SED LR 67124

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2418
subject Authors Frank J. Schmalleger

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The legal principle that ensures that previous judicial decisions are authoritatively
considered and incorporated into future cases is called ________.
a. ex post facto
b. jurisprudence
c. precedent
d. justification
Which of the following refers to the act of taking revenge on a criminal perpetrator?
a. adjudication
b. retribution
c. probation
d. incapacitation
Who coined the phrase working personality of police officers?
a. James Q. Wilson
b. Jerome Skolnick
c. Kenneth Davis
d. Lawrence Sherman
Each of the following are Part I offenses, EXCEPT ________.
a. robbery
b. murder
c. rape
d. fraud
In which of the following cases did the U.S. Supreme Court rule that the suspect of a
robbery could not be ordered to undergo surgery because such a magnitude of intrusion
into his body was unacceptable under the right to privacy guaranteed by the Fourth
a. Olmstead v. U.S.
b. U.S. v. Montoya de Hernandez
c. Hayes v. Florida
d. Winston v. Lee
Which of the following is NOT one of the operators running private prisons in the
United States?
a. Cornell Corrections
b. Federal Correctional Workforce
c. Corrections Corporation of America
d. Correctional Services Corporation
________ incapacitation is a strategy that would imprison almost all serious offenders.
a. Collective
b. Indeterminate
c. Massive
d. Selective
Which local law enforcement official is responsible for serving court papers,
maintaining security within courtrooms, and running the county jail?
a. sheriff
b. police chief
c. precinct captain
d. prosecutor
Which of the following Supreme Court cases held that correctional officers employed
by a private firm are not entitled to qualified immunity from suits by prisoners?
a. Brown v. Plata
b. Rhodes v. Chapman
c. Richardson v. McKnight
d. Johnson v.California
Which of the following is the degree of force that is appropriate in a given situation and
that is not excessive?
a. self-defense
b. reasonable force
c. alter ego rule
d. deadly force
The official program of a state or legislative jurisdiction that sets standards for the
training of law enforcement officers is known as the ________.
a. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)
b. American Society for Law Enforcement Training (ASLET)
c. Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA)
d. Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) program
Police officers are not allowed to randomly stop citizens for questioning when they
don"t suspect them of breaking the law. This rule was established in ________.
a. Arizona v. Hicks
b. Brown v. Texas
c. U.S. v. Irizarry
d. Horton v. California
The child-savers movement of the nineteenth century produced the ________.
a. teen court
b. adjudicatory hearing
c. reform school
d. blended sentence
The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment established that ________.
a. "preventable crimes" are indeed prevented by patrol
b. police response time greatly affects the apprehension rate of suspects
c. preventive patrol does affect citizens' fear of crime
d. preventive patrol does not affect citizens' fear of crime
Which Supreme Court case held that new evidence of innocence is no reason to order a
new state trial when constitutional grounds are lacking?
a. McNabb v.U.S.
b. Marbury v. Madison
c. Keeney v. Tamayo-Reyes
d. Herrera v. Collins
One juvenile case in ________ involves detention before adjudication.
a. fifteen
b. fifty
c. twenty
d. five
Which of the following cases is an example where the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
the use of antipsychotic drugs on a nonviolent offender who does not represent a danger
while institutionalized must be in the defendant's best medical interest?
a. U.S. v. Hazzar
b. Sell v.U.S.
c. Marbury v. Madison
d. Herrera v.Collins
McNabb v. U.S. formally established that a defendant has to appear at a first appearance
within how many hours after arrest?
a. 72
b. 12
c. 48
d. 24
Which constitutional amendment guarantees the right to a speedy trial?
a. Fourth
b. Eighth
c. Fifth
d. Sixth
All death-row inmates are held in ________ prisons.
a. medium-security
b. federal
c. minimum-security
d. maximum-security
Which Supreme Court case held that parole boards do not have to specify the evidence
used in deciding to deny parole?
a. Kelly v. Robinson
b. Mempa v. Rhay
c. Morrissey v. Brewer
d. Greenholtz v. Nebraska
________ capacity is the number of inmates that a facility can effectively accommodate
based on an appraisal of the institution's staff, programs, and services.
a. Design
b. Operational
c. Rated
d. Prison
Which of the following is NOT part of the structure developed by states that follow the
federal court model?
