SED LR 52571

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 26
subject Words 4285
subject Authors Daniel P. Hallahan, James M. Kauffman, Paige C. Pullen

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Studies indicate that less than 1 percent of school-aged youth exhibit serious
emotional/behavioral problems.
The recognition of giftedness is a relatively new phenomenon.
Most physical disabilities, even if severe, do not in themselves prevent sexual
Effective national parents'organizations have existed in the United States only since
about 1950.
Children who are deaf who have parents who are deaf have higher reading achievement
than those who have hearing parents.
Boys with externalizing forms of E/BD outnumber girls with externalizing forms of
E/BD by about five to one.
Physical disabilities of all kinds are decreasing because of medical advances.
Most students who are blind receive the necessary training in daily living skills to live
Down syndrome is usually an inherited condition.
By definition, exceptional children require special education or related services to
realize their full human potential.
Authorities believe that few cases of mild intellectual disabilities are caused by specific
genetic syndromes.
The effects of TBI are always severe and permanent.
Some ethnic minorities are underrepresented in special education.
Research has consistently shown that students who are positively reinforced for correct
responses learn faster.
Schools are not required to provide employment-related services to students with
Most people with visual impairment use braille as their primary method of reading.
The vast majority of children with learning disabilities develop social-emotional
The law does not require provision of special education services simply because a
student has been shown to have a disability.
Many of the behavior management or modification strategies used with students with
E/BD are not effective with students with TBI.
Most schools use systematic screening procedures to identify youth with E/BD.
Family stress is typically most influenced by the severity of the child's disability.
In adulthood, people with gifts are prone to emotional instability and early decline.
Partial participation refers to the practice of having students with disabilities integrated
for part of the school day and in a special class for the remainder of the day.
There are no standardized assessments available for outcome measures for people with
It is essential for success that parents be advocates for their children with disabilities
throughout the school years.
The major symptoms of Usher syndrome are hearing loss, vision loss, and mental
The feelings that siblings experience about a child with a disability are quite different
from their parents'feelings.
Many of the academic and social difficulties of adolescents and adults are now
attributed to basic language disorders.
Most children with E/BD perform in the low-average range on tests of intelligence.
Students with ADHD are more disliked by their peers than are students with any other
kind of disorder
Transitions between life stages tend to be times of low stress for families.
From an educational perspective, deafness is defined as a hearing loss of more than 90
dB in either ear.
The primary purpose of multicultural education is to teach children of ethnic minorities
about their history and the intellectual, social, and artistic contributions of their
More girls than boys stutter.
A common way to categorize causes of intellectual disabilities is to consider the
a) part of the brain affected.
b) location at which the cause occurs.
c) severity of the condition.
d) time at which the cause occurs.
These devices can serve the same function as the Perkins Brailler or slate and stylus,
but they offer additional speech-synthesizer and word-processing capabilities.
a. Descriptive Video Teleprompters
b. VersaBraille
c. Portable braille notetakers
d. Kurzweil Personal Readers
Each of the following has been shown to sometimes cause deaf-blindness EXCEPT
a) rubella.
b) congenital cytomegalovirus.
c) meningitis.
d) allergic reaction to kombucha.
The difference between physical therapy and occupational therapy
A) is that the latter focuses more often on adults in job-related situations.
B) is that the former focuses on sensory and gross motor functions, the latter on support
for daily living skills.
C) is a matter of degree, not kind.
D) is no longer relevant since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Factors that promote underachievement in school include all of the following EXCEPT
A) cultural barriers to success in certain fields.
B) chaotic, neglectful, or abusive home environment.
C) nurturing social climate in the classroom.
D) bias against identifying or programming for students from some minority groups.
Which one of the following provides the best description of normalization?
a. the theory that disabilities are a matter of social perceptions and values
b. the belief that people with disabilities should have experiences as similar as possible
to those of people without disabilities
c. the principle that schools should educate all students in the regular classroom,
regardless of the nature of their disabilities
d. the belief that students with disabilities should be educated in the environment that
will allow them to achieve their maximum potential as adults
The preferred method of identifying students with learning disabilities is to use an
IQ-achievement discrepancy formula.
Each of the following supports a neurological basis for autism EXCEPT
A) People with autism have a high incidence of brain seizures and brain tumors.
B) Postmortem and neurological imaging studies have implicated several areas of the
brain that differ from those of people without disabilities.
C) People with autism may have experienced sudden, excessive brain growth followed
by a deceleration in growth.
D) Studies show that when one sibling is diagnosed with autism, the chances are much
higher that another sibling has autism.
Jasper is a ten-year-old student with intellectual disabilities. According to IDEA, if he is
placed in the least restrictive environment possible, he will receive instruction in
a. his own home.
b. a general education classroom with consultation by a special educator.
c. both a general education classroom and a resource room.
d. a general education classroom for the whole day.
Any repetitive, stereotyped behavior that seems to have no immediately apparent
purpose is
a) self-mutilation.
b) self-stimulation.
c) tantrums.
d) self-injury.
A method involving breaking down academic problems into their component parts that
can be taught separately and then combined is called
A) direct instruction.
B) scaffolded instruction.
C) cognitive training.
D) task analysis.
Using instructional prompts, consequences for performance, and strategies for transfer
of stimulus control is called
a) community-based instruction.
b) functional instruction.
c) functional academics.
d) systematic instruction.
On standardized achievement tests, most students with E/BD perform
A) at grade level.
B) above grade level.
C) at mental age level.
D) below grade level.
Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the British Petroleum oil spill in 2006 are associated
with which condition?
a) CHARGE syndrome
b) Usher syndrome
c) German measles
d) Down syndrome
It is largely a myth that many parents of children with disabilities experience
a. loss.
b. denial.
