SESP 89126

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 3249
subject Authors Deborah Deutsch Smith, Naomi Chowdhuri Tyler

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In the past, Francisco gave up as soon as he came across a math problem that he didn't
understand, Now, whenever Francisco comes to a difficult problem, he has learned to
talk himself through it, saying things like, "This isn"t hard. I"ve learned how to do this,
and I can work it by myself." Which of the following is Francisco using?
A. self-instructions
B. self-monitoring
C. goal-setting
D. self-reinforcement
Skai lacks the stamina to sit for extended periods of time. Which of the following would
be an appropriate accommodation so that Skai can take an hour-long algebra test?
A. break the test into smaller pieces of 15-20 minutes each, and let her take them
gradually over time
B. require that she finish the test in 30 minutes to make her work faster
C. giver her a waiver from test taking.
D. have another student take the test for ger.
Which adult with an intellectual disability will probably express the highest level of
satisfaction with his or her life?
A. Taran, who is unemployed
B. Titan, who works in a day center for people with intellectual disabilities
C. Tyson, who is employed in a sheltered workshop
D. Thais, who is employed in a store in her community
A child who has difficulty controlling his movements, but whose disability is not
neurological, has a(n)
A. muscular/skeletal condition.
B. neuromotor impairment.
C. chronic illness.
D. infectious disease.
Cillian faces physical challenges because his body is impaired due to a physical
deformity. Cillian has a(n)
A. special health care need.
B. muscular disability.
C. physical disability.
D. health disability.
Disabilities whose prevalence and incidence occur very rarely in the general population
are referred to as
A. multiple-severe disabilities.
B. very low-incidence disabilities.
C. high-incidence disabilities.
Who used the term dyslexia and developed remedial techniques for children with severe
reading problems?
A. Samuel Orton
B. Alfred Strauss
C. Kurt Goldstein
D. Heinz Werner
Ian has a hearing loss, but is able to understand sounds with help from a hearing aid.
Which term correctly describes his hearing loss?
A. hard of hearing
B. deaf
C. Deaf
D. sound impaired
Which ear structure is responsible for catching sound waves and funneling them down
the auditory canal?
A. pinna
B. tympanic membrane
C. Eustachian tube
D. cochlea
Simian is too sick to attend his neighborhood school, or to be cared for at home.
A. cannot receive educational services until he returns to school.
B. will probably fail most of his subjects and have to repeat this school year.
C. can ask for a modified IEP that allows him to be promoted to the next grade,
regardless of whether he masters his grade-level content standards.
D. probably receives his educational services in a hospital setting.
The NICHCY definition of people with severe disabilities recognizes that individuals
may require supports in
A. one major life activity.
B. more than one major life activity in order to enjoy the typical standards of quality of
C. at least two major life activities in order to be independent.
D. three or more major life activities to qualify for support from the federal
Five-year-old Orhan hears the word mud and says, "M-u-d", breaking the word into
smaller parts. He also has fun making rhyming words, even if they are nonsensical
words. Orhan has strongly developed __________ skills.
A. phonological awareness
B. letter fluency
C. phonics
D. reading comprehension
When working with preschoolers with ASD, Ms. DeVault uses a highly structured
technique that uses teacher-directed activities, repetition of skills through practice, and
careful application of rewards. Ms. DeVault is using
A. task analysis.
B. discrete trials.
C. applied behavior analysis.
D. structured TEACCHing.
Victor was born with an opening in the roof of his mouth that causes too much air to
pass through his naval cavity. This results in a speech impairment. Which condition
does Victor have?
A. cleft lip
B. cleft palate
C. otitis media
D. inflamed larynx
Can a student with a learning disability and hearing loss be counted in the federal
government's multiple-severe disabilities category?
A. Yes
B. Yes, as long as both disabilities are documented.
C. It depends on each state's definition for this category.
D. No
Ms. Dawkins works with a deaf-blind student and creates access to visual and auditory
information for him. She is a(n)
A. functional behavioral assessor.
B. intervener.
C. speech/language therapist.
D. occupational therapist.
Kalaysha is reading a passage using the strategies she learned with Collaborative
Strategic Reading. She has just encountered a "clunk." What has just happened?
A. She has just read a passage that is very boring.
B. She has been interrupted by one of her peers.
C. She has come across a word that she does not know.
D. She has finished a reading comprehension game.
Cochlear implants
A. make a person's hearing normal.
B. make a person's oral language normal, as long as he or she is prelingually deaf.
C. send electrical signals to the ossicles and cochlea that simulate sound waves, passing
information through the auditory nerve to the brain.
D. are inexpensive and used by most children with hearing loss.
Carlo is a student with an emotional or behavioral disorder. He got in a fight with
another student who does not have a disability. That student was placed in the in-school
suspension program for 5 days. Which of the following may happen to Carlo, according
to IDEA?
A. Carlo cannot be suspended because he has a disability.
B. Carlo must be returned to his current placement within five days.
C. Carlo can be placed in in-school suspension, but his IEP services must be provided
in that setting.
D. Nothing can happen to Carlos, as manifest determination applies.
According to ____'s definition, gifted and talented children exhibit achievement or
potential in intellectual, creative, academic, or leadership abilities.
