SED LR 52800

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2846
subject Authors James J Gallagher, Mary Ruth Coleman, Samuel Kirk

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Which of the following is NOT true regarding the prevalence of ADHD?
a. Children from highly educated families and children from families receiving
Medicaid are most likely to be identified.
b. Black students make up less of the ADHD population but are identified at higher
rates than their white peers. c. Male students are at least twice as likely to be identified
as having ADHD as are their female peers.
d. The numbers of students identified as ADHD is steadly dropping each year as
prevention techinques are discovered.
Which of the following activities typically takes place at the RtI Tier III level?
a. The development of an IEP with a multidisciplinary team
b. Modifications to general classroom instruction
c. Small group reinforcement of general classroom skills
d. Universal screening for potential learning disabilities
Which of the following is NOT a category of adaptive behavior?
a. Conceptual skills
b. Social skills
c. Cognitive skills
d. Practical skills
Transition plans for young children with delays and/or disabilities
a. are developed by parents.
b. are the responsibility of the child's social worker.
c. are developed by a child's service providers.
d. are developed and implemented by a team.
Six-year-old Maria says "wight" for "right." This is an example of which of the
following articulation errors?
a. A distortion
b. An omission
c. A substitution
d. The addition of extra sounds
Most students with learning disabilities are served
a. in resource rooms.
b. in self-contained special education classrooms.
c. in general education classrooms without modifications.
d. in general education classrooms with appropriate modifications.
An inherited, progressive disorder of the muscles that affect movement and function is
called ___________
a. cerebral palsy.
b. muscular dystrophy.
c. spina bifida.
d. TBI.
The primary reason for going through the process of identification and diagnosis is to
a. learn more about the child's personality.
b. learn more about the child's family.
c. place the child in an environment that best meets his or her needs.
d. place the child in an environment in which learning objectives are used.
During their early years, children with disabilities
a. develop much the same as children without disabilities.
b. require special help to acquire skills that children without disabilities learn readily.
c. do not respond well to attempts at intervention due to brain development.
d. can benefit from early intervention but normally would overcome any delay even
without the intervention.
Changes in definitions of certain categories will likely result in
a. changes in prevalence of certain disabilities.
b. the use of census data instead of school counts.
c. better counting procedures.
d. the cross-checking of school counts by auditing teams.
The late 1990s saw an increase in the number of court cases regarding services for
students with
a. IDD.
b. emotional disabilities.
c. minority students.
d. autism.
Which of the following best describes the treatment of children with EBD in the
post-WWII era?
a. Responsibility for intervention shifted from the medical community to the education
b. Many children with EBD were institutionalized as that was thought to be the only
c. Most children with EBD were thought to be insane and/or mentally impaired.
d. There was little if any attention paid to most disabilities including EBD.
Test of cognitive ability should also be considered when identifying a student with
a. True
b. False
The IEP is primarily written by
a. the parent(s).
b. the special educator.
c. the principal or administrator of the school the child is attending.
d. the IEP team writes the IEP together.
Which of the following exceptionalities does NOT have its own defined category under
IDEA, 2004?
a. Autism
c. Traumatic Brain Injury
d. Emotional Disturbance
The intensity of support for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities is
measured as
a. primary, secondary, and tertiary.
b. mild, moderate, severe, and profound.
c. dependent and independent.
d. intermittent, limited, extensive and pervasive.
Sets of different sized lines of text in the Snellen chart are used to
a. screen for astigmatism.
b. screen for visual acuity.
c. screen for nystagmus.
d. screen for strabisnus.
Research studies show that gifted children accelerated in school placement
a. adjust as well or better than students of similar ability who are not accelerated.
b. do not benefit academically.
c. do not encounter social adjustment problems.
d. do not enter their careers sooner than students who are not accelerated.
When a child is diagnosed with a serious disability, their parents usually experience the
emotion of last.
a. anger
b. frustration
c. acceptance
d. guilt
Identifying children with exceptionalities only becomes important as children enter
elementary school.
a. True
b. False
The central task of early intervention is to
a. provide respite for parents of children with developmental delays or disabilities.
b. provide necessary supports and services to optimize the child's development as early
as possible.
c. keep the infants quiet so that the parents' lives are as normal as possible.
d. provide financial aid so the family has some relief from the stresses of childcare.
