SED LR 43488

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 3339
subject Authors Marilyn Friend

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The ability to retain and recall past experiences is referred to as
A. Memory.
B. Metacognition.
C. Altruism.
D. Depth.
The category of other health impairments includes
A. Mental retardation.
B. Learning disabilities.
C. Diplegia.
D. Asthma.
Individually designed sets of services involving multiple school and community
agencies intended to provide the supports necessary to students with emotional or
behavior disorders and their families in order to keep students in their homes are called
A. Collaboration services.
B. Consultation services.
C. Multiagency care services.
D. Wraparound services.
Two groups that have limited access to technology are
A. Children who live in rural areas and children who live in poverty.
B. Children who live in poverty and urban areas.
C. Children who are from minority populations and urban areas.
D. Children who are from minority populations and rural areas.
The first formal training programs for speech/language pathologists were established in
A. 1920s.
B. 1930s.
C. 1940s.
D. 1950s.
Which of the following statements is true?
A. Reading is not a problem for students with a congenital hearing loss.
B. Reading is difficult for students who use ASL to communicate.
C. Reading is a complex skill that challenges most students with a hearing loss.
D. Reading is a strength in most students who have a hearing loss.
Donovan and Cross (2002) reported that
A. Caucasian students were three to four times more likely than African American
students to be identified as gifted.
B. African American students were three to four times more likely than Caucasian
students to be identified as gifted.
C. Caucasian and African American were identified at the same rate.
D. Neither A, B, nor C could be determined.
Mr. Hernandez is starting his new teaching position at Welbourn High School. The
student population of Welbourn is middle-upper class Caucasian students. What is
likely to occur between Mr. Hernandez and his students?
A. Multicultural education
B. Field sensitivity
C. Disproportionate representation
D. Cultural dissonance
For co-teaching to be effective, the individuals working together must
A. Discuss their instructional philosophies.
B. Discuss their own professional strengths and weaknesses.
C. Discuss their expectations of themselves and each other.
D. All of the above.
Sara has recently been diagnosed with a conductive hearing loss. Which of the
following are options for improving her hearing?
A. Surgery
B. Medication
C. Amplification
D. All of the above
An intellectual disability that occurs as a result of lifestyle in certain family groups is
A. Genetically acquired retardation.
B. Cultural-familial retardation.
C. Family-environment retardation.
D. Retardation by association.
Subcategories of pervasive developmental disorder include
A. Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.
B. Asperger disorder.
C. Autistic disorder.
D. Prader-Willi syndrome.
The purpose of using domain-specific checklists is to
A. Obtain student's IQ score.
B. Describe student's abilities in math and science.
C. Describe student's abilities in a particular area.
D. Describe student's type and level of motivation.
Kazuko is a 14-year-old highly organized student who tends to be very analytical in
processing information. She is demonstrating what kind of cognitive style?
A. Field-dependent
B. Field-independent
C. Field-insensitive
D. Field-sensitive
It is believed that genetic causes account for what percentage of hearing loss in
A. Less than 10 percent
B. Approximately 40 percent
C. More than 50 percent
D. Data unavailable
Encouraging parents as partners in education is most beneficial because
A. Parents have an increased understanding of the curriculum.
B. Communication between parents and teachers is improved.
C. Teachers are more willing to work with students with learning disabilities.
D. Student success increases.
Which of the following statements is true regarding students with emotional and
behavior disorders and inclusive practices?
A. It is not feasible to serve students with emotional and behavior disorders in an
inclusive setting.
B. Students who pose a danger to others are not entitled to be educated in
general education settings.
C. The parents are the deciding factor in their child's educational setting.
D. Some states do not serve students with emotional and behavior disorders.
An individual who experiences hearing loss from day to day due to periodic ear
infections or earwax buildup is experiencing what type of hearing loss?
A. Sensorineural
B. Conductive
C. Fluctuating
D. Unilateral
Which of the following indirect services would be used as a transition strategy for a
student who no longer needs special education services?
A. Parity.
B. Collaboration.
C. Consultation.
D. Resolution.
Students with severe and multiple disabilities typically score in which range on
standardized IQ tests?
