SED LR 72007

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1878
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Three-year-old Athena says, "Daddy's a man. Mommy's a woman." These statements
suggest that Athena has developed a
A) categorical self.
B) large vocabulary.
C) social self.
D) remembered self.
Research examining the correlational stability of IQ suggests that
A) the younger the child at the time of first testing, the better the prediction of later IQ.
B) test scores during infancy predict school-age IQ better than test scores during the
preschool years.
C) the closer in time two testings are, the stronger the relationship between the scores.
D) after age 3, IQ scores are fairly stable throughout the school years.
Most investigations into theory of mind address children's ability to
A) detect their own and other people's perceptions, feelings, desires, and beliefs.
B) keep track of the sources of information in memory.
C) monitor progress toward a goal and redirect unsuccessful efforts.
D) use mnemonic strategies on tests of memory.
Which of the following statements is true regarding habituation and recovery in babies?
A) Newborn babies habituate and recover faster than 4-month-old babies.
B) Habituation to an auditory stimulus is evident in the third trimester of pregnancy.
C) Habituation and recovery are not mastered until the second half of the first year.
D) Newborns' attention spans are nonexistent; thus, they cannot habituate and recover.
Canadian children are more likely than Chinese children to favor lying
A) when the intention is modesty.
B) to support the individual at the expense of the group.
C) to support the group at the expense of the individual.
D) when the intention is prosocial.
Which of the following chore assignments gives greater freedom?
A) Jim's daily job is to pick up milk from the store on his way home from school.
B) Jeff earns extra money by caring for his siblings when his parents work late.
C) Valerie does laundry for the entire family without assistance.
D) Deb helps her mother cook dinner every night.
The cross-sectional design is
A) rarely used in developmental research because data collection often takes years to
B) often affected by selective attrition, practice effects, and changes in the field.
C) an efficient strategy for describing age-related trends.
D) an efficient strategy for studying individual differences in development.
In which of the following situations of cooperative learning would children learn best?
A) when children have first been trained in make-believe play
B) when adults provide structured lessons
C) when groups have more than three children
D) when their peer partner is an "expert"
About 66,000 cases of child sexual abuse were confirmed in 2010. This number
A) greatly underestimates the extent of sexual abuse, since many victims remain silent.
B) overestimates the number of cases because of children's unreliable reporting.
C) represents about 30,000 cases perpetrated by women and about 36,000 by men.
D) consists mostly of abuse by a stranger.
Toddlers' ability to represent others' intentions
A) occurs later than Piaget predicted.
B) requires the refinement of reflexive schemes.
C) seems to have roots in earlier sensorimotor activity.
D) leads to gains in categorization.
Which of the following types of peer sociability develops first?
A) coordinated interaction in the form of mutual imitation, such as jumping, chasing, or
banging a toy
B) an occasional reciprocal exchange with a grin, gesture, or imitation of a playmate's
C) using words and gestures to influence a peer's behavior
D) imitative, turn-taking gestures and body movement
Studies of early reading show that
A) a whole-language approach is the best method to teach reading.
B) children learn beginning reading best with a basic-skills approach.
C) kindergartners benefit from an emphasis on phonics, with a gradual emphasis on
whole language.
D) too much emphasis on basic skills may cause children to lose sight of the goal of
Most North Americans regard favorable self-esteem as __________ for healthy
development, whereas Chinese adults generally see it as __________.
A) crucial; unimportant or even negative
B) unimportant or even negative; crucial
C) somewhat important; maladaptive and harmful
D) somewhat important; crucial
According to the large field experiment involving more than 6,000 kindergartners, what
is the optimal class size?
A) 10 to 12 students
B) 13 to 17 students
C) 18 to 24 students
D) 25 to 30 students
Baby Andrea's head and chest are growing at a greater rate than her trunk and legs. This
is an example of the
A) velocity curve.
B) proximodistal trend.
C) distance curve.
D) cephalocaudal trend.
Some investigators have concluded that the forms of logic required by Piagetian tasks
A) are heavily influenced by training, context, and cultural conditions.
B) emerge spontaneously during middle childhood.
C) emerge spontaneously during adolescence.
D) show little variation worldwide.
Tara is in her final month of pregnancy. She is writing a birth plan and would like to
know how the use of epidural analgesia might impact her baby. You can tell Tara that
exposed newborns tend to
A) be hyperactive and animated.
B) suck more aggressively when feeding.
C) have lower Apgar scores.
D) be alert when awake.
