained each time.

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