SED LR 95698

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2051
subject Authors Cindy Corey, Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey, Patrick Callanan

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Confidentiality in online supervision is:
a. filled with potential problems such as the possibility of computer-savvy individuals
hacking into confidential communications between supervisor and supervisee and the
risk of confidential content being sent or forwarded to others in error.
b. not a concern and online supervision is a better form of supervision than face-to-face
c. discussed in all professional journals; they all agree it is not an issue and online
supervision is becoming the best form of supervision.
d. may be minimally difficult to adhere to; however, the benefits of online supervision
far outweigh the possible breach in confidentiality.
When practitioners devote a portion of their professional time and skills to services for
which there is no expectation of significant financial return, they are:
a. using a sliding scale.
b. being financially irresponsible.
c. providing pro bono services.
d. suffering from a martyr complex.
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. It is important to understand that homosexuality and bisexuality are not indicative of
mental illness.
b. To date, the APA has not developed a separate set of guidelines for psychotherapy
with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients.
c. The ethics codes of the ACA, the APA, and the NASW clearly state that
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is unethical and unacceptable.
d. Therapists have an ethical obligation to confront their personal prejudices, myths,
fears, and stereotypes regarding sexual orientation.
The Georgia Supreme Court ruled that a physician has a duty to take reasonable care to
prevent a potentially dangerous patient from inflicting harm in:
a. Hedlund v. Superior Court.
b. Tarasoff v. University of California Board of Regents.
c. Bradley Center v. Wessner.
d. Jablonski v. United States.
Disagreeing with a client or not liking what a client is proposing can create a:
a. value imposition.
b. value exploration.
c. value conflict.
d. personal value.
Miguel has been providing couples' counseling to Saundra and Steven for a couple of
years and was recently invited to attend their 20thwedding anniversary party. Attending
this event is an example of:
a. a boundary violation.
b. a potentially beneficial non-professional interaction.
c. an unprofessional interaction.
d. a lapse of judgment.
Which of the following is NOT a possible multiple relationship in a small community?
a. A therapist might attend the same church or community activities as the clients they
b. A therapist who is a recovering alcoholic and attends Alcoholics Anonymous
meetings may meet a client at one of these meetings.
c. A therapist isolates him or herself in order to limit the possibility of multiple
d. In an isolated area, a clergy person may seek counseling for a personal crisis from the
only counselor in the town someone who also happens to be a parishioner.
When_________________ in a student arises, the group counselor-educator has
multiple responsibilities to limit the
risk of harm: to the individual student, to the other students in the experiential group,
and to the training program.
a. appropriate behavior
b. proper boundaries
c. problematic behavior
d. healthy self-exploration
Frank is a Native American college student who is seeking information about his career
choice from a male counselor. The counselor notices that he uses very little eye contact
and needs to recognize that Frank:
a. lacks trust about the information he is receiving.
b. is unlikely to follow through with his suggestions.
c. is likely to view direct eye contact as a lack of respect.
d. would be more likely to have direct eye contact if the counselor were a female.
Tony, a recently relocated Mexican-American man, is seeking help from a
Spanish-speaking organization designed to meet the needs of newly arriving legal
immigrants. Tony is quite depressed, but reluctant to talk to his counselor about his
problems. The counselor refers him to an indigenous resource who is more likely to be
trusted by Tony. He was most likely referred to:
a. a paraprofessional worker.
b. either religious leaders and institutions, energy healers, or respected community
c. an intern from a counseling program.
d. a community organizer.
When counselors become overly concerned with meeting their own needs or pushing
their own personal agendas, their behavior becomes:
a. annoying to the client.
b. unethical.
c. illegal.
d. helpful to the client.
Autonomy refers to:
a. the promotion of self-determination and the freedom of clients to be self-governing
within their social and cultural framework.
b. avoiding doing harm to clients.
c. the act of increasing client dependency.
d. the process used to lead a client to a specific decision.
Professional codes of ethics for supervisors agree that:
a. social interaction with supervisees is essential to effective counselor training.
b. all dual or multiple relationships with supervisees are unethical.
c. sexual relationships between supervisors and students are unethical unless the student
freely consents.
d. supervisors occupy a position of power and should not engage in sexual relationships
with the student.
Referring clients to other professionals is:
a. appropriate when counselors do not have the clinical training or expertise to work
with certain clients.
b. unethical since it leaves the client feeling abandoned.
c. indicative of poor character.
d. illegal in some states.
_____________ include any institution public or private, nonprofit or forprofit designed
to provide a wide range of social and psychological services to the community.
a. Community perspective
b. Community workers
c. Community agencies
d. Community work
Which of the following court cases involved an employee assistance program provider
