SED LR 43291

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1483
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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The fact that children are more likely to develop diabetes if their father, rather than their
mother, suffers from it is best explained by
A) genomic imprinting.
B) genetic mutation.
C) X-linked inheritance.
D) polygenic inheritance.
Toddlers in Substage 6 of the sensorimotor period can solve object-permanence
problems involving invisible displacement because they have developed the capacity to
A) engage in goal-directed behavior.
B) construct mental representations.
C) carry out means"end action sequences.
D) understand dual representation.
Research on the self-concept shows that, compared with school-age children, older
adolescents place more emphasis on
A) observable characteristics.
B) special competencies.
C) personality traits.
D) personal and moral values.
Adoption research has shown that
A) adopted children show a decreasing resemblance in IQ to their biological mothers as
they grow older.
B) children of low-IQ biological mothers do as well as children of high-IQ biological
mothers when placed in similar adoptive families.
C) children of low-IQ biological mothers scored above average in IQ during the school
years when adopted at birth by high-IQ parents.
D) correlations between the IQ scores of adoptive relatives are higher than those of
biological relatives.
Morality has its roots in which three major aspects of our psychological makeup?
A) biological, ethological, and conceptual components
B) social experiences, self-control, and inner standards
C) self-awareness, representational capacities, and social learning
D) emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components
Neurons sent by the __________ to the prefrontal lobes of the cerebral cortex
contribute to improvements in sustained, controlled attention.
A) cerebellum
B) corpus callosum
C) hippocampus
D) reticular formation
Which of the following statements is true about cohort effects?
A) They cannot occur when specific experiences influence some children but not others
in the same generation.
B) They do not just operate broadly on an entire generation.
C) They occur when participants move away or drop out of studies.
D) They occur because of factors commonly associated with development.
According to Piaget's theory,
A) the disappearance of schemes marks the transition from sensorimotor to
preoperational thought.
B) environmental, but not genetic, factors can affect the speed with which children
move through cognitive stages.
C) schemes are built through interaction with adults or more skilled peers.
D) two processes account for the change from sensorimotor to representational
Dynamic assessment is consistent with
A) Piaget's theory.
B) the information-processing perspective.
C) behaviorism.
D) Vygotsky's zone of proximal development.
Which of the following best describes a parent who uses an uninvolved child-rearing
A) rarely listens to the child's point of view
B) is indifferent to the child's decision making
C) is warm but overindulgent or inattentive
D) is cold and rejecting
Which of the following is a contribution of psychoanalytic theory?
A) It inspired a wealth of research on many aspects of emotional and social
B) It emphasized a wide range of research methods to study child development.
C) It provided a rich source of testable hypotheses about personality development.
D) It remains in the mainstream of child development research.
Repeated sexual abuse is associated with
A) central nervous system damage.
B) excessively low levels of cortisol production.
C) significant declines in IQ.
D) peer rejection.
When ethnic minorities appear on TV, they are usually depicted
A) as the hero or heroine of action-adventure-type shows.
B) positively and humorously.
C) in secondary or lower-status roles.
D) accurately.
In his psychosocial theory, Erikson identifies __________ as a major task of emerging
A) industry
B) intimacy
C) integrity
D) autonomy
Dynamic systems theorists emphasize that
A) children are driven mainly by instincts and unconscious motives.
B) different children master the same skills in unique ways.
C) sensitive periods are key to understanding development.
D) development can be best understood in terms of its adaptive value.
At its extreme, uninvolved parenting is
A) beneficial to children, as it forces them to grow up.
B) more harmful to boys' development than girls' development.
C) a form of child maltreatment called neglect.
D) associated with high levels of psychological control.
Parents who give their sons toys that stress action and competition
A) encourage aggression and antisocial behavior in their children.
B) also provide their daughters with toys that stress action and competition.
C) encourage gender-specific play activities and behaviors.
D) promote gender-typing more strongly during middle childhood than preschool.
According to Siegler's model of strategy choice, if Manuel is given the same problems
over a short time interval, he may, in fact,
A) show a maladaptive variation in strategy use.
B) be unable to recognize successful strategies.
C) regress from more advanced to less advanced approaches.
D) always use the most adaptive strategy to solve a problem.
Infants in Substage 5
A) repeat behaviors with variations.
B) become skilled at reaching for and manipulating objects.
C) use their capacity for intentional behavior to try to change events.
D) arrive at solutions to problems suddenly rather than through trial-and-error behavior.
Once children form three-word sentences, they add __________ that change the
meaning of sentences.
A) protoimperatives
B) grammatical morphemes
C) phonological stores
D) protodeclarative gestures
If baby Jaymie has a combined Apgar score of 7, doctors should
A) hand her to her parents, as she is in good physical condition.
B) provide immediate emergency assistance.
C) put her in an incubator.
D) provide some assistance in establishing breathing.
About _____ percent of women experience mild to severe feelings of sadness, distress,
and withdrawal that continue for months or years.
A) 1 to 3
B) 4 to 7
C) 8 to 10
D) 11 to 15
The most important illogical feature of preoperational thought is
A) irreversibility.
B) egocentrism.
C) magical thinking.
D) conservation.
The continuous development view holds that
A) infants and preschoolers respond to the world in much the same way as adults do.
B) children's thoughts, emotions, and behavior differ considerably from those of adults.
C) development takes place in stages.
D) development is much like climbing a staircase.
Under what circumstances are minority youths likely to rebel, rejecting aspects of their
ethnic background?
A) when they attend racially diverse schools
B) when immigrant parents who fear assimilation tightly restrict their teenagers
C) when they progress from identity diffusion to identity achievement
D) when they overcome acculturative stress
Baby Nathalie is trying a new food. Her facial expression shows a distinct, archlike
mouth opening. Based on her reaction, Nathalie probably finds that the food tastes
A) sweet.
B) salty.
C) sour.
D) bitter.
Which of the following research methods permits inferences about cause-and-effect
A) structured interview
B) naturalistic observation
C) experimental design
D) correlational study
Freud's psychosexual theory was the first to stress the influence of
A) the early parent"child relationship on development.
B) society's values and beliefs on parent's disciplinary techniques.
C) older siblings on newborns.
D) the academic environment on young children.
Since the 1960s, family size in the United States has
A) remained constant.
B) decreased.
C) increased slightly.
D) increased significantly.
Mastery-oriented children focus on __________ goals, whereas learned-helpless
children focus on __________ goals.
A) learning; performance
B) general; specific
C) long-term; short-term
D) academic; social
Not until age __________ do children acquire an adult-level understanding of the
technical complexity of the Internet as a networklike system linking a computing center
with many computers.
A) 7 or 8
B) 10 or 11
C) 13 or 15
D) 16 or 17
Effective parenting of adolescents strikes a balance between __________ and
A) discipline; psychological control
B) connection; separation
C) friendship; discipline
D) autonomy; acceptance
Which of the following measures of infant performance best predicts later intelligence?
A) infant perceptual and motor responses
B) infant memory
C) habituation and recovery to visual stimuli
D) infant problem solving

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