SESP 62097

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1781
subject Authors Linda S. Miller

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To implement the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, then
Attorney General Janet Reno created the:
a. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS).
b. Weed and Seed program.
c. Community Policing Consortium.
d. Bureau of Proactive Policing.
All of the following are benefits of partnerships with the community except:
a. a sense of accomplishment.
b. gaining recognition and trust.
c. meeting community members.
d. enhanced officer response to calls for service.
According to the text, all of the following are elements of the developmental assets
approach except:
a. community commitment.
b. constructive use of time.
c. social competence.
d. support.
According to the text, gangs use children to commit all of the following acts in schools
a. shoplifting.
b. murder.
c. burglaries.
d. drug sales.
Closed drug markets:
a. are those in which dealers sell only to people they know or who are vouched for by
other buyers.
b. are usually outdoors.
c. usually sell small amounts of drugs.
d. are vulnerable to market disruptions.
The IACP has identified five key principles that should form the basis for a national
-homeland security strategy. Which of the following is one of those key principles?
a. All terrorism is local.
b. Prevention is paramount.
c. Hometown security is homeland security.
d. all of the above
Problem-oriented policing places a high value on new processes that:
a. are not dependent on the criminal justice system.
b. are dependent on the criminal justice system.
c. focus directly on the community.
d. enable law enforcement to assist communities with their specific problems.
The disabilities that police officers encounter the most frequently are:
a. touch impairment.
b. kinesics impairment.
c. mobility impairment.
d. taste impairment.
Mixing chemicals in clandestine methamphetamine labs creates substantial risks of:
a. explosions.
b. fires.
c. chemical burns.
d. all of the above
Community policing:
a. is the result of government intervention techniques.
b. is focused on its evolving strategy of community efforts.
c. is an organization-wide philosophy.
d. works to direct citizens toward management goals.
According to the text, ________________ terrorism is foreign based or directed by
countries or groups outside the United States against the United States.
a. domestic
b. violent
c. religious
d. international
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and state public records laws:
a. grant the media access to crime scenes.
b. allow the public to choose which media sources they get their information from.
c. govern what police can and cannot disclose to the media.
d. mandate that information be withheld from the public.
The program called _______________, as stated in the text, believes that the use of
-mind-altering substances does not necessarily constitute abuse.
a. Random Student Drug Testing
b. Life Skills Training
d. Safety First
This system links eye-scanning cameras with computers to identify people who have
been preauthorized to enter schools.
b. SSI
d. T-COP
The text definition of participatory leadership meANS that management:
a. welcomes employee ideas and input.
b. makes the decisions.
c. seeks community input.
d. looks to the governing agency.
All of the following are considered "participatory style" styles of leadership except:
a. go by the book.
b. teamwork.
c. trust employees.
d. problem solving.
Skills needed by officers in a problem-oriented police environment are:
a. creativity and flexibility.
b. imagination and intelligence.
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b
The America's Promise Alliance, founded in 1997, focuses on five promises. Which of
the following is not one of those promises?
a. caring adults
b. safe places
c. a healthy start
d. free lunches
The Adam Walsh Child Protection Act, also known as the Sex Offender Registration
and Notification Act (SORNA), created a new federal sex offender registry.
Most undercover assignments are used to obtain information and evidence about illegal
activity when it cannot be obtained in any other way. _______________ cover involves
deception, but the officer usually goes home at the end of the shift.
a. Light
b. Medium
c. Deep
d. none of the above
A study supported by the NIJ showed that students who graduated from the GREAT
course showed:
a. higher levels of delinquency, risk-taking behavior, and approval of violence.
b. higher levels of self-esteem, parental attachment, and perceived educational
c. lower levels of commitment to positive peers, antigang attitudes, and perceived
positive school environments.
d. no long-term benefits or drawbacks.
According to the text, and depending upon the journalist, "off the record":
a. guarantees that anything said following that term will not be reported by the media.
b. guarantees nothing.
c. may make it more likely that the remarks will be published.
d. both b and c
Which part of the United States has the lowest methamphetamine use?
a. northern
b. western
c. southern
d. eastern
Eck suggests that _______________ blocking changes to make crime more difficult,
riskier, less rewarding or less excusable is one of the oldest forms of crime prevention.
a. place
b. opportunity
c. diffusion
d. contagion
According to the text, the Weed and Seed program sought to:
a. provide funding for low income families.
b. identify, arrest, and prosecute offenders.
c. weed out low income troublemakers.
d. seed communities with new housing.
Using the SARA model, the final step in problem solving is:
a. assessment.
b. analysis.
c. arbitration.
d. assistance.
According to the text, the most frequently committed violent crime in the United States
a. homicide.
b. domestic violence.
c. alcohol-impaired driving.
d. sexual assault.
The first step in problem-oriented policing is:
a. studying all possible responses to incidents.
b. efficient handling of calls.
c. staffing all squad cars with two officers.
d. grouping incidents as problems.
Which of the following would not be used in an impact evaluation?
a. reduced instances of repeat victimization
b. decreases in related crimes or incidents
c. reduced citizen fear
d. the conclusion that the response was implemented as planned
According to the text, community policing will require a change in:
a. mission statement.
b. departmental organization.
c. the general approach to "fighting crime."
d. all of the above
The events of September 11, 2001, led to the development of the ________________,
the country's first standardized management approach unifying federal, state and local
-governments for incident response.
a. National Corroborative Management System
b. National Incident Management System
c. National Incident Reference System
d. none of the above
According to the text, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reported in 2009 that
_______________ killed 676 people and injured 113,000.
a. drunk driving
b. driving too slow
c. red-light running
d. speeding
The ________________ establishes the presumption that the records of the agencies
and departments of the U.S. government are accessible to the people.
Community policing brings police closer to the people, building relationships between
police and community and among community members themselves.
In response to the Newark Foot Patrol Experiment, business owners believed crime
According to the text, ________________ is a process performed by a computer-aided
-dispatch system in which nonemergency or lower priority calls are ranked.
Discuss and explain possible resistance to community policing.
Answer varies
Discuss the Federal Bureau of Investigation's four-pronged assessment of school
shooters. What do you believe to be the most important and why?
Answer varies.
Community policing is a philosophy that can be translated into practice in as many
ways as there are communities.
The _________________ includes divisions of society with wealth and political
influence such as federal, state, and local agencies and governments, commissions, and
regulatory agencies.
As stated by the authors, most experts believe that technological innovation will have
the most profound impact on the collective ability of the federal, state and local
governments to protect the United States.
According to some historians, the community era had its roots in the ___________
________________, released in February 1968 by the President's National Advisory
-Committee on Civil Disorder.
If the community is unresponsive, community policing cannot succeed, no matter how
hard the police work.
The __________________ is also shaped by appearance and police actions.
A school break-in is defined as willful or malicious damage to school grounds and
buildings or furnishings and equipment.
Surveys may be used to determine what citizens believe are a neighborhood's main
During the 1960s and early 1970s, considerable turmoil existed throughout the country
related to issues of police and race relations, corruption, and use of force. During that
period, according to Walker and Macdonald (2009), five national
___________________, or ad hoc, short-term investigations of law enforcement, were
A benefit of the Deferred Prosecution/First Offenders Unit is that it conserves police,
-prosecutorial, judicial, and correctional resources.
Ethical dilemmas, as discussed in the text, are often rooted in the ends-versus-means
-controversy. Discuss how these ethical dilemmas are dealt with by officers and
Answer varies.

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