SOC 11546

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 2959
subject Authors Fredda Blanchard-Fields, John C. Cavanaugh

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The default network of the brain refers to the regions of the brain that are
most_______when an individual is at rest and not involved in a cognitive task.
a. intense
b. inactive
c. active
d. observed
The________ratio provides insight as to the number of people who have to provide
support for those less able to do so.
a. dependency
b. financial responsibility
c. Social Security
d. quality of life
When asked to remember life events, vivid memories from which age range are most
likely to be reported?
a. 0-10 years of age
b. 10-30 years of age
c. 30-50 years of age
d. vivid memories are recalled from all time periods of life in equal numbers
A definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease depends on
a. a mental status exam.
b. CT and PET scans.
c. an autopsy.
d. genetic screening.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) produces
a. pictures that represent brain activity as different colors.
b. images of brain activity with low anatomical detail.
c. pictures of healthy brain functioning but not of pathological brain functioning.
d. highly detailed images of the anatomical structures of the brain.
The belief that one's capacity can be learned or improved with practice is called
a. age effects.
b. plasticity.
c. incontinuity.
d. instability.
Research on practical problem solving shows that
a. performance peaks in early adulthood and then declines.
b. performance increases from early adulthood to middle age.
c. performance increases most between middle and old age.
d. performance remains the same across adulthood.
What are the developmental trends in Sternberg's three components of love
a. As the length of the relationship increases, intimacy and commitment decrease, but
passion increases.
b. As the length of the relationship increases, passion and intimacy decrease, but
commitment increases.
c. As the length of the relationship increases, commitment and passion decrease, but
intimacy increases.
d. The trends vary by couple.
Realizing that there can be more than one right answer to a problem, and that the right
answer depends on the circumstances, demonstrates
a. absolutism.
b. mechanism.
c. formalism.
d. relativism.
Exercise has a positive effect on______ , which are closely associated with cognitive
a. the prefrontal and hippocampal brain areas
b. the brain stem and temporal lobe
c. the cerebellum and occipital lobe
d. the parietal lobe and cerebellum areas
Which of the following is not a moderator of intellectual change?
a. cohort
b. educational level
c. occupation
d. gender
Because customs differ across cultures, behavior that may be normative in one culture
may be indicative of problems in another. This points to the importance of
understanding________ when defining psychopathology.
a. sociocultural influences
b. biological influences
c. psychological influences
d. life-cycle influences
The scaffolding theory of cognitive aging (STAC) model suggests that the reason older
adults continue to perform at________levels despite neuronal deterioration is because
of compensatory scaffolding.
a. low
b. high
c. superior
d. unpredictable
The_______are involved in higher-order executive functions such as the ability to make
and carry out plans, switch between tasks, and maintain attention and focus.
a. cerebellum and hippocampus
b. prefrontal and frontal cortex
c. hippocampus and limbic system
d. cerebellum and amygdala
Football players often complain about their knees after playing, and tennis players often
complain about their elbows after a match. Based on this description, you would guess
they have
a. osteoporosis.
b. rheumatoid arthritis.
c. osteoarthritis.
d. degenerative skeletosis.
An example of a longitudinal-sequential design would be
a. measuring two cohorts of people over time.
b. measuring several cross sections of people once.
c. measuring multiple groups of same-aged people.
d. measuring one group of people over time.
Dixon and colleagues found that when older adults worked together to recall a story
a. they confused each other.
b. their performance was better than as individuals working alone.
c. they each remembered different aspects of the story.
d. they only remembered certain aspects of the story and completely forgot other
Which of the following is true regarding mentors?
a. Having a mentor results in the mentee having higher overall lifetime earnings.
b. Any mentor is a good match with any prospective protege.
c. Having a poor mentor is worse than having no mentor.
d. The quality of the mentor is not as important as the intelligence and dedication of the
The concept of death
a. is similar across cultures.
b. is completely unknown in some societies.
c. varies across cultures.
d. is a purely Westernized abstraction.
The cohort of individuals born between the years 1946 and 1964 are, on average,
a. the most active and healthiest generation to reach old age in history.
b. most likely to be unemployed during the retirement years.
c. more likely to experience ageism than any other cohort in history.
d. most likely to be in poor health in older age.
Between now and 2030, older adults will come to expect to keep their more affluent
lifestyles as well as the benefits they've accrued over their years of working. However,
research indicates that
