SESP 59963

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2901
subject Authors Kristin M. Powers, Thomas J. Kampwirth

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When planners and implementers are willing to change their practices and remain
committed to the short and long term goals and the change process then the reform has
a. Evaluated
b. Institutionalized
c. Innovated
d. In a continuous improvement cycle
Effective professional development technology programs include
a. The Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IY TCM)
b. Connected Educator Month (CED) and Iris Center (hosted by Vanderbilt University)
c. What Work Clearinghouse database
d. The United States Department of Education Common Core State Standards' Website
The installation and initial implementation phase emphasizes
a. Developing a strategic follow-up plan
b. Needs assessment, resource mapping and reallocation of resources
c. Defining the essential features of the change
d. Ensuring sufficient infrastructure stability for the innovation
During problem analysis, ecological assessments may be conducted to:
a. Test if the student has a discrepancy between achievement and cognitive ability.
b. Test different hypotheses for why a problem may be occurring.
c. To further define the problem in terms of a gap between the students developing
capabilities and demands of the environment.
d. Determine if the problem can be resolved within the school.
The primary goal for assessing academic problems is
a. To identify students who are eligible for special education
b. To identify the underlying cause of the problem
c. To hold school personnel accountable for students' outcomes
d. To identify academic interventions.
In an MTSS model, a student who has not produced sufficient results following a
targeted intervention may be referred to a:
a. after-school tutoring program
b. Tier 3 intervention
c. Tier 2 intervention
d. Tier 1 intervention
e. Resource teacher
The following is an example of a measurable, postsecondary goal
a. Jessica will learn to cook.
b. John will graduate high school with good grades.
c. After graduation, Jose will enroll in a cosmetology course at Kim's Beauty School.
d. None of the above
An annual goal is typically _______, while a postsecondary goal is typically _______.
a. Long term; short term
b. Unattainable; attainable
c. Short term; long term
d. Attainable; unattainable
Referent power comes from being trusted and respected, while expert power comes
a. Having a position of power
b. One's experiences, skills, or knowledge
c. Threatening others
d. All of the above
The following are potential barriers to effective communication EXCEPT
a. Advice and false reassurances
b. Misdirected questions and wandering interaction
c. Problem-solving
d. Interruptions and credibility gap
Professional development occurs
a. For at least 8 weeks
b. For at least a year
c. For any length of time
d. None of the above
A consultant can make a valuable contribution by being everything but:
a. pessimistic
b. optimistic
c. data-based
d. flexible
General guidelines for electronic communication etiquette include
a. Use the consultee's preferred mode of communication
b. Maintain professionalism
c. Re-read messages before sending and double check address
d. All of the above
Select the best vision statement
a. Improve reading test scores by 5 points across each grade level
b. Respect for all students, staff, and community
c. Creating a school environment that is safe supportive, and promotes academic
excellence for all
d. All of the above
Illback and Pennington (2008) describe "adept systems" as
a. Open to all embracing a wide range of initiatives and responding to any problem that
b. Being more rigid and take a wait-and-see approach to suggested initiatives or
problems that arise
c. Making small, frequent and targeted adjustments
d. All of the above
Teaching students in a way that is consistent with their learning style
a. Includes using many verbal prompts when teaching students with auditory deficits
b. Is an excellent strategy regardless of the skill or content to be taught
c. Is an evidence based practice
d. Is erroneously and commonly thought to be best practice.
Some reasons that behaviors occur are "within child" such as health issues, mental
illness and ________________.
a. Parental fighting in the home
b. Motivation (or lack of)
c. Socio-economic-status
d. If parents are married or divorced.
When several client concerns are identified by the consultee, it is recommended that the
a. And consultee randomly choose a concern to target.
b. Assist the consultee in identifying the concern that is most disruptive to the
achievement of others in his or her class.
c. Assist the consultee in prioritizing concerns; the top concern is selected to target first.
d. Choose the concern that he or she believes is the most severe.
A ___________________________ is a method by which a consultant gathers
information through interviews and observations on the characteristics of effective
a. Functional Assessment of Academic Behavior (FAAB)
b. Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)
c. Survey Level Assessment
d. Psychoeducational Assessment
Compare and contrast some potential positive and negative outcomes to implementing a
district value added modeling program.
Describe the 6 skills needed for effective communication.
Describe the qualities of a "Good" goal. Provide examples and non-examples.
What are the four main activities of a school-based consultation?
Dramatic improvements in the achievement gap between white and African American
and Latino students have been made in recent years.
Describe the different methods a consultant may use to coach a consultee.
What is the Office of Civil Rights and Office of Special Education Programs statement
on serving students with ADHD?
The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) is considered an evidence-based
and popular approach to teaching English Language Learners (ELLs). List and define
the eight characteristics of SIOP that are essential to a lesson for ELLs.
Discuss how collaboration and consultation are alike and how they are different.
When asked by teachers in the teacher's lounge to discuss cases, the consultant should
defer this discussion to a private area, and only do it with personnel who have a right to
have information about the situation.
What is a Model? What are some questions a consultant will ask him/herself before
choosing a model?
Why are parents with children with ASD more likely to sue than any other parents with
a child with a disability? What are ways to help facilitate a better relationships between
these parents and the school
What is a systematic approach that a consultant can employ when conducting an
assessment for the purpose of special education eligibility determination? Identify and
describe the different components to this process.
High-poverty, high-performing schools (HP2) teach reading across the curriculum
because poor literacy skills are a significant barrier to accessing information in
textbooks and other resources.
Describe the different phases of systems change, including what is ideally accomplished
at each phase and how the consultant can help to make that happen.
Describe the 5 forms of power initially introduced by Raven.
Describe the legal mandates concerning transition planning under IDEA 2004.

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