SED LR 59682

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1471
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Dr. Hoo believes that children who are high in verbal ability, anxiety, or sociability will
remain so at later ages. Dr. Hoo likely emphasizes the role of __________ in her
A) plasticity
B) stability
C) discontinuity
D) context
Which of the following is a protective measure to reduce the incidence of SIDS?
A) wrapping the baby in warm clothing and blankets
B) pacifier use
C) stomach sleeping
D) use of soft bedding
Which of the following is strongly canalized in humans?
A) personality development
B) cognitive development
C) motor development
D) social development
Evolutionary developmental psychologists seek to understand the entire __________
A) ecological
B) social"cultural
C) organism"environment
D) genetic
Research has shown that family living conditions, such as those measured by HOME,
A) predict children's IQ beyond the contribution of parental IQ and education.
B) show equally strong correlations with IQ for both adopted and biological children.
C) are not associated with IQ for low-SES ethnic minority children.
D) predict children's school performance better than IQ scores.
Adolescents whose family members __________ typically surmount the threat that
discrimination poses to a favorable ethnic identity.
A) encourage them to let go of tradition and merge with the majority cultural identity
B) encourage them to disprove ethnic stereotypes of low achievement or antisocial
C) tightly restrict access to the majority culture out of fear of assimilation
D) teach them to ignore negative stereotypes and to avoid any who hold those idea
Urie Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory views the child as
A) a blank slate upon which adults and more experienced peers can write.
B) developing with a complex system of relationships affected by multiple levels of the
surrounding environment.
C) resembling our primate relatives in social behavior and emotional expression.
D) a biological organism with a highly plastic brain, especially open to growth and
reorganization as a result of experience.
__________ tend to be ahead of __________ in skeletal age.
A) African-American children; Caucasian-American children
B) Boys; girls
C) Premature infants; full-term infants
D) Low birth weight babies; normal birth weight babies
Research shows that between ages 3 and 6, __________ aggression decreases, whereas
__________ aggression increases.
A) physical; verbal
B) overt; hostile
C) relational; proactive
D) reactive; relational
In the sixteenth century, __________ prevented most Puritan parents from using
extremely repressive child-rearing measures.
A) the belief that children are vulnerable
B) religious prohibitions against harsh punishment
C) love and affection for their children
D) the belief that children are close to angels
Why have the functions of the family changed over time?
A) Most household functions were replaced with technology when both parents began
working outside of the home.
B) As societies became more complex, the demands placed on the family became too
much for it to sustain alone, so other institutions developed to assist with certain
C) As family size decreased, children had to take on more adult responsibility.
D) The discovery of electricity allowed families more time together in the evening,
which increased the need for family communication and emotional understanding.
Rapid development of the __________ makes drawing and reading maps possible.
A) reticular formation
B) hippocampus
C) corpus callosum
D) amygdala
Piaget's theory is described as a constructivist approach because he
A) stressed the social and cultural contributions to children's thinking.
B) viewed children as discovering virtually all knowledge about their world through
their own activity.
C) emphasized how genetic and environmental factors combine to yield more complex
ways of thinking.
D) believed that children construct knowledge through adult training and modeling.
Improvement in recall over the preschool years is strongly associated with
A) mastery of conservation.
B) understanding of false belief.
C) language development.
D) advanced perspective-taking skills.
According to Case's neo-Piagetian theory, __________ relaxes working memory for
other activities.
A) cognitive self-regulation
B) synaptic pruning
C) accommodation
D) automization of schemes
In a German study, fathers' __________ predicted children's secure internal working
models of attachment during middle childhood and adolescence.
A) physical caregiving
B) sustained affection
C) expressions of love
D) play sensitivity
On the job, Mr. Williams was exposed to high doses of radiation. Because of this
exposure, when planning their family, the Williams' should be concerned about
A) germline mutation.
B) somatic mutation.
C) polygenic inheritance.
D) chromosomal abnormalities.
Five-year-old Louis can conserve liquid, but not volume. According to Case's
neo-Piagetian theory, one explanation for Louis's differential success would be that
A) he has more experience manipulating volume than he does manipulating liquid.
B) he lives in a culture that does not encourage mastery of conservation.
C) the processing demands of a conservation-of-volume task are greater than those of a
conservation-of-liquid task.
D) familiar glasses were used in the liquid problem, whereas less familiar glasses were
used in the volume problem.
In thousands of studies, correlations between IQ and achievement test scores typically
fall between
A) .40 and .50.
B) .50 and .60.
C) .60 and .70.
D) .70 and .80.
Twelve-year-old Ross lives in a country with very low governmental standards for
public education. As a result, he is barely literate. The public policies that impact Ross's
education are part of the
A) microsystem.
B) mesosystem.
C) macrosystem.
D) exosystem.
Dramatic increases in __________ and __________ are responsible for the swift gain in
overall brain size during the first years of life.
A) neurons; neural fibers
B) synapses; glial cells
C) neurons; glial cells
D) neural fibers; myelination
Early in his career, Piaget derived his ideas about cognitive changes during the first two
years by
A) conducting clinical interviews.
B) engaging in rigorous experiments.
C) observing his own three children.
D) summarizing baby biographies.
Research on attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) indicates that
A) girls are diagnosed with ADHD more frequently than boys.
B) all children with ADHD are hyperactive.
C) ADHD often does not become evident until adolescence or early adulthood.
D) executive-function deficiencies underlie ADHD symptoms.
__________ and __________ are especially frequent in toddlers' interactions with
familiar agemates.
A) Hostility; competition
B) Power assertion; negative emotion
C) Cooperative play; peer collaboration
D) Reciprocal play; positive emotion
In addition to more effective birth control, a major reason for the decline in family size
A) increasing unemployment rates.
B) reduced access to welfare services.
C) a woman's decision to divide her energies between family and work.
D) increasing infertility rates among older couples.
Misty, an African-American child, lives in a home where the adults use a
topic-associating style. Misty's narratives are most likely to
A) have little resemblance to real-life experiences.
B) follow a hierarchical style of communication.
C) recount events in consecutive order.
D) blend several similar experiences.
Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA,
A) is a rodlike structure that stores and transmits genetic information.
B) comes in 23 matching pairs.
C) looks like a twisted ladder.
D) cannot duplicate itself.
According to B. F. Skinner's operant conditioning theory,
A) modeling is the most powerful source of development.
B) the frequency of behavior can be increased by following it with reinforcers.
C) development is a discontinuous process.
D) children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore the world.
Which of the following statements is true regarding the relationship between parenting
and gender roles?
A) Differences in the way parents socialize boys and girls are very large.
B) Younger children receive more direct training in gender roles than do older children.
C) In infancy and early childhood, parents tend to discourage gender-specific play
activities and behaviors.
D) During childhood and adolescence, parents hold similar perceptions and
expectations of their sons and daughters.
If one individual has influenced the contemporary field of child development more than
any other, it is
A) Sigmund Freud.
B) Erik Erikson.
C) B. F. Skinner.
D) Jean Piaget.

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