C. Terman
D. Marland
The members of the Jukes family
A. were the first to challenge the pre-IDEA school systems about the right to a quality
education for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
B. advocated strongly for the change in terminology from mental retardation to
intellectual disability.
C. became mired in the U.S. judicial system as a result of bias and prejudice against
individuals with intellectual disabilities.
D. were fictional people created to illustrate that individuals with intellectual
disabilities were a menace to society.
All of the following are traits associated with ADHD EXCEPT
A. creativity.
B. intuitiveness.
C. emotional awareness.
D. positive self-image.
When six-month-old Caylee won"t stop crying, her babysitter shakes her so hard that it
causes brain damage. Caylee has
A. prenatal TBI.
B. postlingual TBI.
C. shaken baby syndrome.
D. crying baby syndrome.
Students who have never met can work together as a result of
A. distance education technology.
B. curriculum compacting.
C. honors courses.
D. differentiated curriculum.
Sophia purposely tells lies about Bianca in an attempt to ruin her reputation and turn
mutual friends away from her. Sophia is engaging in which type of bullying?
A. physical
B. relational
C. verbal
D. sexual
A student with TBI who fatigues easily is allowed to take a test over a time period of
multiple days. Which type of accommodation is this?
A. scheduling accommodation
B. equipment accommodation
C. response accommodation
D. presentation accommodation
Definitions of ASD generally agree that symptoms of the disorder are evident by age
A. one.
B. five.
C. six.
D. three.
During a science test, most of the students remain in their seats working quietly. Peyton,
however, taps his pencil until the lead breaks and gets up to sharpen it three times. He
also jumps up and walks to the teacher's desk to ask questions, rather than simply
raising his hand. Peyton is displaying which key characteristic of ADHD?
A. inattention
B. hyperactivity
C. impulsivity
D. combined type
A progress monitoring probe is
A. not a reliable gauge of a student's skill levels.
B. a type of summative assessment.
C. a short test that can be administered in a matter of minutes.
D. often used in mandatory exit tests.
The intent and meaning of spoken or written statements defines
A. content.
B. use.
C. form.
D. syntax.
) Alexei, a young man with an intellectual disability, has been placed in a paying job
with significant assistance, including job development, job coaching, and coworker
training. This is an example of
A. job development.
B. supported employment.
C. job coaching.
D. assisted living.
Jacquey has an IQ of 41) Although she showed marked developmental delays during
childhood, she is able to live semi-independently in a group home setting. She has held
a steady job for several years, which she found and maintains with the help of a job
coach. Under which level of severity would she be classified?
A. mild intellectual abilities
B. moderate intellectual abilities
C. severe intellectual abilities
D. profound intellectual abilities
Anja is blind. As she watches a DVD movie with her husband, she also hears a narrator
say things like, "Bond frowns, and his eyes dart to the far corner of the room." This
description is an example of
A. tactile input.
B. visual input.
C. closed captioning.
D. audio input.
All of the following are listed in your text as ancient treatments for physical and health
disabilities EXCEPT
A. application of meat and honey to the neck.
B. avoiding too much sun exposure.
C. stretching racks.
D. herbal remedies that induced hallucinations.
The students at Northside High Schoolwho come from predominantly White, middle- or
upper-income familieshave much higher scores on state-wide tests than do students
from Southside High School, who come from predominantly lower-income Latino and
African American families. This scenario illustrates an example of
A. a risk ratio.
B. the achievement gap.
C. disproportionate representation.
D. nativism.
Discuss general, early, and imminent warning signs of students who are at risk for
school violence.
Explain how the bone conduction audiometry method works.
Prior to reading this chapter, were you aware of media reports linking childhood
vaccines to ASD? Similarly, were you aware that the researcher behind those reports
had falsified his research findings? Discuss steps that you think could have prevented
this story from having such a dangerous influence on children's health. Be sure to
address the fact that the false information made headlines, while the truth behind the
story got very little press coverage. Also include suggestions for preventing a similar
situation in the future.
Meghan works in a supported employment setting. What does this mean?
Arvid uses a self-instruction or self-talk strategy to make sure he works carefully. Give
an example of what this might look like.
Give a brief definition of emotional or behavioral disorders.
Can attributions, learned helplessness, and motivation of students with learning
disabilities be altered? If so, how?
Briefly explain what the expanded core curriculum is for students with visual
Describe the resource room service delivery option.
Give two examples of damaging outcomes that occurred when families, educators,
researchers or the media did not exercise due diligence in validating the information.
Explain the differences between phonological awareness, letter fluency, and phonics
skills and give examples of each. Why are these three skills so important?
Describe the physical process of hearing.
Put the following in order from least to most restrictive settings: general education
classroom; residential facility; resource room; separate school; self-contained
Summarize the Kennedy family's contributions to the treatment of individuals with
disabilities, particularly those with intellectual disabilities.
Briefly explain the difference between an equal education and an equitable education.
Give a brief definition of PECS.

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