who refused to counsel homosexual clients on the basis of religious beliefs and was
eventually terminated by her employer?
a. Jablonski vs. United States
b. Jaffee vs. Redmond
c. Bruff vs. North Mississippi Health Services, Inc.
d. Tarasoff vs. Board of Regents of the University of California
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. Since confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in a group, it is not an ethical issue for
group practitioners.
b. Confidentiality is a concern for therapists holding group psychotherapy, but not for
those running other types of groups.
c. Groups are invariably determined to be less effective than individual psychotherapy
in helping clients.
d. The ethical, legal, and professional aspects of confidentiality have a different
application in group situations.
Which of the following is NOT an issue that the dynamics of couples therapy often
a. Separation and divorce
b. Education on the best dating habits
c. Gender inequality and cultural biases
d. Parenting styles and emotional abuse
________________counseling can be operationally defined as the working alliance
between counselor and client that takes the personal dynamics of the counselor and
client into consideration alongside the dynamics of the cultures of both of these
a. Culturally encapsulated
b. Diversity-sensitive
c. Multicultural
d. Transcultural
______________ is the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise
in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences.
a. Feminist therapy
b. Evidence-based practice
c. Behavior practice
d. Systemic therapy
Counselors who work with couples and families can practice more ethically if they are
aware of all of the following EXCEPT:
a. the cultural history.
b. the effects of heterosexism.
c. the impact of gender stereotyping.
d. nontraditional, and possibly unethical, treatments.
Boundary management is:
a. not an issue in sparsely populated areas.
b. less challenging in rural areas than in urban areas.
c. equally as challenging in rural and urban areas.
d. more challenging in rural areas than in urban areas.
The authors state that, in many ways, therapeutic encounters serve as mirrors in which
therapists can see their own lives reflected. As a result:
a. therapy can become a catalyst for change in the therapist as well as in the client.
b. many therapists become narcissistic.
c. therapists tend to commit ethical violations stemming from blurred boundaries.
d. the therapist cannot experience change.
Yolanda is an experienced therapist who seems to always feel more compassionate
toward the female members of the families she counsels. What are the most salient
ethical issues involved in this case?
a. Because of her bias, Yolanda may be inclined to collude with some family members
against others, or otherwise contribute to dysfunctional family system dynamics.
b. Yolanda has been practicing for many years, so her competence should not be
c. Yolanda seems to advocate for those with less power in the family structure, so her
stance is actually beneficial for all members of the families with whom she works.
d. Yolanda must be in a same-sex relationship, which is unsanctioned by the
professional organization in which she is a member.
A spiritual assessment provides:
a. insight into how a client relates to spirituality and religion and how this may be
affecting the client.
b. the therapist with the opportunity to educate the client on the best religion to follow.
c. an opportunity for the therapist to relax and not listen as intently to the client.
d. minimal information about the client.
Sexual or romantic feelings toward a client:
a. are the result of seductive behavior on the part of the client and need to be ignored.
b. are an indicator that the client needs to be referred to another counselor.
c. are unethical, counter-therapeutic, and also illegal in many states.
d. do not necessarily mean that the counselor cannot effectively work with the client.
According to professional codes of ethics, sexual relationships between client and
counselor are considered to be ethical under which of the following circumstances?
a. If the therapist is really in love with the client.
b. If there is consent by the client.
c. These relationships are not considered to be ethical under any circumstances.
d. If the sexual relationship begins within six months of termination.
With respect to confidentiality, group leaders have a responsibility to do all of the
following EXCEPT:
a. clearly define what it means and its limits.
b. explain its importance.
c. inform members of the difficulties involved in enforcing it.
d. explain it is not mandatory, but a voluntary process.
The ethics codes of most professional organizations provide guidelines for the ethical
practice of bartering. Some more recent codes (APA, NASW, AAMFT, and ACA):
a. state the practice of bartering is unethical no matter the circumstances.
b. take a more strict attitude increasing the punishment for practicing bartering.
c. state bartering should take place of payment; therefore, the therapeutic relationship
can become more trustworthy.
d. take a more flexible and less punitive attitude toward bartering.
According to the American School Counseling Association, in order to apply our
knowledge and skills competently:
a. professional school counselors must be perfectly healthy.
b. professional school counselors monitor emotional and physical health and practice
wellness to ensure optimal effectiveness.
c. self-care routines must be rigidly adhered to by professional school counselors on a
daily basis.
d. professional school counselors must attend to physical and emotional well-being
more often than mental or spiritual well-being.
______________ is raised in establishing criteria of psychosocial dysfunction,
assessing the problems of the identified patient in the family context, and devising
treatment strategies.
a. Ethical issues
b. Informed consent
c. A "no secrets" policy
d. Family consultation

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