SESP 67803

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2440
subject Authors Philip L. Reichel

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"Justiceland" allows the victim or the victim's relatives to initiate action against an
offender. This process exemplifies:
a. retributive prosecution.
b. private prosecution.
c. public prosecution.
d. unlawful prosecution.
Why do some people consider the jurist Shafi"a to be the father of Muslim
a. He was the first person elected the Islam's highest court of law
b. He provided a creative solution to the weight that should be given to the oaths taken
by victims and those taken by the accused
c. He proposed a compromise between those believing that all rules must be derived
from the Qur"an or Sunna, and those believing that the law should be elaborated
through the use of human reason and personal opinion
d. He served as Muhammad's scribe and put into writing each of Muhammad's rulings
The jury trial did not prove to be very well suited to criminal proceedings in civil law
systems. Which of the following came to provide a functional equivalent to the jury
a. Trial by compurgation
b. Mixed benches
c. Petite, rather than Grand, juries
d. Trial by ordeal
Which of the following is NOT a feature of legal custom as conceived by Blackstone?
a. It is ancient (no one can remember its beginning)
b. It is intermittent (it may be abandoned or interrupted but always returns)
c. It is compulsory (it is not obeyed at option)
d. It is consistent (one custom cannot contradict another)
Based on restrictions set in United States Supreme Court decisions, we would not
expect the police to be able to independently detain a suspect for more than 15 hours
before a judicial officer reviews the legality of the detention
a. True
b. False
Delinquency is considered a problem in all regions of the world except Latin America.
a. True
b. False
According to the textbook's coverage of centralized single police forces, the most likely
variable to explain which countries adopt this police form is geography (e. g., country
size and population density).
a. True
b. False
Which of the following best describes the new constitutional provisions regarding
defense counsel in Russia?
a. The defense counsel controls the case investigation
b. The case investigator must include defense counsel in any investigative activities
c. A person is not allowed to have defense counsel until that person is formally charged
d. Defense counsel no longer has to be a member of the communist party
In which of the following countries can the police, on their own authority, detain a
suspect for up to 37 days?
a. United States
b. France
c. China
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
The diffuse model of judicial review gives the duty of constitutional control to:
a. a special Constitutional Court.
b. the country's Supreme Court.
c. the legislature.
d. all the courts in the country.
Although a member of the French judiciary, the juge d"instruction has responsibility for
investigating the more serious and complex criminal cases.
a. True
b. False
Japan's new saiban-in system means that defense counsel will now be provided to
indigent suspects at government expense.
a. True
b. False
Koban vary in size and shape but have one feature in commona round, red lamp hung
over the front door.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the crime control model?
a. Administrative emphasis
b. Emphasis on finality
c. Presumption of guilt as an orienting attitude
d. Emphasis on the primacy of the individual
As in the United States, Japan's aging prison population results mostly from long
mandatory sentences and restricted parole.
a. True
b. False
Plainclothes German police officers who are similar to detectives in the United States
are called the Deutsche Volkspolizei.
a. True
b. False
Place in order, from first step to final step, the stages for achieving "rule of law." (1)
Values are reduced to written form; (2) Certain values are recognized as supreme; (3)
Procedures are provided for holding the government to a nation's fundamental values.
a. (1), (2), (3)
b. (3), (2), (1)
c. (2), (1), (3)
d. (2), (3), (1)
Which of the following U. S. federal agencies is (are) involved in combating
transnational crime?
a. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
b. The Department of Justice (DOJ)
c. The Department of Treasury (DOT)
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Because of the definitions used, it is possible to have both "domestic trafficking" and
"domestic smuggling."
a. True
b. False
Chuzaisho are the koban of Korea.
a. True
b. False
The four features comprising the general characteristics of Western criminal law are:
a. politicality, penal sanction, uniformity, and specificity.
b. politicality, specificity, penal sanctions, and formality.
c. specificity, punishment, restitution, and vagueness.
d. probation, deterrence, restitution, and rehabilitation.