Unlike adults, 6-month-olds
A) are unaware of deviations in foreign musical rhythms.
B) can detect rhythmic-pattern deviations in Western but not in non-Western melodies.
C) can detect rhythmic-pattern deviations in non-Western but not in Western melodies.
D) can detect rhythmic-pattern deviations in both Western and non-Western melodies.
Research on adolescent moodiness shows that
A) a major contributor to adolescent moodiness is change in sleep schedules.
B) negative moods decrease steadily from childhood to adolescence.
C) the relationship between higher sex hormones and greater moodiness is strong.
D) frequent reports of negative moods tend to occur when adolescents are socializing.
Which of the following motor achievements, on average, occurs last?
A) grasps cube
B) sits alone
C) rolls from back to side
D) rolls from side to back
Baby Juan holds up his stuffed panda and points to it, making sure his father notices it.
Juan is engaging in a __________ gesture.
A) protoimperative
B) sociolinguistic
C) protodeclarative
D) manipulative
Sternberg's triarchic theory helps explain why
A) out-of-school, practical forms of intelligence are vital for life success.
B) traditional intelligence tests often overestimate children's mental abilities.
C) children with severe impairments in language and communication often show
remarkable numerical and spatial skills.
D) a lengthy process of education is required to transform inborn abilities into mature
Blond hair can result only from having
A) two dominant alleles.
B) two recessive alleles.
C) a dominant dark hair allele and a recessive blond hair allele.
D) a dominant blond hair allele and a recessive dark hair allele.
Research on eyewitness memory suggests that younger children are prone to memory
errors because they
A) are more likely than older children to disagree with a yes-or-no question.
B) tend to report gist rather than verbatim information about their experiences.
C) have trouble recalling highly stressful events.
D) are especially poor at source-monitoring.
People in Country A hold a widely shared set of beliefs about characteristics deemed
appropriate for males and females. They believe that females are passive and males are
aggressive. Country A's beliefs represent gender
A) identities.
B) roles.
C) stereotypes.
D) types.
Cross-cultural research stimulated by Vygotsky's theory reveals that
A) the developmental sequences observed in Western cultures are universal.
B) adults begin to encourage valued skills as soon as children start school.
C) cultures select different tasks for children's learning.
D) sociocultural theory has little application outside industrialized nations.
Infant reactions to __________ include an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, palm
sweating, and pupil dilation.
A) pain
B) hunger
C) cold
D) anxiety
Which of the following is one reason why the United States lags behind other
industrialized nations in immunization?
A) Not all medically uninsured children in the U.S. are guaranteed free immunizations.
B) Vaccines are not usually available in U.S. public health clinics.
C) There have not been any outbreaks of childhood diseases in the U.S., even in areas
where many parents refuse to immunize their children.
D) Some parents have been influenced by media reports suggesting a link between
vaccines and autism.
Which of the following statements is true about sex education?
A) Fathers talk to adolescents about sex and birth control more often than mothers.
B) Because teenagers can look up information from a variety of sources, the Internet is
a good sex educator.
C) It is better for schools to teach adolescents about sex and contraception than parents.
D) Adolescents who are prone to early sexual activity choose to consume more
sexualized media.
Which of the following statements may explain why newborns are especially sensitive
to their mother's voice and their native tongue?
A) Beginning at birth, infants are reinforced more for interacting with their mothers
than their fathers.
B) They are born with a LAD.
C) They are repeatedly exposed to their mother speaking during pregnancy.
D) They interact primarily with their mother after birth, which biases them toward her
voice and language.
Parents of impulsive children can foster conscience development by
A) combining firm correction of misbehavior with induction.
B) using harsh discipline when it is necessary to change behavior.
C) using gentle discipline, reinforced by mild suggestions.
D) limiting positive reinforcement until the child's behavior improves.
Moses and Arianne are doing research on mental abilities that contribute to successful
performance on intelligence tests. Which of the following approaches should they use?
A) Use a correlational procedure of factor analysis.
B) Compare a test-taker's score with older children's scores.
C) Calculate the amount of error associated with a test-taker's score.
D) Use simple measures of sensory responsiveness and reaction time.
Colin says, "I"m Colin. I"m 6 years old and have two older brothers. I"m good at
running and football. I"m not very good at wrestling, and I don"t like doing my chores.
Sometimes I get mad at my brothers." Colin is constructing his
A) remembered self.
B) autobiographical narrative.
C) self-concept.
D) theory of mind.

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