SED LR 42738

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2469
subject Authors Richard M. Gargiulo

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An obstacle that may inhibit cultural minority families' involvement in education is
A) Deference to teachers and other professionals as decision makers
B) Lack of trust in the education system
C) Lack of knowledge of their rights as parents
D) All of the above
Children who are gifted and talented and learning disabled are often overlooked
because they perform at an average level.
A) True
B) False
One source of aid that may relieve some of the burden of child care from the parents,
while keeping the family system intact, is
A) Respite care
B) Asylums
C) Adoption agencies
D) There are no groups available to help these parents
When conducting an assessment of a student's speech and language, which of the
following is conducted using a formal measure?
A) Observation of prelinguistic behaviors
B) Conversational language sample
C) Articulation test
D) Parent interview
The right to receive written notification (in parents' native language) of proposed
changes to their child's educational classification or placement is a part of which
component of PL 94-142?
A) Individualized education program
B) Nondiscriminatory assessment
C) The least restrictive environment
D) Procedural due process
Many educators believe that the least restrictive environment for gifted and talented
students is
A) The general education classroom where they can socialize with average peers
B) A self-contained classroom or magnet school
C) Home school
D) It doesn't matter; these children will excel in any environment
The majority of general and special educators are from which of the following groups?
A) African American
B) Asian
C) Latino
D) White
The use of measures intended for older children is called ___________________.
A) Above-level testing
B) Ceiling testing
C) Off-level testing
D) Above-age testing
What is generalization?
A) Performing similar skills as those performed by same-age peers
B) Performing an acquired skill after a period of time has passed
C) Performing an acquired skill in novel situations
D) Acquiring a new skill
When children who are deaf are placed in inclusive classroom settings, there is no need
to develop communication skills within the peer group of children who are not deaf and
among all of the teachers.
A) True
B) False
An inability or incapacity to perform a particular task or activity in a specific way
because of sensory, physical, cognitive, or other forms of impairment is called
A) Handicap
B) Intellectual disability
C) Disability
D) Autism
Multicultural education is defined as
A) Foreign language instruction
B) Cooking techniques from other cultures
C) An educational strategy
D) The study of art history across cultures
Children who evidence resiliency experience long-term negative consequences from
exposure to environmental risk factors.
A) True
B) False
Schools are liable if the goals in the IEP are not achieved.
A) True
B) False
Which of the following statements is not true about Down syndrome?
A) It has been linked to a chromosomal abnormality.
B) It predominately affects males.
C) There is a link between maternal age and Down syndrome.
D) It most often results in individuals with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities.
Learning disabilities tend to be
A) Short in duration
B) Easy to see
C) Life threatening
D) A chronic condition
In students with traumatic brain injury, motor skills generally improve first and
higher-order cognitive skills improve last.
A) True
B) False
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 forbids discrimination against persons
with disabilities in both the public and private sectors.
A) True
B) False
Although less than 1% of the school-age population currently receives special education
services for emotional or behavioral disorders, credible studies in the United States
indicate that at least ______ of children and youth exhibit serious and persistent
A) 1%"2%
B) 3%"6%
C) 7%"8%
D) 9%"12%
The strategy of allowing a student to take high school classes while the student is still in
middle school is an example of
A) Enrichment
B) Course compacting
C) Acceleration
D) Flexible grouping
The ____________ provided the foundation for professional attitudes that parents were
the cause of their child's disability.
A) Family systems model
B) Stage theory
C) Eugenics movement
D) Family interactions theory
Some have argued that gifted and talented children should be given a different label
because the word giftedcarries some negative connotation. What might be the
strongestargument against changing this label?
A) Any label given to a group of students will acquire some negative connotation.
B) The word giftedbest describes this group of students.
C) Changing the label would require many expensive changes to legislation.
D) Educators are comfortable with the word gifted.
One reason that parents may not be actively involved in their child's special education is
A) The law does not require it in all cases
B) Lack of empowerment
C) They do not know enough to be an active participant
D) Some children do not need the involvement of their parents
Who called attention to the shocking conditions in asylums during the mid-19th
A) Francis Galton
B) Samuel Gridley Howe
C) Dorothea Dix
D) Maria Montesorri
In young children who are gifted and talented, it is common to see uneven development
of skills.
A) True
B) False
Ways to identify leadership talent in individuals include
A) Observing which students are elected into office
B) A leadership portfolio
C) Self-nomination
D) All of the above
Appropriate assessment strategies are a prerequisite to effective teaching.
A) True
B) False
A 16-year-old student with traumatic brain injury is asked to count 20 pennies and tell
the number of pennies on the table. After numerous attempts, she is unable to accurately
count the pennies. This same student is asked to recall multiplication facts and is able to
do so with no errors. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about this
A) She has splinter skills.
B) She has a severe cognitive disability.
C) She has a math learning disability.
D) She needs cues to improve her attention to the relevant information.
A major goal of multicultural education is for students to acquire
A) The skills needed for employment
B) Knowledge of the dominant culture
C) The knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function effectively in each cultural
D) Knowledge of other peoples and their culture
A disability that prevents an individual from gaining information from printed material
is called
A) Verbal disability
B) Vocabulary/receptive disability
C) Comprehension disability
D) Print disability
The sooner early intervention begins for a youngster with communication disorders, the
more promising the outcomes.
A) True
B) False
The empowerment model is the basis for the construction of an effective individualized
family service plan.
A) True
B) False
Vision problems affect 1 in 50 preschoolers and 1 in 3 school-age children.
A) True
B) False
_________________ of students with emotional and behavioral disorders has been
attributed to the marked variability across states in identifying pupils.
A) Overidentification
B) Underidentification
C) Treatment
D) Hospitalizations
According to IDEA 2004, at what age is a statement of needed transition services
A) 12
B) 14
C) 16
D) 18
Identify and define the three types of seizures in epilepsy.
Explain the INCLUDE strategy developed by Friend and Bursuck. How might
individuals with intellectual disability benefit from the implementation of this
instructional method?
Identify what Gardner believes are the eight intelligences.
Discuss the attributes of effective collaboration. Give examples of the
different approaches to effective collaboration.
Explain the purpose of the expanded core curriculum.
Name at least three materials that could be used to help a child with a visual impairment
learn about maps.
Identify and describe the three essential elements of the universal design for instruction.
Discuss the stressors that can occur in families who have children with significant
health or physical disabilities and the supports that can be used to help decrease the
Three initiatives have strengthened the assessment process for determining the
occurrence of an emotional or behavioral disorder. List these practices.
Explain what research suggests regarding the application of punishment procedures.
Distinguish between multiculturalism, multicultural education, and bilingual education.
Discuss, in detail, how a lack of social adeptness might affect a young adult with
intellectual disability.
What are examples of alerting devices that can be used to help meet the needs of
persons with hearing impairments?
Briefly discuss the four key elements that must be present for successful programming
of students who are twice-exceptional.
Cite one challenge to the provision of certified vision teachers for students with visual

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