SED LR 80080

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1661
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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According to Thurstone, intelligence consists of
A) distinct primary mental abilities.
B) a general factor and a specific factor.
C) crystallized and fluid intelligence.
D) three stratums of abilities.
When baby Madeline drops her teddy bear out of her crib, she reaches toward it and
whimpers, prompting her mother to pick up the bear and hand it to her. This is an
example of a __________ gesture.
A) protoimperative
B) sociolinguistic
C) protodeclarative
D) manipulative
During the first year, as infants act on the environment, they
A) are self-involved and cannot focus on objects.
B) cannot distinguish between self and others.
C) notice effects that help them sort out self, other people, and objects.
D) are unable to separate objects from the surrounding world.
As children construct and reconstruct information,
A) they rarely account for new information.
B) the information loses coherency.
C) they often "delete" important retrieval cues in their memory.
D) the information becomes more coherent and memorable.
In Piaget's theory, infants are unable to mentally represent experience until about _____
months of age.
A) 3
B) 9
C) 12
D) 18
In Piaget's theory, the most powerful __________ are __________ and __________.
A) schemes; categorization; hierarchical classification
B) mental representations; images; concepts
C) operations; hypothetico-deductive reasoning; logical necessity
D) cognitive skills; private speech; propositional thought
Over time, John, a participant in a longitudinal study, became aware of his own
thoughts, feelings, and actions, and consciously revised them when the investigator was
present. This is an example of
A) cohort effects.
B) practice effects.
C) selective attrition.
D) biased sampling.
Preschoolers tend to make overly optimistic attributions because they
A) rarely receive negative feedback.
B) cannot yet distinguish the precise causes of their successes and failures.
C) do not yet turn to adults for evaluations of their accomplishments.
D) seldom face difficult tasks.
Despite its convenience, cross-sectional research
A) does not provide evidence about individual development.
B) cannot provide information about age-related trends.
C) is limited by selective attrition.
D) is threatened by practice effects.
Kiana is 2 years old and has an unbalanced diet very low in protein. She has an enlarged
belly, swollen feet, a skin rash, and thinning hair. What is the most likely cause of
Kiana's condition?
B) marasmus
C) kwashiorkor
D) iron-deficiency anemia
In a study in which laypeople and experts were asked to jot down a list of behaviors that
they regarded as typical of highly intelligent people, both groups viewed intelligence as
made up of which of the following three attributes?
A) recognition of people and objects, alertness, and awareness of environment
B) reasoning, learning ability, and creativity
C) verbal ability, motor coordination, and curiosity
D) verbal ability, problem solving, and social competence
The Texas Adoption Project and other similar investigations confirm that
A) both environment and heredity contribute to IQ.
B) environment plays a greater role than heredity in IQ.
C) heredity plays a greater role than environment in IQ.
D) children adopted before age 6 score 10 to 15 IQ points below the mean.
One treatment recommendation for adolescent drug abuse is to
A) place the adolescent in a residential treatment facility as soon as drug use is
B) start treatment gradually, through support group sessions that focus on reducing drug
C) implement legal procedures, such as arrest and jail time, to deter further drug use.
D) utilize a "wait and see" approach, as most adolescent drug use is experimental and
usually fades over time.
Eight-year-old Jasmine's parents grant her little autonomy. This could cause Jasmine to
A) feel very safe, secure, and protected.
B) become rebellious and defiant.
C) develop feelings of incompetence.
D) have an overly inflated ego.
Because cross-cultural findings on the reversals of traditional gender roles are
inconclusive, a more direct test of the importance of biology on gender typing could be
achieved by
A) testing the impact of sex hormones on gender typing.
B) studying adolescent boys and girls in tribal villages.
C) observing infant behavioral preferences immediately after birth.
D) observing other-sex play in children who score high in androgyny.
Studies of mathematical reasoning indicate that
A) the principle of cardinality develops universally in many cultures around the world.
B) exposure to arithmetic in everyday activities does not speed up children's
understanding of numerical concepts.
C) only children who have been formally schooled grasp the concept of cardinality.
