SED LR 96316

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2842
subject Authors Candace S. Bos, Jeanne Shay Schumm, Sharon R. Vaughn

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Reading instruction is NOT appropriate and intensive if:
a. readers' instructional level and needs match the program
b. students are in ability-level grouping
c. reading instruction is whole-class
d. students work in pairs in peer tutoring formats
When Mrs. O"Neal wants her second graders to stop talking and look to the front of the
room she takes away one minute of recess until the room is quiet. This is an example of:
a. Positive reinforcement
b. Negative reinforcement
c. Encouragement
d. Punishment
Fernando, a seventh grade student, has difficulty with sentence construction. Which
strategy would help him during the revision and editing phase?
a. SOK
b. TAG
There is considerable concern that poor math content is the result of the spiral
curriculum. The spiral curriculum occurs when:
a. the pages and organizational format if the text vary considerable and make learning
from text difficult.
b. students do not master the necessary prerequisite skills that are assumed by the text
and this the next level is too difficult.
c. there are insufficient problems covering any one concept or operation and there are
too few opportunities for application of knowledge learned
d. the same skills are woven into every year of school and students continually repeat
knowledge acquisition in the same area.
Response to intervention has changed the way many special educators address
students with disabilities. For students with emotional and behavioral disorders this is
also the case. Which tier of the RTI model would the student be working in if he or she
were in a small group and would receive interventions regarding self-control and
self-management skills training?
a. Tier 1
b. Tier 2
c. Tier 3
d. Tier 4
Which is the fastest growing cause of mental retardation that can be prevented?
a. maternal abuse or neglect
b. maternal infections during pregnancy
c. maternal use of alcohol and drugs during pregnancy
d. chromosomal disorder
It is important to plan beyond students' school experience when working with students
with mental retardation. Planning for the transition into adulthood and the working
world are important considerations. The type of planning that takes into account all
these aspects of a student's life is referred to as:
a. Career Planning
b. Transition Planning
c. Skills-Centered Planning
d. Person-Centered Planning
Spelling instruction for students who struggle is always a concern in the classroom.
Your textbook reviews several spelling interventions studies and lists seven
instructional practices based on the finding from those studies. Which of these methods
requires the student to compare incorrectly spelled words with the correct spelling?
a. weekly list of words
b. unit size
c. peer tutoring
d. error imitation and modeling
According to the text, one of the most effective classroom strategies for individuals
with Autism Spectrum Disorders is to:
a. establish a predictable classroom routine
b. seat the child close to the teacher or educational assistant
c. change the routine often to avoid boredom
d. bring in extra lighting
Which of the following statements is true about students with communication
a. A greater percentage of school-age children than preschool-age children are identified
with communication disorders as their primary disability
b. Over 85 percent of students with communication disorders spend most of the school
day in general education classes.
c. Communication disorders occur five times more often in boys than in girls.
d. Communication disorders are initially diagnosed by a pediatrician.
Desiree Black tells Tina to arrange the pieces of chalk from smallest to largest. What
skill is being taught?
a. numeration
b. constant time delay
c. classification
d. seriation
There are several competing definitions of emotional and behavioral disorders.
Which two definitions are the most prevalent?
a. Federal Definition and CCBD
b. NAEYC and NEA
c. Federal definition and AAMR
d. CCBD and DLD
Sight Word Association Procedures (SWAP) is Bradley's (1975) method of helping
students recognize words on sight using:
a. words on flash cards with repetitive recall activities
b. comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading
c. pairs of students to analyze words for alliteration, rhyme, segmentation, and blending
d. structural analysis of root words, prefixes, and suffixes
Phonological awareness refers to:
a. how speech relates to print
b. the ability to read quickly and smoothly
c. segmenting and blending sounds and patterns
d. the perception and retrieval process
Michelle, a sixth-grade mathematics teacher, always asks her students to explain to their
buddy what she just said. Why does Michelle do this?
a. to increase the students math vocabulary
b. to ensure students go through the abstract stage
c. because she knows it is important to use alternative instructional delivery systems
d. to teach for comprehension.
Group behavior is associated with:
a. socialized-aggression
b. conduct disorder
c. internalizing behaviors
d. pervasive developmental disorder
Content area teachers can help their students understand subjects such as science and
social studies by focusing on conjunctives, disjunctives, and enablers. These are
examples of
a. omissions
b. vernaculars
c. relationship
d. multiple meanings
What are the reasons for using consultation models for students with disabilities?
a. Assessment efficiency
b. Coordinated instruction
c. Administrative policy
d. Parents benefits
Paul, an eleventh grader, has a developmental arithmetic disorder. Which of the
following is most likely true about Paul?
a. Good teaching will assure grade level performance.
b. Paul has probably had problems with mathematics during his entire school life.
c. Paul's overall cognitive functioning is low.
d. Paul is probably failing all other subjects as well.
Which if the following statements are true about punishment?
a. Punishment frequently generalizes across settings.
b. Punishment is a behavior modification strategy that provides students with
information about how to behave appropriately.
c. Punishment tends to be effective over time.
d. Punishment is often reinforcing to the person who is doing the punishing.
All of the following are strategies that aid in reading fluency, EXCEPT:
a. reading aloud
b. previewing the book
c. cross-age tutoring
d. reciprocal causation
Orthopedic impairments include all of the following, EXCEPT:
a. congenital anomalies
b. chronic health problems
c. impairments caused by disease
d. impairments from other causes (e.g., amputations, fractures)
Which strategy can assist students in persuasive writing?
a. Criss Cross
b. Hide and Seek
c. providing feedback to peers
d. STOP and DARE
You have a student in your class who is constantly checking to see if his answers are
correct and will start totally over on an assignment if there are any extraneous marks on
his paper or if he has made a mistake. The behavior has the makings of one of the five
types of anxiety disorders. Which one of the following types of anxiety disorders is
your student possibly experiencing?
a. Social phobia
b. Generalized anxiety disorder
c. Panic disorder
d. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Which is true about what students think when teachers make adaptations to meet the
