SED LR 58122

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2784
subject Authors Candace S. Bos, Jeanne Shay Schumm, Sharon R. Vaughn

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Which of the following is a three-tiered framework for planning instructional units and
lessons for diverse learners?
a. planning pyramid
b. teacher think alouds
c. concept diagram
d. student think alouds
Children with developmental disabilities are usually diagnosed:
a. in preschool
b. at age five
c. after age eighteen
d. at birth or shortly thereafter
When planning what the student is going to write about which of the following is NOT
one of the three steps?
a. identifying the intended audience
b. state a purpose for writing
c. creating a population to write to
d. decide on a format
Lucinda, a second-grade teacher, has noticed that one of her students says "boo" when
he means to say "blue" and "pity" instead of "pretty." What type of errors are these?
a. substitutions
b. distortions
c. additions
d. omissions
Which of the following students would be identified as having a specific learning
disability according to IDEIA's regulations:
a. Debbie, a shy sixth grader, has difficulty reading words like "house" and "bird." Her
parents have tried many tutors and report she doesn"t retain what she learns. She says
she hates school and homework.
b. Stephen, a fourth grader, has always had difficulty with word problems. When
reading the problem, he has trouble identifying which information is relevant. Stephen
is on free lunch. Many times, this is the only time he eats during the day.
c. Robert loves animals. He can talk for hours about the latest National Geographic
documentary. When his seventh grade teacher asked him to write an essay about his
favorite reptile, he was only able to put down a few illegible words. When he was six,
the optometrist discovered a defect in the curvature of his cornea.
d. Ana never talks in class. She seems unable to answer the teacher's questions and has
difficulty expressing herself clearly. She arrived from Ecuador three months ago.
Common differences between the U.S. macroculture and microcultures include:
a. Individual versus group and family
b. Competitive versus cooperative learning
c. Objective knowledge versus personal knowledge
d. All of the above
One of the students in your special education classroom continually sticks her fingers in
and out of her mouth and closes her mouth after the fingers come out. This student is
engaged in:
a. repetitive communication behaviors
b. repetitive motor behaviors
c. repetitive social behaviors
d. repetitive adaptive behaviors
Javana, a 12th-grade marine biology teacher, believes that making adaptations
in homework or tests is providing undue advantage for some students. This dilemma is
referred to as:
a. Real world versus student's world
b. Content versus accommodation
c. Student ownership
d. Individual versus class focus
You have a student who has fine motor problems when it comes writing and it often
takes him a long time to get information written down. You have decided to have this
student use the computer and keyboard so he can complete his work much more
quickly. Although, a great adaptation what is a possible drawback to the use of the
computer and keyboard for students and teachers?
a. Students cannot read the letters on the keyboard.
b. Students' fingering cannot be monitored directly.
c. Students' parents may be doing the work for them.
d. Students are too savvy with computers.
In the past when students were struggling and there was not enough of a discrepancy
between their achievement and ability the prevailing model was called
a. Wait for help.
b. Wait and hope.
c. Wait to fail.
d. Wait it out.
If you have a child who is under the age of three and needs special education and
related services which type of plan or program would be developed for him or her?
a. Individualized Educational Plan
b. Individualized Family Service Plan
c. 504 Plan
d. Vocational Rehabilitation Plan
What skills can students develop by playing word games that involve rhyming words,
sound substations, and opposites?
a. metalinguistics
b. semantic
c. articulation
d. fluency
Reading instruction is most effective when teachers use:
a. whole language approach
b. basal reading
c. balanced approach
d. literature based approach
The developmental period, in reference to students with mental retardation, is before
the age of:
a. 3
b. 9
c. 12
d. 18
Even though Dan writes neatly and legibly, it takes him a very long time to write a few
sentences. Which strategy may help Dan write more quickly and easily?
a. timed writings
b. peer writings
c. TAG
d. Modeling
One of the components of vocal production of language is fluency. Which is the most
common fluency disorder:
a. omissions
b. stuttering
c. additions
d. resonance
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has two distinct factors:
a. aggressive behavior and lower cognitive ability
b. inattention and impulsivity
c. extremely high cognitive ability and laziness
d. excessive stress and poor diet
Mainstream Assistance Teams were designed to fulfill the following purpose:
a. To help students who have been mainstreamed improve academic success.
b. To help students who have been mainstreamed improve social outcomes.
c. To provide opportunities for special education teacher to implement a problem
solving process with the general education teacher to facilitate problem resolution with
special education students.
d. To develop a team of professionals who meet bi-monthly to coordinate services for
students with special needs who have been mainstreamed more than 50% of the time
into the general education classroom.
When asked a question, Kara often repeats what she hears verbatim rather than
providing an answer. This condition is referred to as:
a. mimicking
b. perseveration
c. echolalia
d. receptive questioning
What does NOT increase a student's sense of belonging in a general education
a. being involved in the typical classroom routine
b. giving students the same "things" as others (e.g., desk, locker, classroom duties, etc.)
c. non-flexible grading
d. peer buddies
Which is NOT effective in assisting students with communication difficulties:
a. gestures
b. communication board
c. eye blinks
d. limited eye contact
Which of the following is NOT a dimension of multicultural education?
a. Content integration
b. Equity pedagogy
c. Empowering school culture
d. Integrating home culture
As part of her seventh-grade class, Keisha makes sure to focus on teaching vocabulary,
