SED LR 35033

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 2923
subject Authors Larry J. Siegel

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The intent to commit the criminal act is known as:
a. mens rea
b. actus reus
c. mala in se
d. mala prohibitum
What aspect of research may be questioned if studies are funded by organizations that
have a vested interest in the outcome of the research?
a. the cost
b. the objectivity
c. the publishing of findings
d. the scientific method
What federal level actions were taken after the terrorist attacks of September 11th?
a. The FBI reestablished its priorities.
b. The FBI, CIA, and Border Patrol expanded recruiting focusing solely on candidates'
law enforcement backgrounds.
c. The legal definition of terrorism was narrowed.
d. All these actions were taken.
Common law was developed after the Norman conquest of England in 1066 through the
verdicts of ____ who used local customs and rules of conduct as guides for
a. juries
b. popes
c. kings
d. royal judges
Cyber bullying is one of the newest forms of cyber crimes. While traditional bullying
involves a physical or social power differential between the victim and offender, cyber
bullying involves a/an:
a. online power differential
b. persuasion power differential
c. monetary power differential
d. Cyber bullying involves all these differentials.
________ is designed to harass or extort money from legitimate users of an Internet
service by threatening to prevent the user having access to the service.
a. theft of service
b. hijack of service attack
c. denial-of-service attacks
d. cheating attacks
Which of the following refers to the type of social structure that integrates children into
families while giving parents ability to assert their individuality and regulate their own
a. parental efficacy
b. social ability
c. parent control
d. organizational parenting
A _________ is punishable by over a year in prison.
a. misdemeanor
b. city ordinance violation
c. felony
d. citation violation
Recent research on IQ and crime suggests that low IQ increases the likelihood of
criminal behavior through its effect on:
a. socio-economic status
b. job skills and employment
c. school performance
d. parenting skills
A strong moral sense which renders individuals incapable of hurting others and
violating social norms is known as:
a. self-control
b. symbolic interaction
c. drift
d. reflected appraisal
Some people may actually initiate the confrontation that eventually leads to their injury
or death. This is termed:
a. lifestyle theory
b. high-risk lifestyle
c. deviant place theory
d. victim precipitation theory
Conflict theorists believe this occurs when people are thrust outside of the economic
mainstream, forcing a larger portion of the population to live in areas conducive to
a. classification
b. symbolic interaction
c. marginalization
d. economic interaction
In contrast to occasional thieves, criminals who make a significant portion of their
income from crime are known as:
a. proficient offenders
b. professional criminals
c. specialized criminals
d. trained offenders
Which of the following is not an element of general strain theory?
a. achievement of positively valued goals
b. disjunction of expectations and achievements
c. removal of positively valued stimuli
d. presentation of negative stimuli
______ buy and sell stolen property as one of the many ways that they make a living.
They typically keep some of the profit and share some with the community.
a. Neighborhood hustlers
b. Amateur receivers
c. Associational fences
d. Associated receivers
It is difficult to prosecute and control Internet pornography because:
a. Federal legislation has been successfully challenged in the courts under
the First Amendment.
b. As soon as one website is shutdown, another emerges to fill the gap.
c. Nearly all Internet porn sites are based in foreign countries.
d. Federal legislation has lagged behind the Internet porn industry.
Programs that are aimed at constructing restitution agreements between the victim and
the offender are:
a. restitution agreement programs
b. agreement programs
c. compensation programs
d. victim-offender reconciliation programs
When a politician, judge, or police officer solicits bribes, it undermines public trust in
the government and is an example of:
a. human rights violations
b. state violence
c. state-corporate crime
d. political corruption
A prison warden employs a biosocial theorist to develop a plan to reduce institutional
violence. What major change might the biosocial theorist recommend?
a. allowing inmates to receive prescriptions for Viagra
b. increasing inmates' testosterone levels
c. decreasing vitamin and mineral supplements to inmates
d. decreasing the amount of artificial colors and flavors present in the inmates' food
The branch of conflict theory that focuses upon the emergence of a strict "law and
order" philosophy and that believes street criminals prey on the poor and
disenfranchised, thus making the poor doubly abused, first by the capitalist system and
then by members of their own class is known as:
a. power-control
b. peacemaking theory
c. critical realism
d. left realism
Most burglars prefer to commit crimes in neighborhoods that contain a greater than
usual number of access streets. These neighborhoods are referred to as:
a. accessible neighborhoods
b. permeable neighborhoods
c. arterial neighborhoods
d. open neighborhoods
Interactions between people various individuals, organizations, institutions, and the