D) by 6 months of age, infants demonstrate a beginning understanding of cardinality.
Greer, age 10, is less interested in sports than his older brothers. He is drawn to quieter
activities and is more emotionally sensitive. Greer wonders why the typical
heterosexual orientation does not apply to him. Greer is engaging in
A) internalized homophobia.
B) sexual questioning.
C) gender deviance.
D) role reversal.
Contemporary research suggests that
A) emotional turbulence is routine during adolescence.
B) adolescence is greatly extended in industrialized nations.
C) the notion of adolescence as a period of storm and stress is accurate.
D) biological, rather than psychological and social, forces influence adolescent
Although smoking has declined in Western nations, an estimated _____ percent of U.S.
women smoke during their pregnancies.
A) 8
B) 11
C) 14
D) 17
Sex differences in gross-motor development
A) are non-existent.
B) are not present until adolescence.
C) decrease during middle childhood.
D) are present as early as the preschool years.
Which of the following statements is true regarding crystallized and fluid intelligence?
A) Crystallized and fluid intelligence show little relationship when children differ
greatly in cultural and educational experiences.
B) Tests aimed at reducing cultural bias emphasize crystallized intelligence.
C) Fluid intelligence depends more heavily on specific cultural learning experiences
than crystallized intelligence.
D) Test items measuring crystallized and fluid intelligence do not correlate with one
Children generate central conceptual structures when schemes
A) predominate over assimilation.
B) are consolidated into an improved representational form.
C) are subject to disequilibration.
D) are separated into distinct categories.
Babies quickly learn that certain sights are linked with certain sounds. This is because
babies are sensitive to
A) optical sensory flow.
B) kinetic depth cues.
C) contrast sensitivity.
D) amodal sensory properties.
When his friend's mom asks him if he wants a ride home from baseball practice, Pele
gives her directions using a __________ that helps him imagine the mom's movements
along the route she needs to take between the baseball field and Pele's house.
A) conservation technique
B) "mental walk" strategy
C) "decentration" method
D) transitive inference strategy
Which of the following statements is true about approaches to childbirth?
A) A Jarara mother delivers her own baby in a birthing pool with a crowd of family
members close by.
B) A Siriono mother gives birth in full view of the entire community.
C) In the Yucatan, a Mayan woman gives birth assisted by medical personnel.
D) A Pukapukan girl is so familiar with the events of labor and delivery that she
frequently can be seen playing at it.
Research on self-care children indicates that the more hours younger school-age
children spend at home, the more
A) likely they are to have adjustment difficulties.
B) responsible and independent they are.
C) likely they are to join after-school activities to prevent loneliness. .
D) they turn to peers for advice about day-to-day problems.
Research on addition- and multiplication-based equivalence problems shows that
correct strategies appear first in __________ and only later in __________.
A) school settings; everyday settings
B) private speech; nonverbal mental activities
C) cognitive-processing tasks; problem-solving skills
D) gesture; speech
Newborns prefer to look at photos and simplified drawings of faces with features
A) upright.
B) upside down.
C) sideways.
D) with the eyes closed.
Ephraim has an above-average IQ, but has extreme difficulty in reading. Ephraim most
A) has mild mental retardation.
B) has a learning disability.
C) has a hearing impairment.
D) is an underachiever.
One-year-old Alex uses the word "hat" to refer only to his favorite blue baseball cap.
Alex is demonstrating an __________ error.
A) overextension
B) overregularization
C) underregularization
D) underextension
Regan demonstrates high linguistic intelligence. According to Gardner's theory of
multiple intelligences, she would perform well as a
A) composer.
B) journalist.
C) biologist.
D) therapist.
Aubrey is high in achievement motivation. She credits her school success to ability and
hard work. Aubrey
A) is displaying learned helplessness.
B) emphasizes performance goals over learning goals.
C) is making mastery-oriented attributions.
D) holds an entity view of ability.
Elena can mentally represent her neighborhood and describe the space to others. Elena's
mental representation of her neighborhood is known as
A) a cognitive map.
B) propositional thought.
C) reasoning by analogy.
D) an organized route of travel.

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