word categories, word relationships, multiple meanings, and figurative language. What
is Keisha teaching her class?
a. semantics
b. form
c. use
d. pragmatics
24 When an individual is given a list of steps to follow in order to guide him or her in
the correct sequence of an activity completion the student is using:
a. authentic assessment
b. task analysis
c. partial participation
d. cooperative learning
NCLB has implications for special education because
a. Scientifically based reading programs must be implemented before a student gets
b. Schools can use IDEIA funds for remediation programs
c. All teachers must be dually certified in general and special education
d. Teachers must complete a transition plan for all students at the school
Rafael is a student with emotional or behavioral disorders. One day in class he hits
another student in the face. An appropriate response from his teacher would be to:
a. understand that Rafael is not capable of following the rules and not administer the
b. ignore the behavior and encourage classmates to do the same.
c. enforce the classroom rules and administer consequences.
d. explain to the class that Rafael cannot follow the rules so the misbehavior should be
Students with emotional and behavioral disorders may exhibit externalizing behaviors
that interfere with others. An example of an externalizing behavior could be:
a. aggression toward others
b. shyness and withdrawal
c. whispering instead of talking
d. feeling depressed
According to the National Research Council (2001), what percent of students with
autism do not develop functional speech?
a. 50%
b. 100%
c. 10%
d. 75%
The concept that language is a code for representing sounds, words, and ideas is called:
a. semantics
b. morphology
c. metalinguistics
d. syntax
Brenda found out that George, a second grader with behavior problems who often acted
out, had earned a black belt in karate. Brenda often asked George about how it was
going in his karate classes and asked him to demonstrate some of his moves to the class.
What is Brenda helping George with?
a. Social perception
b. Self-concept
c. Social competence
d. Aggression
The classroom is made up of a heterogeneous group of students. In your classroom you
have a student who is so advanced that he has been moved up by one grade in school.
This student has been __________________.
The authors mention that the prevalence of specific learning disabilities is steadily
increasing. Describe the factors that are related to the increase. What is your rationale
for the increase in the identification of learning disabilities?
In your classroom if you are using strategies that require you to alter the curriculum,
you are making _______________ to your instruction.
A strategy that can be used with children with autism where the teacher uses role-
playing, feedback, modeling, and verbal instruction is called __________________.
There are several strategies the teacher can use to change the individual or class
behavior. If you choose to use a ____________________system you would present the
student(s) with an object when demonstrating appropriate behavior that he or she could
later exchange for a back-up reinforcer.
As teachers we need to know if our students are generalizing the information we are
teaching them in the classroom. The most common way, other than a test or quiz, is
through the use of homework assignments. There are several reasons Epstein and Van
Voorhis (2001) provide for assigning homework. What are five of these reasons?
According to Friend and Cook (2007) __________________________ is "a voluntary
process in which one professional assists another to address a problem concerning a
third party," _________________________ "describes the interaction that is occurring:
People are working together as equal partners in shared problem solving," and
________________________ is "two or more professionals jointly delivering
substantive instruction to a diverse, or blended, group of students in a single physical
As a teacher you know that children come into the classroom with a need to be accepted
by teachers and especially by their peers. In order to help our students we need to
provide opportunities for students to succeed in order to develop
Some of the critical concerns content area teachers face include coordinating content
area teaching and learning strategies, balancing text-driven and activities-driven
instruction, balancing content and process, and integrating the curriculum. Describe
each of these issues and give an example of a classroom implication for each. Provide
one strategy content area teachers can use for each of these areas of concern.
The authors discuss executive learning and refer to four guidelines related to strategy
instruction. The third guideline, ____________________, involves a gradual release of
responsibility from the teacher to the learner.
In your classroom you have a student who you suspect has difficulty hearing and is in
need of an evaluation. The parents of the student have scheduled an appointment with
the ___________________ who will use an audiometer to plot the student's responses
to sounds on a graph called an ___________________.
What role does the general education teacher play in the identification of students with
communication disorders? Provide examples of questions general education teachers
may ask about their students to determine the possibility of difficulties in the three areas
of language.
From the perspective of a general education teacher, what does it mean to collaborate
with other professionals and parents? Provide at least one example of a way in which
you anticipate that you might have to use collaborative skills.
Note taking is a learned skill. Develop an informal lesson plan that describes how you
would incorporate teaching note-taking skills into your daily curriculum. Include the
strategy you plan to use to teach the skill, and you will assess whether the students are
mastering their note-taking skills.
Discuss the guidelines for effective note taking. What are some of the characteristics of
a good note-taker?
Handwriting seems to be a dying art in the world because of the computer age.
However, in the classroom teaching handwriting is an essential part of the curriculum.
There is an ongoing debate about whether students should be taught cursive or
manuscript handwriting. Discuss the pros and cons of each type of handwriting
instruction. What is you r opinion about the manuscript vs. cursive controversy?

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