a. they will not, on average, have the financial savings necessary to support these
b. most will live in poverty.
c. chronic health conditions will significantly reduce their life spans.
d. lack of affordable prescription drugs will mean higher mortality rates at younger ages
for older adults.
Tina is demonstrating dysphoria, a common symptom of depression. Dysphoria is
characterized as
a. being pessimistic.
b. feeling down or blue.
c. restlessness.
d. being irritable.
Which of the following is associated with neuroscience?
a. brain structures and functioning
b. the effect of reinforcements, such as rewards and punishments, on behavior
c. repressed impulses and their effect on the id, ego, and superego
d. the theory of the mind
When confronted by an invader, an_________ is produced to protect the body from
future invasions.
a. autoantibody
b. autoimmunity
c. antibody
d. anti-immunity
A DNR order stands for
a. do not rectify
b. doctor nurse rehabilitation
c. do not resuscitate
d. disable nurse requests
In the 1970s, older were adults were portrayed as
a. kind, gentle, and caring.
b. ruthless and unfeeling.
c. politically active, fiscally conservative, and selfish.
d. politically active, liberal, and generous.
The most popular medications for treating high cholesterol come from a family of drugs
a. beta blockers.
b. statins.
c. benzodiazepines.
d. SSRIs.
Which of the following is the most serious form of chronic obstructive lung disease?
a. asthma
b. bronchitis
c. emphysema
d. pneumonia
Which person devised a theory in which people choose occupations that optimize the fit
between their individual traits and their occupational interests?
a. Terkel
b. Holland
c. Vallerand
d. Sandberg
Research by Winecoff and colleagues (2011) indicates that as cognitive abilities decline,
people may be less able to______, a pattern typical in diseases such as dementia.
a. ignore irrelevant information
b. learn new tasks
c. hold as many pieces of information in working memory at one time
d. regulate their emotions
Overall, older adults do less well than younger adults on______, but on________this
difference between the age groups is reduced.
a. recognition tests; recall tests
b. recall tests; recognition tests
c. tests of semantic memory; test of episodic memory
d. tests of short-term memory; tests of long-term memory
Which of the following is the correct sequence of Piaget's stages?
a. concrete operations, sensorimotor, formal operations, preoperational
b. sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, formal operations
c. formal operations, concrete operations, preoperational, sensorimotor
d. preoperational, formal operations, sensorimotor, concrete operations
The emotional processing areas of the brain are________over time, whereas
higher-order executive cognitive processes seem to __________.
a. preserved; decline
b. conserved; increase
c. preserved; increase
d. conserved; decline
When you are determining where particular pieces of information originated, you make
a. social context judgment.
b. source judgment.
c. implicit source judgment.
d. impression formation.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of single parents?
a. being financially better off than their married counterparts
b. finding that loneliness can be difficult to deal with
c. having concerns about dating
d. experiencing complex feelings including failure, guilt, and a need to be overindulgent
________was created to "give some measure of protection to the average citizen and
his family against the loss of a job and against poverty-ridden old age."
Angela's memory is assessed by giving her a list of items to remember and then testing
her retention. This method of assessment is called ________________________.
Briefly discuss factors that lead to a decrease in the number of friends found between
young adulthood and old age.
________includes scripts regarding social activities, our knowledge of social rules, and
our ideas about how to behave in social situations.
Erik Erikson proposed that the life cycle has_________stages of development and that
the sequence of these stages is biologically fixed.
Research studies indicate that contrary to popular perception, there is no relationship
between age and
________assume that little change in personality will occur across adulthood.
Much like Brandtstadter's assimilative activities,_______ involve bringing the
environment into line with one's desires and goals.
What is the focus of a hospice? Which individuals are most likely to be hospice clients?
Identify and briefly describe the main terms in McAdams theory.
What is the age-based double standard of perceived competence in young and older
Differentiate among age, cohort, and time-of-measurement effects.
Grief is an active coping process in which people must do several things. What are
these things?
________results from improper contraction of the kidneys, causing the bladder to
become overdistended.
When a participant cannot give informed consent, such as in the case of a participant
with advanced Alzheimer's disease, then _____________.
Describe programs aimed specifically at improving the health of older adults.
In Whitbourne's theory, over-reliance on________makes a person resistant to change.
Describe and define the three parts of Medicare.
In an effort to improve mentor-mentee matches, some organizations have taken a cue
from dating and created

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