a. trial courts of limited jurisdiction
b. special-purpose courts
c. trial courts of general jurisdiction
d. appellate courts
During which Supreme Court Justice's tenure did the rights of individuals expand
a. Warren Burger
b. Earl Warren
c. John Ashcroft
d. William Rehnquist
In which of the following cases did the U.S. Supreme Court extend the protection
against warrantless searches to overnight guests residing in the home of another?
a. Brady v. U.S.
b. Minnesota v. Olson
c. Miranda v. Arizona
d. U.S. v. Leon
Most aggravated assaults are committed with ________.
a. blunt objects
b. hands
c. knives
d. firearms
What type of plea is most similar to a guilty plea?
a. no-contest plea
b. not guilty plea
c. bargained plea
d. negotiated plea
What is the single most important criterion for determining the level of proof necessary
for conviction in criminal trials?
a. standards for criminal justice
b. reasonable doubt standard
c. standards of professional responsibility
d. ethical and procedural standards
Which of the following provides the first appellate level for courts of limited
a. courts of last resort
b. trial courts of general jurisdiction
c. intermediate appellate courts
d. district courts
Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. U.S. is responsible for describing what principle of Fourth
Amendment processes?
a. public-safety exception
b. exclusionary rule
c. fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine
d. good-faith exception
Which model assumes that the system's subcomponents work together harmoniously to
achieve the social product we call justice?
a. consensus model
b. crime-control model
c. due-process model
d. conflict model
The U.S. Supreme Court case of McCleskey v. Kemp deals with the issue of ________
in capital crimes.
a. unguided discretion
b. racial discrepancies
c. death sentencing rates
d. death-qualified juries
Which statement does NOT correspond to early criminal justice education?
a. It was a kind of extension of on-the-job training for working practitioners.
b. It encouraged scientific research into the operation of the criminal justice system.
c. It focused on the application of general management principles to the administration
of police agencies.
d. It came to be seen as a practical field of study concerned largely with issues of
organizational effectiveness.
In which of the following cases was it established that an officer must have an arrest
warrant to enter a suspect's private residence, unless the suspect gives consent or there
are some emergency circumstances?
a. Stansbury v. California
b. Ashcraft v. Tennessee
c. U.S. v. Mendenhall
d. Payton v. New York
When a police officer arrests someone based on an improperly issued warrant,
a. the officer is liable for the charge of false arrest
b. the officer is liable for violations of constitutional rights
c. the warrant protects the officer from liability
d. the officer is liable for monetary damages
Define multiculturalism and discuss the importance of multiculturalism in the criminal
justice process.
What is the purpose of law? Would a society exist without laws? Comment on and
analyze the pros and cons of these issues giving examples to support your opinions.
The systems model of criminal justice is an accurate representation of how the criminal
justice system works.
Information about a defendant's background often comes to the judge in the form of a
presentence investigation (PSI) report.
In 2005, in the case of Roper v. Simmons, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that an
offender may not be executed for his or her crime if the crime was committed before the
offender turned 18 years of age.
The court recognized a suspect's right to have legal counsel present during interrogation
in Escobedo v. Illinois.
Design capacity refers to what the prison can accommodate according to experts.
A tort is a wrongful act, damage, or injury not involving a breach of contract.
The Supreme Court gives qualified immunity to officers to protect them from lawsuits
if the officers believed their actions were lawful based on the information they
possessed at the time.
The first ten amendments of the United States Constitution are collectively known as
the Bill of Rights.
In the Manhattan Bail Project, not all dependents were eligible for release on their own
Define the job duties of probation and parole officers. Explain the two of the major
challenges they face in their daily work.
Few facilities for women have programs especially designed for female offenders.
In some jurisdictions, pretrial services agencies have authority to release certain
categories of defendants.
The crime epidemic of 1850"1880 was related to social upheaval caused by large-scale
immigration and the Civil War.

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