SED LR 77579

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 21
subject Words 2900
subject Authors Claudia Eliason, Loa Jenkins

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The following are concept or ideas relating to the sun:
I. It is a source of light, heat, and energy.
II. At the end of our day, it is making light and day for people on another part of Earth.
III. On cloudy days the sun is still shining.
IV. Every day has a sunrise and sunset for most people.
V. There are places on the earth where, during particular times of the year, because of
the position of the sun, children do not see the sun for many days.
a. All of the above
b. I, III, IV
c. I, II, III
d. I, IV, V
Conservation means
a. to be conservative in judging the amount of something.
b. to preserve or protect money resources.
c. to manage ones money in a conservative way.
d. that if two sets are compared and found to be equal, when they are rearranged so
they do not look the same, the child determines that the two sets are equal.
Guidelines for effectively play physical games with children are
I. make sure there are games that are competitive and noncompetitive.
II. make sure all children experience accomplishment.
III. match boys against girls to provide variety.
IV. select games on the basis of the developmental characteristics of the children.
V. keep the games simple, with few rules.
a. All of the above
b. I, III, IV, V
c. II, IV, V
d. I, II, IV, V
Fluency is ability to read
I. smoothly.
II. effortlessly.
III. with sufficient rate.
IV. accurately.
V. with automaticity.
VI. with prosody (expression, intonation, pitch, and phrasing).
a. All of the above
b. I, II, IV, VI
c. I, II, III, V
d. III, IV, V, VI
The National Reading Panel described five phonics instructional approaches. One
is Synthetic phonics. This is
a. an explicit teaching approach in which students are taught to change letters
into phonemes or sounds and then blend the sounds to form familiar words.
b. teaching children to decode unknown words by analogy or patterns of known words.
c. taught during text reading, so this is a form of incidental learning or more
implicit approach.
d. teaching children to break words into sounds or phonemes and then select letters that
represent those phonemes.
What are appropriate concepts in early childhood relating to light?
I. Shadows are produced when an object passes behind a light.
II. Light is natural or artificial.
III. Natural sunlight is used as a source of telling time.
IV. Plants need light to grow.
a. All of the above
b. II, III, IV
c. I, II, IV
d. I, III IV
A visitor or visitors in the classroom or center
I. provide first-hand or real experiences.
II. require less paperwork and concern than a field trip.
III. are often problematic because they talk above the childrens level of understanding
and may take more time than what is expected.
IV. are great because they require very little preparation for the teacher.
V. acquaint children with their community and the diversity of its people.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, and V
c. I, III, IV
d I, II, IV
Expanding childrens awareness of weather and how it affects our life enhances
I. vocabulary building.
II. creating skills.
III. problem-solving skills.
IV. observation abilities.
V. making predictions.
a. All of the above
b. I, III, IV, V
c. II, III, V
d. I, II IV, V
Some of the inappropriate uses of assessment in early childhood are the
I. use of tests to compare teachers, schools, and school districts.
II. use of tests to judge the success of a program.
III. use of entrance tests to determine readiness and admittance to kindergarten.
IV. use of tests to determine the retention of children.
V. use of test material to determine what should be taught.
a. All of the above
b. I, II. V
c. I, III, IV, and V
d. I, II, III, and V
In terms of genres of early childhood literature, fables are
a. created to explain natural incidents.
b. books or stories that provide realistic and authentic information about people,
places, animals, plants, and other real things in our world.
c. stories handed down from one generation to the next.
d. stories or tales about animals with an explicit moral.
Ecology can be a part of early childhood education in the following ways:
I. Emphasizing the importance of harmony between nature and humans.
II. Encouraging attitudes of reusing and sharing.
III. Promoting sound ecological principles.
IV. Encouraging preservation of natural resources.
a. All of the above
b. II, IV
c. I, III, IV
d. II, III
As teachers plan for families involvement in the classroom, one of the key elements is
a. making a plan.
b. developing a positive attitude towards family involvement.
c. talking to the staff concerning family involvement.
d. the parent education kit they choose.
Learning centers
I. provide children an opportunity to explore, extend learning, and get hands-on
experiences with materials.
II. give children a chance to talk about or work with ideas or materials previously
III. present experiences where children do not need to be taught what they are expected
to do.
IV. may include two to ten children.
V. often provide children a choice in which centers they work.
a. All of the above
b. II, III, IV, V
c. I, II, V
d. I, II, IV, V
It can be said that one-to-one correspondence
I. along with counting, provide the basis for the acquisition of other number skills.
II. is the ability to link one object to one (corresponding) number or object.
III. comes naturally to young children.
IV. for children not using it, will not coordinate saying the number names with counting
the objects one by one.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III
c. I, II, IV
d. II, III, IV
When unfamiliar shapes are introduced, the teacher should
I. precede the introduction with a review of already familiar shapes.
II. encourage children to visualize the shape.
III. recognize children need many experiences with shapes and with making
comparisons between shapes before focusing on naming shapes.
IV. ask questions such as "How is this new shape the same as . . .?" or "How
is this new shape different from . . .?"
a. All of the above
b. I, II, IV
c. II, III, IV
d. I, III, IV
Singing should take place
I. during music time.
II. when a music specialist comes.
III. as children work and play.
IV. outdoors.
a. All of the above
b. I, III, IV
c. I, II, III
d. only I
What are four suggested steps to becoming familiar with early music standards?
I. Implement the music standards.
II. Consult with a music specialist.
III. Check to make sure the music standards are satisfied.
IV. Read the music standards.
V. Sign up for an in-service training on the music standards.
