SOC 10768

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 951
subject Authors Rebecca L Stein

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The Wogeo of New Guinea believe that Wogeo traditions are the only valid traditions in
the world and that Wogeo speech is uniquely pure. They refuse to speak the languages
of the communities with which they trade because their neighbors make the sounds of
dogs. This attitude is an example of:
a. cultural relativism
b. ethnocentrism
c. morality
d. righteousness
Jewish food prohibitions are:
a. based solely on health and nutrition concerns
b. prescriptive and spelled out in the Torah
c. concerned only with the prohibition on eating pork
d. all of the above
The monomyth is a narrative involving:
a. the creation
b. an explanation of illness and death
c. a culture hero
d. none of the above
Early Judaism:
a. shared many of the same religious beliefs as other religions of the time
b. may have implicitly accepted the existence of other gods
c. used many different names for God
d. all of the above
Rastafarians smoke ganga or the "wisdom weed." This is actually:
a. tobacco
b. marijuana
c. material from a jungle vine
d. none of the above
A Korean shaman may be asked to:
a. guide the dead to the underworld
b. locate game for hunters
c. identify and remove layers of illness
d. travel along the Axis Mundi to the underworld
Gods such as "Separator of Seeds from Cotton" and "Winder into Ball" are found
among the:
a. Yoruba
b. Ifugao
c. Dani
d. Shoshoni
A new religious group that practices mass wedding ceremonies is the:
a. Branch Davidians
b. Unification Church
c. Vodou
d. Raelians
Which of the following is true about benge, the poison oracle?
a. poison may be given directly to the accused witch
b. poison is given to young pigs who either die or survive
c. sticks are dipped in poison and then placed in termite mounds
d. the poison is seldom strong enough to actually kill an animal
The Navaho phrase to "walk in beauty" and the Euro-American phrase "Thou makest
him to have dominion of the works of thy hands" point out major differences in:
a. the supernatural
b. subsistence activities
c. worldview
d. the sacred
A deliberate attempt to bring about change in a culture characterizes:
a. rites of passage
b. revitalization movements
c. rites of intensification
d. Neo-Pagan movements
The Yanomam believe in:
a. several different souls that have different destinations after death
b. a single immortal soul that recycles from grandparent to grandchild
c. a perfect afterlife only for those people free of sin
d. the necessity of burial to preserve the soul for a coming new world
Examples of pilgrimages includes the:
a. Islamic hajj
b. Catholic journey to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe
c. Huichol journey to Wirikuta
d. all of the above
Vodou in Haiti grew out of the:
a. the religions of West Africa
b. Catholicism
c. Freemasonry
d. all of the above
Haitian Zombies are:
a. living persons who have been placed in a zombie state in order to work in the fields
b. reanimated dead persons who eat brains
c. a special class of especially evil and troublesome ghosts
d. people who have died before their time and return to life to bring death to friends and
Marijuana is used in the religious practices of the:
a. Holiness Church
b. Rastafarians
c. Yanomam
d. Native American Church
Peoples of New Guinea involved with cargo cults imitated the behavior of Europeans
(such as writing on paper and sitting on chairs) because they:
a. felt these were the rituals which made cargo available to the Europeans
b. hoped to impress European officials and in turn receive more cargo
c. wanted to be good Christians
d. wanted to make proper use of their newly obtained wealth
Hildegard of Bingen, who lived in the twelfth century, is known for her:
a. descriptions of her mystical experiences
b. paintings of the saints
c. medicines and medical practices
d. high political position
A high demand religion is characterized by:
a. strict control of outside information
b. communal living
c. members being given new names and identities
d. all of the above
In eastern European folk belief (not Hollywood folk belief) a vampire is:
a. an evil spirit that sucks blood from its victims
b. a person who, having died before his time, returns to life to bring death to his friends
and neighbors
c. a dead person brought back to life by a sorcerer
d. a person who turns into an animal upon death
A wedding is an example of a rite of passage. The celebration or party following the
religious or secular wedding ceremony is an example of that phase of a rite of passage
known as:
a. transition
b. separation
c. peripheralization
d. incorporation

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