SED LR 49610

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1994
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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Research on building memory suggests that
A) children learn how to structure personally significant memories in narrative form by
conversing about them with adults.
B) fuzzy traces are more likely than verbatim memories to be forgotten.
C) children begin to talk about the past with others sometime during their third year.
D) scripts often clutter long-term memory with unimportant information.
A small group of fifth-grade boys frequently picks on Dan, calling him names, hitting
and tripping him, and taking his lunch money. Dan is experiencing
A) peer victimization.
B) a dominance hierarchy.
C) gender harassment.
D) typical male aggression.
After returning from a cousin's birthday party, Malik asks his 4-year-old son, "What
was the first thing you did at the party?" "Why didn't Jarrod open his presents before
you ate cake?" "I thought the clown was really funny. What did you think?" Malik is
using a(n) __________ narrative style.
A) repetitive
B) utilization
C) elaborative
D) emergent
About __________ percent of adolescents are physically or sexually abused by dating
A) 5 to 10
B) 10 to 20
C) 20 to 30
D) 30 to 40
Adolescents are able to ponder the concepts of justice and freedom because they have
A) a moral code.
B) verbal reasoning about abstract concepts.
C) idealism and egocentric decision making.
D) the ability to delay gratification.
Phonological development is largely complete by age
A) 3.
B) 5.
C) 7.
D) 8.
Which of the following children will probably have enhanced conversational skills?
A) a first-born child who spends a lot of time playing with other first-born children
B) a younger sibling who often plays with an older brother or cousin
C) a younger sibling who usually plays with a parent
D) a low-SES child who is the youngest in a large family
Research on induction shows that it
A) encourages empathy and sympathetic concern.
B) encourages anger and hostility toward peers.
C) should not be used with children under the age of 10.
D) is less effective than corporal punishment.
Many studies have tested Gilligan's claim that Kohlberg's approach underestimates the
moral maturity of females, and
A) most support it.
B) most do not support it.
C) the results are divided.
D) none support it.
When inducing empathy-based guilt, parents must help children
A) deal with guilt feelings constructively by guiding them to make up for immoral
B) understand why harsh punishment is sometimes necessary to correct misbehavior.
C) understand why adults are always right and that their goal is to protect children.
D) understand that people sometimes behave inappropriately.
In the Strange Situation, Helena clings to her mother and fails to explore. When her
mother leaves, Helena is distressed. When her mother returns, she clings to her mother,
but hits and pushes her. Helena is displaying characteristics of __________ attachment.
A) secure
B) avoidant
C) resistant
D) disorganized/disoriented
When baby Raj's mom first started carrying an on-call beeper, Raj was easily awakened
by the sound of it going off. After several nights, Raj's sleep was not disturbed by the
beeping. This is an example of
A) recovery.
B) operant conditioning.
C) habituation.
D) classical conditioning.
Which of the following statements is supported by research on mathematics?
A) Older preschoolers establish an accurate one-to-one correspondence between
number words and the items they represent.
B) The principle of cardinality is attained before the principle of ordinality.
C) A beginning grasp of ordinality is displayed between 14 and 16 months of age.
D) Most 1-year-olds grasp the principle of cardinality.
Which of the following is a major limitation of naturalistic observation?
A) For each participant, responses may differ due to the manner of interviewing.
B) Researchers cannot expect that participants will behave in the laboratory as they do
in their natural environments.
C) Findings cannot be generalized beyond the participants and settings in which the
research was originally conducted.
D) Not all participants have the same opportunity to display a particular behavior in
everyday life.
Gametes are
A) the result of the uniting of the sperm and the ovum at fertilization.
B) formed through a cell division process called meiosis.
C) created with twice the usual number of chromosomes.
D) formed through a cell division process called mitosis.
Baby Winnie recognizes her mother's smell, voice, and face, but does not mind being
left with an unfamiliar adult. According to Bowlby's theory of attachment, Winnie is in
the __________ phase.
A) preattachment
B) "attachment-in-the-making"
C) "clear-cut" attachment
D) reciprocal relationship
Gifted children and adolescents
A) report more emotional and social difficulties than their ordinary agemates.
B) learn best in classes that stress knowledge acquisition above all else.
C) are more likely than their average-achieving peers to drop out of school and engage
in antisocial behavior.
D) flourish in classrooms where analytical skills are emphasized over generating new
Which of the following statements is true regarding metacognitive knowledge?
A) Children younger than age 6 pay attention to the process of thinking rather than the
outcomes of thought.
B) Children use private speech to help them acquire academic skills.
C) Children typically rate "good" reasoning as based on weighing of possibilities and
gathering of evidence.
D) Children who use private speech during difficult tasks rarely execute effective
mental strategies.
