SED LR 98135

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1245
subject Authors Herbert Goldenberg, Irene Goldenberg

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A family member's longest set of relationships are likely to be:
a. with parents if a family remains intact
b. with siblings
c. with friends and co-workers
d. with children and grandchildren
According to the text, we may draw which of these conclusions?
a. Psychotherapy is more effective than no treatment
b. Individual psychotherapy is more effective in treating depression than is family
c. Marital therapy is more effective than individual psychotherapy, but family therapy is
d. Family therapy is least effective with adolescents
Communication theorists believe:
a. intrapsychic mechanisms do not influence behavior
b. family rules govern family transactions
c. the locus of pathology resides within the individual
d. group therapy should precede family therapy
If content is the language of linear causality, then _______________ is the language of
circular causality:
a. structure
b. process
c. stimulus
d. response
Functional family therapy has been shown to be effective in dealing with:
a. psychotic behavior
b. adolescent at-risk behavior
c. marital conflict
d. sexual problems
Possibility therapy is the invention of:
a. Rogers
b. O'Hanlon
c. de Shazer
d. White
Behavior analysis refers to:
a. an assessment procedure used by behavior therapists
b. a self-management program
c. classical but not operant conditioning
d. operant but not classical conditioning
A basic requirement of evidence-based research is:
a. experienced therapists
b. clients suffering from some form of depression
c. randomized controlled trials
d. brief therapy
The PREP Program is designed to aid:
a. marriage enrichment
b. marriage encounter
c. stepfamily preparation
d. none of the above
Efficacy outcome studies refer to:
a. "in the field" studies
b. clinic therapy studies
c. "laboratory studies"
d. none of the above
Metarules are:
a. always constructive
b. always destructive
c. unstated family secrets
d. unstated family directives
Social constructionist therapies:
a. reject the traditional therapist-client hierarchy
b. embrace the traditional therapist-client hierarchy
c. insist that clients face reality
d. impose their notions of reality on the divided family
In a complementary interaction:
a. one person is strong and the other weak
b. one person is "one-up" and the other "one-down"
c. both partners are equal
d. both partners are competitive
In a marital schism situation, each partner:
a. overprotects the other
b. neglects the other
c. forms a coalition with the other
d. undermines the other
The largest organization of family therapists is the:
a. American Family Therapy Association
b. American Family Therapy Academy
c. American Psychiatric Association
d. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
Breunlin contends that family development usually:
a. occurs in discrete shifts from stage to stage
b. occurs in discontinuous shifts from stage to stage
c. involves centripetal and centrifugal periods
d. occurs as gradual oscillations
Male schizophrenics are believed by Lidz to come from families where there is:
a. marital skew
b. marital schism
c. an absent father
d. an absent mother
Foucault viewed language as:
a. a way of discovering reality
b. an instrument of power
c. dissolving problems
d. none of the above
The newest form of experiential family therapy is:
a. Emotionally-Focused Couple Therapy
b. Human Validation Family Therapy
c. Symbolic-Experiential Family Therapy
d. Gestalt Family Therapy
The "undifferentiated family ego mass" refers to:
a. excessive narcissism within the family
b. family symbiotic relationships
c. enmeshment and disengagement occurring simultaneously
d. pseudomutuality
Paradoxical tasks, given by the strategic therapist, are:
a. expected to be followed
b. expected to be resisted
c. expected to provide insight
d. expected to be particularly helpful in child management
Making an effort to create greater psychological distance between enmeshed family
members involves:
a. tracking
b. unbalancing
c. boundary making
d. reframing
One goal of gender-sensitive family therapy is to:
a. enable clients to move beyond prescribed sex roles
b. empower women but not men
c. eliminate all differences between men and women
d. reduce nonsexist thinking
According to Bem, which of the following is an example of a gender schema?
a. what is considered masculine in society
b. aggressiveness in women
c. passivity in men
d. none of the above
Most early family therapists were trained in:
a. psychopharmacology
b. psychoanalysis
c. cybernetics
d. psychosocial theories
The authors contend that narrative therapy emerged from:
a. poststructuralism
b. postmodernism
c. structural family therapy
d. experiential family therapy
Relabeling is a form of:
a. diagnosis
b. therapeutic double-bind
c. medical prescription change
d. none of the above
Functional family therapists believe:
a. all behavior is adaptive
b. it is essential to distinguish altruistic from malevolent behavior
c. that linear explanations apply to children's behavioral problems
d. in intrapsychic but not interpersonal explanations
In the example offered in the text by Imber-Black, a family interacted with five larger
systems. One negative consequence of such an arrangement is:
a. differences in beliefs among the helpers might surface
b. differences in approaches might surface
c. competing definitions of the problem might occur
d. all of the above
The theory of social ecology, including four levels of influence, was proposed by:
a. Jackson
b. Dell
c. Satir
d. Bronfenbrenner
A "good" theory should be:
a. verifiable
b. parsimonious
c. empirically valid
d. all of the above
A major goal of the linguistic approach is:
a. solving the family's problem
b. dis-solving the family's problem
c. maintaining the complaint
d. seeking answers to the miracle question
What makes the behavioral approach unique among all psychotherapeutic endeavors is
a. attention to the formative years in the family life cycle
b. insistence on a data-based set of procedures
c. concern with electroshock processes
d. concern with family narratives
Generally speaking, experiential therapists:
a. attempt to uncover past traumatic events
b. offer interpretations
c. provide insights into family behavior patterns
d. provide a nonrational therapeutic experience
By "tickling the defenses" Ackerman meant:
a. forcing members to expose their defensiveness
b. catching members off guard and exposing their self-justifying rationalizations
c. stripping members of all their defenses against anxiety
d. using somatic techniques to relax defenses

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