A. 25 to 40
B. 50 to 60
C. 70 to 85
D. 85 to 100
The most appropriate setting in which students can learn speech and language skills and
practice them is in
A. Therapy with a speech-language pathologist.
B. Resource setting.
C. General education classroom.
D. The home.
Another name for epilepsy is
A. Nervous system disorder.
B. Seizure disorder.
C. Seizure handicap.
D. Nervous system impairment.
Mr. Pepper gathered the materials for his morning session with Jenny. Prior to Jenny's
science class, Mr. Pepper reviews the materials that will be used that day. This is
referred to as
A. Prompting.
B. Trial training.
C. Priming.
D. Task cards.
Collaboration between professionals and families of children with severe and multiple
disabilities is critical because
A. Families know what their child better than anyone.
B. It is required by law.
C. Teachers are required to do so by administration.
D. Families need the advice and assistance from teachers.
The first formal description of ADHD was reported by a British physician named Dr.
George Still in
A. 1892.
B. 1902.
C. 1942.
D. 1962.
Mrs. Hinkling is a fifth-grade teacher. She has many students in her class that are "at
risk." Bradley is of particular concern to Mrs. Hinkling. She is very concerned about his
inability to read. Mrs. Hinkling is aware of this and always assigns him a reading buddy
who can read aloud to him rather than have him become frustrated from trying to read
for himself. Mrs. Hinkling's practice can lead to
A. Labeling.
B. Self-fulfilling prophecy.
C. Stigmatization.
D. Disproportionate representation.
Who are the central members of the IEP team?
A. Educators
B. Parents
C. Administrators
D. Students
Students with intellectual disabilities have immature behaviors and often misinterpret
others'actions, resulting in rejection by their peers. These characteristics fall under
which category?
A. Social
B. Adaptive
C. Academic
D. Cognitive
As the field of giftedness and talent developed, in what order did these major events
A. The Marland Report, the launching of Sputnik, and the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and
Talented Students Education Act
B. Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act, the Marland Report, and
the launching of Sputnik
C. The launching of Sputnik, the Marland Report, and the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and
Talented Students Education Act
D. None of the above
What percentage of students with emotional disorders also are identified as ADHD?
A. 15 percent
B. 30 percent
C. 43 percent
D. 59 percent
In determining students' eligibility for receiving special education services for
emotional and behavioral disorders, formal assessments, classroom assessments, and
other assessment methods must be used. Briefly describe and provide one example of
each type of assessment. In your opinion, which type of assessment do you believe
provides the most valuable information in determining an individual's eligibility for
special education services under the category of emotional and behavior disorders?
Support your answer.
What role does the multidisciplinary team have within special education? What three
critical decisions are they responsible for making?
CASE STUDY: Bobby is a 12-year-old student who was diagnosed with severe mental
retardation and orthopedic impairments at the age of 4. Bobby was born as a normal,
healthy baby. While on vacation with his family at the age of 4, Bobby had his first
seizure. Although Bobby was rushed to a hospital by his parents, it took hours before
the seizure was stopped by medical professionals. The result of this seizure was severe
brain injury. Bobby does not have the ability to verbally communicate his wants and
needs. His parents have moved him from his neighborhood school where Bobby spent
his elementary school years misunderstood and frustrated. His parents now have turned
to a specialized school hopeful that their son will receive the care and education they
believe he deserves and needs.
Bobby's need for special education services is quite obvious, so what is the purpose of
completing an individualized assessment of Bobby? Discuss some of the authentic
forms of assessment and explain which one you feel would be the most informative in
providing some insight on Bobby's strengths and limitations for both professionals and
his parents.
CASE STUDY: Hunter is a 15-year-old high school sophomore. He was active in sports
and the debate team prior to his accident. As a result of a diving accident, Hunter now is
a paraplegic. Hunter's legs are completely paralyzed from the accident; he has minimal
use of his right arm and moderate use of his left arm. Hunter and his family were totally
devastated by his accident and are overwhelmed with the drastic changes that have
occurred in their life.