processes of society that help people mature and develop comprise the process of:
a. socialization
b. anomie
c. criminalization
d. conflict
The aristocrats of prostitution are call girls. Upon their retirement, what is it that call
girls can sell for thousands of dollars?
a. their collection of client business cards
b. their political influence
c. their "call house" or apartment
d. their date book
The concept used to describe people who have feelings of inadequacy and compensate
for them with a drive for superiority (controlling others) is:
a. inferiority complex
b. power-control complex
c. ego complex
d. neuroticism
A condition that occurs when glucose in the blood falls below levels necessary for
normal and efficient brain functioning is known as:
a. glycemic disorder
b. hypoglycemia
c. glycogen deficiency
d. glucose intolerance
Which type of offenses involves the perpetrator carefully skimming small sums from
the balances of a large number of accounts in order to bypass internal controls and
escape detection?
a. financial fraud
b. theft of information
c. salami fraud
d. software fraud
Not being able to find a job, Jane Smith becomes increasingly frustrated as she visits
her unemployment office each month. On Jane's most recent visit, she became verbally
abusive and threatening to the unemployment representative. Continuing her abusive
tirade, Jane stood up and leaned over the representative's desk. In fear and frustration,
the unemployment representative hit Jane with a stapler that was on the desk. Jane's
victimization in this case might be termed:
a. passive precipitation
b. active precipitation
c. aggressive precipitation
d. reactive precipitation
When referring to gender and the crime of murder, what percentage of murderers are
a. 30 percent
b. 50 percent
c. 70 percent
d. 90 percent
A local program to assist victims and witnesses with applying for compensation,
transportation, crisis intervention, and other needs caused by a crime is known as:
a. social services
b. a victim-witness assistance program
c. a crime crisis center
d. a guardian ad litem program
The influence of ________ leads to an increase in the publics' fear of crime.
a. criminologists
b. the media
c. society
d. police
According to Ralf Dahrendorf, modern society is comprised of:
a. competing interest groups.
b. general community consensus.
c. a majority rule.
d. united groups.
Cohesion among neighborhood residents (community cohesion) combined with shared
expectations for informal social control of public space promotes:
a. siege mentality
b. gentrification
c. collective efficacy
d. incivility
The link between substance abuse and violence occurs in three different formats.
Violent behavior that results from user's attempts to fund their drug habits is known as:
a. financial supportive behavior
b. psychopharmacological relationship
c. economic compulsive behavior
d. systemic link
Discuss the nature and extent of hate crime. Include in your discussion McDevitt and
Levin's three motivations for hate crime and the factors known to produce hate crime.
Discuss and explain the three motivations for rape.
Research shows that those who start drinking before 14 are ________ times more likely
to become alcoholics.
Mala in se crimes are considered to be inherently evil.
Explain how hormones influence behavior and crime. Include in your response how
hormones might account for the aging-out process.
Beginning with common law and concluding with contemporary law, explain how
criminal law has evolved as society has evolved.
How have rational choice theory and Von Hirsch's concept of just desert impacted
public policy?
Define the consensus view of crime, the conflict view of crime, and the interactionist
view of crime. Compare and contrast these three perspectives.
Some research studies estimates that as many as 25 percent or more of rapes involve
multiple offenders.
Most stalking incidents emerge from preexisting relationships and about half emerge
specifically from romantic relationships.
According to social disorganization theory, which zone is the commuter zone, located
outside of the city?
a. zone II
b. zone III
c. zone IV
d. zone V
A _________ _________against gay marriage led to the passage of the Defense of
Marriage Act in 1996, which defined marriage as a union of one man and one woman
and prevented the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages.
Identify and discuss the four categories of contemporary law.
Explain what is meant by the seductions of crime and how it leads to criminal behavior.
If one engages in the crime of _________, that person obtains information about a
government, organization, or society that is considered secret or confidential and does
so without the permission of the holder of the information.
Discuss the role that genders plays in shaping burglary careers. What are the similarities
and differences in the way male and female professional burglars conduct their craft?
The _________ _________ _________ phenomenon indicates that those who begin
their delinquent careers early and who commit serious violent crimes throughout
adolescence are the most likely to persist in crime as adults.
The Omnibus Victim Witness and Protection Act required the use of victim impact
statements in federal cases.
Apathy, cynicism, helplessness, and mistrust of social institutions, such as schools,
government agencies, and the police mark the _________.
Under Babylonian and Hebraic law, the rape of a virgin was a crime punishable by

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