c. guilt.
d. grief.
Language disorders are generally classified according to two dimensions:
A) domain and etiology.
B) primary and secondary causes.
C) phonology and cause.
D) specific impairment and expressive delay.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of differentiated instruction? It
A) includes a minimum amount of assessment so as not to make students too
B) is based on student readiness.
C) varies activities and assignments.
D) supports active exploration of topics at varying levels.
People who say that deafness should not be considered a disability argue that
A) there is a difference between prelingual and postlingual deafness.
B) they should be considered a cultural minority with a language of their own.
C) there are advantages to being deaf, so it is not a disability.
D) although deafness is a handicap, it is not a disability.
Itard is best known for his work with
a. Victor, the "wild boy of Aveyron."
b. students who were deaf.
c. Laura Bridgman, a girl who was both deaf and blind.
d. students with physical disabilities.
ADHD has been shown to often coexist with each of the following EXCEPT
A) learning disabilities.
B) emotional or behavioral disorders.
C) giftedness.
D) substance abuse.
All teachers should expect to participate in educating students with disabilities. Which
one of the following responsibilities is a general education classroom teacher LEAST
likely to have?
a. evaluating academic abilities
b. managing serious behavior problems
c. participating in writing individualized educational programs
d. collaborating with other professionals
All of the following have been found to occur in families of highly successful persons
A) Parents provided a space in the home designated for play only.
B) Parents took it for granted that their children would learn in the area of talent, just as
they would learn language.
C) Parents sought special instruction and special teachers for the child.
D) Parents were role models (at least at the start of their child's development of talent),
especially in terms of lifestyle.
An IFSP refers to an
a. informal family service plan.
b. individualized family service plan.
c. initial family service program.
d. interchangeable family service program.
A biologically determined behavioral style is a
A) personality.
B) temperament.
C) learning style.
D) attitude.
Gareth uses braces on his legs to help provide support when he walks. This is an
example of a/an
A) prosthesis.
B) assistive device.
C) orthosis.
D) adaptive device.
For students with disabilities, the objective of partial participation is
a. exposure to activities experienced by all students.
b. opportunity to model social skills and increased vocational training.
c. maximize time on task and enhance self-esteem.
d. mastery of functional academics and improved self-help skills.
Each of the following is an issue/controversy concerning universal design or the use of
technology for people with disabilities EXCEPT
a. deciding when the limits of universal design have been reached.
b. deciding when the use of technology is in a person's best interest.
c. unnecessary cost associated with having to consider the relatively small population of
people with disabilities when designing technology.
d. the potential for dependence on technology at the cost of learning to do something
independent of technology.
A condition that recurs at successive times but does not necessarily become more severe
overtime is
A) progressive.
B) episodic.
C) chronic.
D) acute.
Which principles are most important to keep in mind when considering prosthetics and
A) residual function, simplicity, reliability
B) age of person, length of limb, intelligence of person
C) residual function, length of limb, cost of device
D) residual function, simplicity, health of person
Each of the following is an element of the NJCLD definition EXCEPT
A) Learning disabilities are due to central nervous system dysfunction.
B) Learning disabilities are a lifelong condition.
C) Spelling is a specific manifestation of learning disabilities.
D) Learning disabilities can occur concurrently with mental retardation.
The high prevalence of feelings of guilt for parents who have a child with a disability is
probably due to
a. the fact that the cause of so many disabilities is unknown.
b. parents'knowledge that they caused their child's disability.
c. strangers' stares and comments.
d. the lack of support for families of children with disabilities.
People with intellectual disabilities are likely to believe they have little control over
what happens to them and that they are primarily controlled by other people and events.
This belief is
a) a lack of self-regulation.
b) due to their histories of failure.
c) due to locus of control.
d) a problem with gullibility.
The degree to which families are able to change their modes of interaction when they
encounter unusual or stressful situations refers to
a. acceptance.
b. cohesion.
c. adaptability.
d. compassion.
Indicate the purpose of an individualized education program (IEP) and explain why it is
not appropriate to make a placement decision for a student before an IEP has been
written for that student. Provide an example to clarify your explanation.
Define the three categories of physical disabilities described in the chapter (neuromotor
impairments, orthopedic and musculoskeletal disorders, and other conditions that affect
health or physical ability) and provide one example of each. Define each condition.
Write a scenario illustrating the use of an instructional prompt and explain why and
how it is faded out.
Why should"early intervention"be seen as having two meanings: (1) early in the child's
life and (2) as soon as possible after the disability is detected?
Describe two misunderstandings that seem to contribute to a common viewpoint in
society that E/BD is not a"real"disorder.
Describe two behavioral, two appearance, and two physical signs that might indicate a
student has a vision problem.
What should be considered when developing an assessment-based intervention plan for
a student with communication disorders?
What do authorities recommend regarding instruction of preschoolers diagnosed with
Describe the relationship between the concept of universal design for learning (UDL)
and the pros and cons of using available technology in an effort to allow people with
disabilities to function more like those without disabilities.
Distinguish between prostheses, orthoses, and adaptive devices and provide an example
of each.
Discuss reasons for which legal suits (for or against special education) might be filed.
What issues are related to parental reactions to having a child with a disability, and what
factors appear to be most predictive of how couples will cope with the stress associated
with having a child with a disability? In your response, address the role of stages in
parental reactions.
Distinguish between intelligence and adaptive behavior, giving examples of tasks that
are representative of each. Why is adaptive behavior included in the definition of
mental retardation?
Describe the Multi-tiered Model for Identification and explain why it is used.
What does research suggest about the adjustment of siblings of people with disabilities?
What factors help siblings adjust?
Why are testing accommodations provided to students with disabilities and students
with limited English proficiency? Describe three testing accommodations that might be

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