Heroin produced in Afghanistan is consumed within the region and/or trafficked to
a. True
b. False
Koban in downtown Tokyo are called chuzaisho.
a. True
b. False
Japan's position as a world power is especially surprising since it is considerably
smaller than countries like Italy and the United Kingdom.
a. True
b. False
When Japan's laws avoid making any formal distinction regarding levels of culpability,
they exemplify which aspect of substantive law in the Eastern Asia legal tradition?
a. Specificity
b. The reliance on fa over li
c. The influence of communism
d. The preference for informal justice
One of the best uses for comparative crime statistics from around the world is to
develop the "best places to live" types of rankings.
a. True
b. False
For summary proceedings in Japan:
a. the defendant does not have to agree to the procedure.
b. both prosecution and defendant are present while the judge reviews the case.
c. penalties are limited to fines and cannot include any detention.
d. both defense and prosecution have the right to a formal trial if either is dissatisfied
with the ruling.
Even if a person initially consented to engage in prostitution, he or she is a trafficking
victim if they are held in service through coercion.
a. True
b. False
China is positioned toward the justice end of the continuum of juvenile justice models
because of its emphasis on the responsibility and accountability aspect of the justice
model. China is not more clearly an example of the justice model because:
a. the police in China serve as the magistrate in juvenile court.
b. of the relative absence in China of due process for juveniles.
c. young offenders are sanctioned by school officials rather than by court officials.
d. the communist party does not acknowledge the policy of parens patriae.
In Islamic law, the Qur"an states the diyya may be used to:
a. retaliate against the offender.
b. help rehabilitate the offender.
c. provide compensation to the victim.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
A court wiretap order that specifies a person rather than a particular phone line to be
tapped is called a:
a. roving wiretap.
b. hardwired wiretap.
c. record wiretap.
d. transmit wiretap.
As opposed to simply being an indicator of a large amount of crime in a country, an
increased rate of recorded crime may reflect a more efficient and thorough system of
reporting and recording crime.
a. True
b. False
In general terms, the common legal tradition makes use of the adversarial process
whereas the _____ legal tradition follows the inquisitorial process.
Distinguish between, and provide examples of, synthetic classification strategies and
authentic classification strategies.
Of the two procedural criminal law models, the _____ model is more likely to believe
that the greatest threats to citizens' freedom are government agents such as police
officers and prosecutors.
The _____ test, developed in the thirteenth century, was among the first methods used
to determine insanity.
Explain some of the arguments that favor and oppose allowing jurors to ask questions
of witnesses during a criminal trial.
The _____ Civil is Spain's oldest national police force and was patterned after the
French Gendarmerie.
When countries are distributed on a pie chart according to their type of legal tradition,
the single category holding the most countries is the _____ legal tradition.
In 2010, the United Nations adopted the Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners
and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders. These rules will be known as the
_____ Rules for the city where they were drafted.
Note the two dimensions of analysis used by Bayley to describe the structure of police
systems and explain the six categories resulting from those dimensions.
The term _____ refers to the belief that one's own way of doing something is the best.
The term "unified trial" in Germany refers to the German court's simultaneous
determination of guilt and _____.
Explain the similarities and difference between human trafficking and migrant
Explain which strategy is being used under the descriptive approach when the emphasis
is on the specific agencies and their employees charged with operating a country's
criminal justice system.
Responses to juvenile misbehaviors in China (e.g., truancy, gambling, watching
pornographic material) often fall to the _____, who have the authority to reprimand
parents and order them to discipline the juveniles.
The textbook emphasizes three items linked to policing that may help explain Japan's
low crime rate. List and explain those three items.
The text distinguishes between Bracton's use of prior cases to show custom and the later
use of citing prior cases as binding (i. e., stare decisis). Explain that distinction.
When the court is deciding if the police behaved properly when searching a suspect, the
court is addressing a question of _____.

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