Which of the children described below is likely to experience the most difficulty in
a. Mike, a 12-year-old who suffered a moderate hearing loss in one ear at age 5
b. Sarah, a 12-year-old who suffered a moderate hearing loss in both ears at age 5
c. Bill, a 12-year-old who suffered a severe hearing loss in both ears at age 2
d. Mary, a 12-year-old who was born with a severe hearing loss
The Common Core State Standards were developed specifically to meet the needs of
students with exceptionalities.
a. True
b. False
Instruction can be adapted to meet interindividual or intraindividual differences by
making modifications to
a. curriculum content, consensus, and adjustment services.
b. curriculum content, teaching strategies, and the learning environment.
c. the learning environment, adjustment services, and life skills.
d. life skills, curriculum content, and adjustment services.
Contrary to stereotypes, individuals with special gifts and talents tend to be
a. more disturbed than normal peers.
b. impatient with themselves.
c. less coordinated and less healthy than peers.
d. well-adjusted and healthier than peers.
The sequence of language development of children with hearing impairments
a. is slower than in children who are not hearing impaired.
b. follows the same pattern of children who can hear.
c. develops faster than in children who can hear.
d. is different in nature than in children who are not hearing impaired.
The instrument for testing hearing acuity is called
a. an altimeter.
b. an amp meter.
c. an audiometer.
d. a voltage meter.
The major goal for the family-focused approach is to
a. give the parents the financial support that they need to provide for their child.
b. help parents become more autonomous and less dependent on professionals.
c. tell the family how to raise their child.
d. give parents respite care when needed.
Authentic assessments measure
a. the applications of knowledge.
b. the student's performance on a contrived task.
c. typical classroom performance.
d. academic achievement as compared to other students of the same age and grade.
One area of exceptionalities where prevalence seems to be increasing rapidly is
a. developmental disabilities.
b. autism.
c. learning disabilities.
d. hearing impairment.
Which researcher concluded that extraordinary ability ran in families and was genetic in
a. Terman
b. Gardner
c. Galton
d. Binet
Semantics is
a. how language is used socially.
b. the grammatical rules of writing.
c. the meaning of words and sentences.
d. the sound system and rules for the combination of sounds.
Intervention strategies that research has demonstrated to be effective are called
a. evidence-based interventions.
b. extrinsic interventions.
c. cooperative learning.
d. PBS.
The data from research on early intervention programs indicate
a. positive gains for parents.
b. positive gains for parents and children.
c. positive gains for children.
d. no gains at all.
Explain the difference between a conductive hearing loss and a sensorineural hearing
loss in terms of the type of damage and the functional outcome.
What service delivery options should be considered to meet the needs of school-age
students with articulation disorders and how do these services fit with the RTI tiers?
Why are multi-tiered systems of support such as RtI so important for addressing the
needs of students with ADHD?
The ability of the brain to compensate for and reorganize functions following a brain
injury is known as_____________.
The____________exists as a separate cultural group within our society and has
exhibited considerable cohesiveness for more than a century.
What factors contribute to intellectual and developmental disabilities in children?
Respiration, phonation, resonation, and articulation are all involved in the production
of___________ .
____________________ in children is the belief that nothing they do can stop bad
things from happening. This results in severe deterioration in performance after failure.
____is the process of the teacher, therapist, or parent trying to assess the meaning of
that behavior to the child instead of concentrating on the specific behavior of the child.
Being________is defined as an impairment in hearing that may be permanent or
fluctuating and that adversely affects a child's educational performance but that is not
included under the definition of deafness.
Discuss cerebral palsy, including the causes and the four different forms of the disorder
and how this affects the child's education.
Discuss how the RtI model may have the potential for more appropriate placement and
planning for students experiencing difficulty in regular education, especially students
from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Remy is an English Language Learner from a low-income background in the 2nd grade.
His teachers have expressed concern about his behavior in class and academic
difficulties and have referred him for ADHD evaluation. What factors must the
evaluators take into account as they examine Remy's behavior?
Discuss some of the problems related to educational assessment with students with
physical disabilities.
The term_____is used to refer to people who perform at remarkably high levels of
accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment.
Describe some of the key differences in eligibility and services for students with ADHD
between IDEA 2004 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

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