VI. Learn the music related to the standards.
a. I, II, IV, VI
b. I, IV, V, VI
c. I, III, IV, VI
d. II, III, IV, VI
What are some of the guidelines for planning and preparing art activities?
I. Establish rules with the children with regard to the care and use of the art materials.
II. Have all the materials and supplies needed for the activity set up and organized.
III. Model for the children how the activity should be done and how to use the
IV. Try out the activity ahead of time so you know how to use the materials.
V. Have the cleanup organized beforehand.
VI. Provide plenty of space and time.
a. All of the above
b. II, III, V, VI
c. I, II, IV, V, VI
d. I, II, III, VI, V
When a child feels and describes a texture, the description will be based on
I. the childs visual perception of the texture.
II. what else the texture feels like.
III. the childs mood of the day.
IV. previous experience with the texture.
a. All of the above
b. II, III, IV
c. I, II, IV
d. I, III, IV
Open-ended art materials
I. include materials such as paint, clay, writing, and drawing tools.
II. are difficult to use for many children because they do not know how to use them.
III. have no predetermined expectations.
IV. provide opportunities for exploring, creating, and freely expressing themselves.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III
c. III, IV
d. I, III, IV
The following are teacher characteristics that appear helpful in teaching children
diagnosed with ADD (attention deficit disorder):
I. focus on the childs limitations so as not to set too high of standards
II. provide a highly stimulating learning environment
III. give positive academic expectations
IV. provide much warmth and patience
V. give instructions clearly
a. All of the above
b. II, III, IV, V
c. III, IV, V
d. II, IV, V
Teachers and parents may not feel comfortable working with one another because of
a. cultural differences.
b. attitudes.
c. previous experiences.
d. all of the above.
Some guidelines for outdoor activities include
I. weather permitting they should spend time outdoors each day.
II. the equipment on the playground is inviting, challenging, durable, and safe.
III. the playground may not be fenced but can provide built-in limits or barriers.
IV. adults must always supervise childrens play while they are outdoors.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, IV
c. I, II, III
d. II, III, IV
Dance movements blend three basic qualities:
I. Space
II. Motion
III. Time
IV. Force
a. I, II, III
b. I, III, IV
c. I, II, IV
d. II, III, IV
When plants are in the classroom, young children can learn
I. the names of plants.
II. about the classifications or divisions of the plant kingdom.
III. how to care for plants.
IV. how to water plants.
V. about phototropism.
VI. that a number of plants are poisonous.
VII. some plants grow in a particular season or climate, others do not.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III, IV, VII
c. I, III, IV, V, VI, VII
d. I, III, IV, VI, VII
Math during early childhood must be
a. cognitively oriented.
b. knowledge producing.
c. manipulative.
d. abstract.
Music and movement in early childhood
I. should be left for outside the classroom since there is so little time to cover standards
and academic curriculum.
II. provide an outlet for children to express themselves in a variety of ways.
III. integrate the functions of both hemispheres of the brain.
IV. contribute to the language, social-emotional, cognitive and physical development of
a. I
b. II, III
c. II, IV
d. II, III, IV
Which of the following concepts related to size are appropriate for early childhood?
I. Some of the children in the class are big, and some are little.
II. The farther away one goes from an object, the smaller it looks.
III. Certain experiences we have may make us feel larger or smaller, even though our
physical size does not change.
IV. People change size.
a. All of the above
b. I, III, IV
c. II, III, IV
d. I, II, III
When early childhood teachers use a needs assessment, they learn
I. individual childrens strengths.
II. developmental needs of individual children.
III. competencies that need to be taught and those that need stressing.
IV. which children can be advanced and which retained.
a. All of the above
b. II, III, IV
c. I, III, IV
d. I, II, III
Children enjoy experiencing freedom and taking risks with art materials and media.
With regard to the five senses,
I. taste and smell are closely related.
II. children should be taught to never taste anything unless they know it is edible.
III. children should never smell cleaning aids.
IV help children build vocabulary words to describe textures, smells, tastes, and sounds.
V. all children respond to sounds in the same way.
a. All of the above
b. I, II, III
c. II, III, IV
d. I, II, IV
Vygotsky, the Russian cognitive psychologist, believed
a. it is the childs experiences that influence formation of language.
b. it is childrens language that enables them to create thoughts.
c. it is understanding of language that enables children to create oral speech.
d. childrens language development proceeds according to their individual rates.
The early philosopher who suggested that children pass through developmental stages
a. Locke.
b. Pestalozzi.
c. Dewey.
d. Rousseau.
What are some principles that can help children inculcate strong values?
Describe five specific types of documentation.
Ones attitude toward oneself is usually referred to as _____________.
Describe some things you can encourage children to do to protect our environment and
our Earth.
What are some of the research-based best practices to meet the needs of struggling
Teachers should include food activities in the curriculum, but should not do nutrition
units of study.
Art pieces should always be discussed, and children should explain why they drew what
they did.
In teaching children to relate to others, we should encourage them to focus upon and
recognize the differences among people.
Complete a web on birds.
Answer:(no answer provided)
Tests used to determine what children have learned are called .
What are some strategies or ways for achieving partnerships between home, school, and
Weight and balance should be taught during childrens daily experiences.
What are the values of early childhood play experiences?
As children are given sensory experiences, teachers should help them develop words to
describe smells, tastes, textures, sounds.
List at least five of the inquiry or process skills.
What are the five groups in ChooseMyPlate?
Childrens fears of animals can be lessened or alleviated through _______________.

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