Six-year-old Nafiz is giving testimony about domestic violence he witnessed. Which of
the following techniques is most likely to result in response consistency and accuracy in
his testimony?
A) The prosecutor interrupts Nafiz's denials about certain events.
B) The prosecutor suggests incorrect "facts" about what actually occurred.
C) The prosecutor uses a nonconfrontational questioning style.
D) The prosecutor reinforces Nafiz for giving the desired answers.
Which of the following helps to explain why preoperational children's thinking keeps
them from being able to understand the idea of conservation?
A) They tend to spend too much time on reversibility, or mentally reversing the steps in
a problem back to the starting point.
B) They tend to focus more on the dynamic transformation of a situation without giving
adequate attention to beginning and ending states.
C) They have a significant grasp on the idea that appearances can change without
changing the fundamental characteristics of the situation.
D) Their understanding is characterized by centration in which they focus on one aspect
of the situation while ignoring other important features.
According to the Swedish "equal roles family model,"
A) husbands should be more responsible for housework and child care than wives.
B) wives should be more responsible for housework than husbands, while husbands
should be more responsible for children than wives.
C) stay-at-home wives and mothers should earn a salary for their child-care and
household responsibilities.
D) husband and wife should have the same opportunity to pursue a career and should be
equally responsible for housework and child care.
Ten-year-old Delaney is helping her dad put new shingles on her playhouse in the
backyard. Her dad asks her to put the shingles in order from longest to shortest so that
he can vary the start of each row. She is able to do this because she
A) can think abstractly.
B) can perform seriation tasks.
C) understands dual representation.
D) understands conservation.
From middle to late adolescence, cognitive changes enable teenagers to
A) stop using abstract descriptors.
B) combine their traits into an organized system.
C) compare their own performance to that of a single peer.
D) create an entirely new set of attributes.
Which of the following statements is true about gender-stereotype flexibility?
A) Acknowledging that boys and girls can cross gender lines does not mean that
children always approve of doing so.
B) Western children are especially tolerant when boys engage in "cross-gender" acts.
C) Boys are more likely than girls to engage in "cross-gender" acts.
D) Once children are old enough to acknowledge that boys and girls can cross gender
lines, they always approve of doing so.
Although a variety of built-in bases for morality have been posited, __________ and
__________ are of prime importance.
A) protection; charity
B) empathy; self-sacrifice
C) reproduction; competition
D) compassion; obedience
Yardley is pregnant with her first child. When should she expect to feel its movements?
A) between 8 and 11 weeks
B) between 12 and 15 weeks
C) between 17 and 20 weeks
D) between 21 and 24 weeks
During infancy and childhood, the
A) upper body grows faster than the lower body.
B) hands and feet continue to grow ahead of the arms and legs.
C) arms and legs continue to grow ahead of the hands and feet.
D) head grows at a much faster rate than any other body part.
To study moral development, Kohlberg
A) observed people in naturally occurring situations requiring moral reasoning.
B) used an ethnographic approach to assess moral reasoning.
C) studied moral reasoning in institutionalized children and adolescents.
D) presented people with hypothetical moral dilemmas.
According to the emergentist coalition model, infants rely solely on __________ cues,
while toddlers increasingly attend to __________ cues until language develops further
and __________ cues play larger roles.
A) perceptual; social; linguistic
B) intonation; linguistic; social
C) visual; verbal; social
D) syntax; intonation; pitch
The most common form of blended family is a(n) __________ arrangement.
A) mother"stepfather
B) father"stepmother
C) grandparent"grandchild
D) aunt"uncle
G. Stanley Hall and his student, Arnold Gesell,
A) developed the first intelligence test.
B) regarded child development as a maturational process.
C) argued that children actively revise their ways of thinking, but also learn through
D) were the first researchers to implement behavior modification techniques.
Dmitri was adopted from a severely deprived orphanage. He has strabismus because of
muscle weakness. If left untreated and the strabismus persists longer than a few months,
Dmitri will probably
A) have long-term hearing difficulties.
B) be overwhelmed by stimulation, reacting to it with disorganized behavior or
C) show permanent deficits in visual acuity and depth perception.
D) experience short-term, mild cognitive delays.
Which of the following statements is true about graduates of the Carolina Abecedarian
A) Treatment children sustained their IQ advantage until last tested at age 21.
B) Graduates of the school-age intervention maintained an IQ advantage only through
middle school.
C) Interventions during infancy were not especially effective in boosting graduates'
mental development.
D) Treatment children lost their IQ advantage during adolescence.
Which of the following is the most important factor in preventing mothers with
childhood histories of abuse from repeating the cycle with their own youngsters?
A) being able to effectively cope with stress
B) a trusting relationship with another person
C) cognitive-behavioral therapy
D) learning how to use an authoritarian child-rearing style

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