SESP 26434

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1620
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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Behavior therapists view a good therapeutic relationship as:
a. necessary, but not sufficient, to effect therapeutic change in most instances.
b. irrelevant to treatment.
c. nice, but optional.
d. a distraction that gets the focus off of the client's problematic behavior.
e. necessary and sufficient to effect therapeutic change.
Adlerian therapy emphasizes the individual's:
a. positive capacities to live in society cooperatively.
b. quality world.
c. irrational, crooked thinking.
d. polarities.
According to Gestalt theory, all of the following are true about contact except:
a. contact is necessary for change and growth to occur.
b. one maintains a sense of individuality as a result of good contact.
c. withdrawal after a good contact experience indicates neurosis.
d. contact is made by seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and moving.
e. we often tend to resist contact with others.
Which of the following statements does not reflect one of Ellis's three basic musts?
a. "If others fail to treat me well, they must be miserable human beings."
b. "Others must like me and appreciate my talents or else I am a failure."
c. "I must be kind to others or else I won"t be a good person."
d. "I must get what I want when I want it or I won"t be able to stand it."
According to a rational emotive behavior therapist, what will not bring about actual
changes in Stan's life?
a. doing the hard work of challenging and changing irrational beliefs
b. recognizing ways his faulty beliefs affect what he does and how he feels
c. understanding the A-B-C theory
d. acknowledging the 'shoulds" and "oughts" he has accepted
e. waiting for Stan to get in touch with his shadow
Which of the following therapists would accept Stan's drinking as the problem and
assist him in
deconstructing his alcohol-saturated story and reauthoring a new life story?
a. A solution-oriented therapist
b. A reality therapist
c. A person-centered therapist
d. A narrative therapist
e. A rational emotive behavior therapist
Rational emotive behavior therapy belongs to which category of therapy?
a. existential-humanistic
b. client-centered
c. psychoanalytic
d. Gestalt
e. cognitive-behavior/action oriented
Expanding awareness is:
a. a basic goal of existential therapy.
b. possible only with a few clients.
c. not given emphasis in existential therapy.
d. limited by our unconscious resistance.
Techniques used in mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy include all but:
a. yoga.
b. flooding.
c. body scan meditation.
d. a present-focused orientation.
A reality therapist would be most interested in learning how Ruth is:
a. meeting her basic needs.
b. expressing her social interest.
c. gaining insight into the causes of her behavior.
d. able to experience catharsis.
e. all of the above.
A feminist therapist is likely to become an advocate for change in the social structure by
arguing for:
a. the right to self-determination.
b. the freedom to pursue a career outside the home.
c. the right to an education.
d. equality in power in relationships.
e. all of these
The person who has specialized in cognitive therapy with depression is:
a. A. T. Beck.
b. Donald Meichenbaum.
c. Arnold Lazarus.
d. Albert Bandura.
e. none of the above
Evidence suggesting the concept of the unconscious includes:
a. dreams.
b. post-hypnotic suggestions.
c. free-association.
d. all of these.
e. direct observation based on experimental research.
Which of the following is an example of an emotive technique of REBT?
a. learning to dispute her demands and irrational "musts"
b. reading books and other written material on REBT
c. reinforcing herself after she has completed a difficult homework assignment
d. writing down a specific plan aimed at change
e. carrying out a shame-attacking exercise
Behavior therapists tend to:
a. be active and directive.
b. function as consultants.
c. function as problem solvers.
d. all of these
A contribution of REBT is:
a. the "I-Thou" relationship between client and therapist.
b. the emphasis on understanding the subjective world of the client.
c. the emphasis on putting newly acquired insights into action via the "homework
assignment" method.
d. the emphasis on cathartic experience of one's feelings.
Which is not an essential aim of existential-humanistic therapy?
a. to help clients become more present to both themselves and others
b. to assist clients in identifying ways they block themselves from fuller presence
c. to dispute clients' irrational beliefs.
d. to challenge clients to assume responsibility for designing their present lives
e. to encourage clients to choose more expanded ways of being in their daily lives.
A goal of this approach is eliminating maladaptive behavior patterns through employing
techniques of acceptance and commitment to change.
a. Gestalt therapy
b. person-centered therapy
c. behavior therapy
d. existential therapy
e. psychoanalytic therapy
The primary goal of existential therapy is:
a. to make known the unconscious.
b. to deal with unfinished business.
c. for clients to lead more authentic lives.
d. to establish well-defined goals and the means to achieve them.
e. to understand the client's position in his or her family of origin.
Which approach would be guided by the principles of choice theory?
a. family systems approach
b. cognitive-behavior therapy
c. person-centered therapy
d. reality therapy
e. Adlerian therapy
Stress inoculation training consists of all of the following except:
a. behavioral rehearsals.
b. self-monitoring.
c. cognitive restructuring.
d. problem solving.
e. tapping into the unconscious realm.
A therapist who works from a systemic point of view would be likely to:
a. obtain an accurate DSM diagnosis of his or her clients.
b. focus on the intrapsychic causes of a client's symptoms and help him or her develop
the inner resources to cope in a more adaptive manner.
c. explore the functioning of a client's family of origin using a genogram.
d. utilize free association to tap into a client's feelings about his or her family system.
In helping clients to examine their mistaken goals and faulty assumptions, an Adlerian
therapist does not use:
a. encouragement.
b. challenge and confrontation.
c. open-ended interpretations.
d. interpretation of the transference relationship.
This approach suggests that understanding the client's problem is not essential in
solving it.
a. cognitive-behavior therapy
b. Gestalt therapy
c. person-centered therapy
d. behavior therapy
e. solution-focused brief therapy
Which of the following is not true about the Gestalt view of the role of confrontation in
a. It is not possible to be both confrontational and gentle with clients.
b. It is important to confront clients with the ways they are avoiding being fully alive.
c. Confrontation does not have to be aimed at negative traits.
d. Confrontation should be a genuine expression of caring.
The cognitive distortion that involves portraying one's identity on the basis of
imperfections and mistakes made in the past and allowing them to define one's true
identity is:
a. labeling and mislabeling.
b. overgeneralization.
c. arbitrary inferences
d. selective abstraction.
e. personalization.
One item in the series of five does not fit with the other four items. Identify the word or
phrase that does not fit with the rest of the series.
(a) death and nonbeing, (b) search for meaning, (c) search for unique outcomes,(d)
striving for identity, (e) anxiety as a condition of living
Which of the following is not true about Rollo May?
a. He is most responsible for translating European existentialism into American
psychotherapeutic theory and practice.
b. He focuses on the subjective dimension of therapy.
c. He is a significant spokesman for the existential approach in the United States.
d. He believes that we can only escape anxiety by exercising our freedom.
e. He contends that freedom and responsibility are two sides of the same coin.
It is of paramount importance that therapists develop some level of objectivity and not
react defensively and subjectively in the face of:
a. anger.
b. love.
c. adulation.
d. criticism.
e. all of these.
The techniques of joining, accommodating, unbalancing, tracking, and boundary
making are most likely to be part of which approach to family therapy?
a. Bowenian family therapy
b. Adlerian family therapy
c. structural family therapy
d. strategic family therapy
e. experiential/symbolic family therapy
Empirical support for Gestalt therapy is:
a. weak.
b. well-developed.
c. becoming stronger.
d. unavailable.
WDEP stands for:
a. wants, decision, self-evaluation, perception.
b. wishes, direction, engagement, purpose.
c. wants, doing, self-evaluation, planning.
d. wants, direction, efficacy, planning.

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