What are some the greatest concerns that parents of students with physical disabilities
are likely to have? What is the responsibility of school personnel to help them address
these concerns?
What are three examples of procedural safeguards in IDEA that ensure that any
decisions made concerning students with disabilities have parental input? Do you
believe these safeguards are necessary?
CASE STUDY: You have been a special education teacher for fifteen years. You are
close friends with an instructor at the local university. You have been asked to come and
speak to a group of aspiring special education teachers at the local university to give
them a "realistic" perspective on teaching. The instructor of the class gives you a list of
the following questions that were generated by the students:
How does the accountability for results from NCLB affect the education of students
with special needs?
The capability to mentally visualize and manipulate objects is spatial ability.
To determine if an inclusive setting is the least restrictive environment for a student
with a visual impairment, what must be considered?
A functional assessment
B. Clinical assessment
C. Individual needs
D. Intellectual ability
CASE STUDY: Blake is a fifth-grade student who has been identified as gifted in the
areas of reading and math. Test scores indicate that he is three grade levels ahead of his
peers in both reading and math. Socially, he enjoys his peers, and he is very popular
among his classmates. His teachers have approached Blake's parents about changing his
placement in terms of receiving instruction because they cannot "keep his attention" and
have noted that Blake's behavior is becoming "increasingly challenging" because they
feel his unique needs are not being met.
What advice can professionals offer Blake's parents in order for them to nurture Blake's
special talents in reading and math in the home?
What are some of the limitations of "labeling" students?
How are students with speech and language disorders identified? Do you feel the formal
or informal assessments used for identifying students with communication disorders are
most effective? Why?
The mental activities that help individuals regulate their behaviors are called
executive functions.
CASE STUDY: Mrs. Martinez has just accepted a new position at Forest Grove Middle
School. She was hired to serve students with special needs in grades 6 through 8. Forest
Grove's philosophy is that separate is better in regard to their delivery of services for
students with special needs. Mrs. Martinez is a strong advocate for inclusive practices
and collaborative professional partnerships. Through discussions with her new
co-workers, she has discovered that many of the teachers, paraeducators, and related
service professionals feel that it is time for a change in the school's philosophy. Mrs.
Martinez has been nominated by her co-workers to present the idea of developing a
more collaborative community among the teachers to the principal, Mrs. Jones, in order
to begin the process of integrating students with special needs into the general
education classroom.
Mrs. Jones argues that the school is already a "collaborative school" because the
teachers have weekly staff meetings, and they have common planning periods every
two weeks if they need them. Explain how these activities are not truly collaborative
interactions, and provide an example of a professional collaborative interaction.
Autism was added to IDEA in 1997.
CASE STUDY: Tia is a 15-year-old African American student who has been diagnosed
with bipolar disorder. Her other siblings as well as her mother have been identified with
emotional and behavior disorders. She has attended multiple public schools but has
either been asked to leave or has been removed from the school by her mother. Tia has a
long history of verbal outbursts with school professionals and severe periods of
depression and withdrawal. Tia"s mother and sister report she has frequent verbal
outbursts at home and has become violent on a few occasions. Due to the years of
negative experiences with school professionals, Tia is no longer in school. She feels
very rejected as a human being by teachers and peers because of her disorder. As a
result, her self-esteem, self-efficacy, and her motivation are practically nonexistent. Tia
states that she does want an education but will not participate in a traditional school
setting any longer. Although she does not have a history of violent behavior in school,
she does use offensive language when upset or when she feels threatened by a teacher.
She has an indifferent attitude toward life in general.
What would you suggest that the team responsible for Tia's education do to help her
change the negative pattern in which she is caught?
The first public use of the phrase learning disabilities was attributed to Sam Kirk in
Why are standardized tests problematic for students with multiple disabilities?
What type of reading difficulties do students with speech and language disorders
What is cultural dissonance?
Students with physical and/or health disabilities have special needs in terms of access to
education. Name and describe the type of accommodations that may be necessary. How
do the accommodations needed for this population of students differ from students with
other types of disabilities?

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