needs of students with disabilities?
a. Students believe that modifications in testing procedures are fair.
b. Middle and high school students prefer teachers who make adaptations in tests and
homework assignments.
c. On the whole, students believe that all students should have the same test; however,
they feel that modifications in testing procedures are acceptable.
d. Students at the elementary level have difficulty accepting that there are times when
different tests are needed to match the different abilities of students.
The percentage of the population with 'significantly subaverage" intellectual
functioning is:
a. 1
b. 3
c. 8
d. 10
The effectiveness with which individuals meet the standards of personal independence
and social responsibility expected for their age and cultural group refers to
a. adaptive behavior
b. social norms
c. independent living
d. age appropriateness
Which programs initially provide content area instruction in students' native language
along with ESL instruction?
a. Transitional Bilingual Education
b. Two-way sheltered English
c. Sheltered English
d. English as a Second Language
During his World History class, Kevin makes sure his students use visual imagery to see
information in "their minds eye", and helps them categorize information to make it
easier to learn. What type of strategies are his students using?
a. self-regulation
b. rehearsal
c. memory
d. adjusting work load
Which of the following is true about teaching self-management skills?
a. It allows students to become more aware of their own behaviors while allowing
teachers to govern the reinforcers for these behaviors.
b. Self-management requires a more active role from the teacher and a more
collaborative role from the student.
c. The target behavior should begin to change in approximately four weeks.
d. Teacher and student identify when and where the target behavior most frequently
According to IDEIA, under which category would cerebral palsy be classified?
a. orthopedic impairment
b. other health impairment
c. traumatic brain injury
d. hearing loss
Discuss the principles for conducting functional behavioral assessments and give
examples of how using these with effective behavioral supports can reduce school
Teaching reading would not be done effectively if the teacher did not include
phonological awareness skills. If you were teaching phonological awareness skills you
would include the five skills ____________________, ____________________,
____________________, ____________________, and ____________________.
Define speech disorders. List and explain the three components of speech disorders. For
each component, describe possible classroom implications, and provide several
modifications or accommodations you would use.
There are a few students in your classroom who have difficulty with counting. You feel
you need to assess their "number sense" to see what skills are at a deficit and whether
the students are performing at or above grade level. In order to assess number sense you
have decided to use _______________________, _____________________, and
_____________________ in order to complete the screening with these students.
Both the physical and social environment of the classroom must be considered when
establishing a writing community. In your classroom, you are trying to make writing a
priority and do it often with your students. Describe how you would establish a
classroom with a social and physical environment that promotes writing.
Describe the steps teachers should follow when teaching self-management skills to their
students. Why do you think it is important to teach students self-management skills?
Compare developmental arithmetic disorders to nonverbal math difficulties. What are
the characteristics of students in each of these groups?
Since the Learning Disability category was established it has seen a more than
_________ percent increase.
The use of response to intervention (RTI) in mathematics instruction can be just as
important as it is for reading instruction. There are several principles of RTI that can be
used in math and include ____________________, ____________________,
____________________, and ___________________.
Learning to read for children can be influenced by many factors. When the child is
having difficulty reading because there are interrelated reasons that have influenced his
or her success in learning how to read we refer to this as ________________________.
Write a lesson plan using some of the suggestions for functional practice provided in
the chapter. Specify the learning goals for all students, including general education
students, and students with mental retardation or severe disabilities.
As a new teacher in your school you have found several students from diverse cultural
backgrounds. In order to find out about the cultural characteristics of these students you
decide to address 12 areas of inquiry into the characteristics that include:
__________________________, _________________________,
_______________________________, ______________________________,
_______________________________, ______________________________,
_______________________________, ______________________________,
_______________________________, ______________________________,
_______________________________, ______________________________
When students with hearing loss are placed in a general education classroom,
interpreters, and note takers play an important role in facilitating learning. Describe the
roles of the special education teacher specializing in hearing loss, speech/language
pathologist, interpreter, note taker, and general education teacher as they work with this
student (include at least two responsibilities of each). Provide an example of how you
plan to work together with these professionals if you share a student with hearing loss.
Understanding the skill of one-to-one correspondence is essential for all students to
learn in order to move forward to other math skills. In order to help ensure your
students are mastering this skill, you could use activities like
_____________________________, _____________________________, and
_____________________________ to help students practice and apply the skill.
Identify the types of hearing loss represented by each range of loss listed below.
16"25 dB ____________________
25"40 dB ____________________
40"65 dB ____________________
65"90 dB ____________________
Greater than 90 dB ____________________
The __________________ service provides coordinated services to families
and students with EBD and focuses on the actual needs of the students in the homes and
communities where they live. This process can also be used a for RTI Tier 3
interventions for some students.
When you are reinforcing positive behaviors in the classroom encouraging positive
behaviors, establishing rules and consequences, and helping students change their
inappropriate behavior you are utilizing ______________________ within your
In 1963 ___________________ coined the term______________ ______________
___________________ to include those students who had been referred to as
perceptually handicapped, brain injured, neurologically impaired, or minimally brain
What can general education teachers do to facilitate communication in the classroom?

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