SED LR 32521

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1758
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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Which theory views people as being significantly influenced by unconscious
motivation, conflicts between impulses and prohibitions, defense mechanisms, and
early childhood experiences?
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. Adlerian therapy
c. existential therapy
d. person-centered therapy
e. reality therapy
A narrative therapist's work with Ruth would be based on the assumption that:
a. change will occur more effectively if the therapist adopts a nondirective stance.
b. mental health is best defined in terms of dominant cultural values.
c. Ruth needs to become the senior partner in the collaborative relationship with the
d. using techniques tends to undermine the client's self-direction.
e. both (a) and (b)
Wolpe's systematic desensitization is based on the principles of:
a. classical conditioning.
b. operant conditioning.
c. modeling.
d. motivational interviewing.
e. cognitive therapy.
Carlos, an eight year old boy, was recently removed from his home because he was
being physically and sexually abused by his father. In accordance with Maslow's
framework, which needs took precedence?
a. physical and safety needs
b. belonging and love
c. esteem from self and others
d. self-actualization
The goals of existential therapy include all but_________?
a. helping clients become more honest with themselves.
b. broadening clients' awareness of their choices.
c. helping clients to eliminate anxiety in their lives.
d. enabling clients to clarify their purpose and meaning in life.
Francesca, a cognitive behavioral therapist, likes to give homework assignments to her
clients. What might her rationale be for doing this?
a. Homework can be a vehicle for assisting her clients in putting into action what they
are learning in therapy.
b. By assigning homework to her clients, she establishes her clear authority over them
(as if she is their teacher).
c. She is probably a novice therapist who is insecure about her skills; thus, by assigning
homework, she may feel like she is being more productive.
d. In order to be reimbursed by insurance companies, Francesca is required to give her
clients homework assignments.
Accurate empathic understanding helps clients to:
a. notice and value their experiences.
b. reconceptualize earlier experiences
c. modify their perceptions of themselves, others, and the world.
d. increase their confidence in making choices and in pursuing a course of action.
e. all of these.
All of the following are true about the superego except:
a. It is the judicial branch of personality.
b. It is the internalization of the standards of parents and society.
c. It represents the ideal.
d. It inhibits id impulses.
e. It governs, controls and regulates the personality.
One item in the series of five does not fit with the other four items. Identify the word or
phrase that does not fit with the rest of the series.
(a) life stages, (b) developmental crises, (c) psychosocial stages,(d) relational cultural
theory, (e) critical tasks
If a client were to indicate an interest in exploring some traumatic childhood
experience, the Gestalt therapist would most likely ask the client to:
a. look at the beliefs leading to certain feelings.
b. tell a story about this past experience.
c. set up specific goals aimed at behavior change.
d. relive the experience as though it were taking place now.
According to existentialists, our search for meaning involves all of these except:
a. discarding old values.
b. meaninglessness.
c. creating our own value system.
d. exploring unfinished business.
e. the struggle for significance in life.
Which of these statements about interventions is true?
a. It is helpful to use one type of intervention with most clients.
b. During the course of an individual's therapy, different interventions may be needed at
different times.
c. It is best to require clients to adapt to your approach to counseling and the
interventions that you are skilled at using.
d. You should only use counseling interventions when you are certified or licensed.
Assessment and diagnosis are done at the outset to determine a treatment plan. Which
type of questions are not used?
a. what
b. how
c. when
d. why
e. all types of questions are encouraged
From Carl Rogers's perspective the client/therapist relationship is characterized by:
a. a sense of equality.
b. the transference relationship.
c. the therapist functioning as the expert.
d. a clearly defined contract that specifies what clients will talk about in the sessions.
A major difference between an eclectic and an integrated approach to counseling is:
a. eclectic approaches are dogmatic and an integrated approach is flexible.
b. eclectic approaches are susceptible to syncretism, while integrated approaches
techniques based on theoretical reasons.
c. eclectic approaches do not have the client's best interest at heart.
d. integrated approaches require little forethought.
Concerning research on psychotherapy, it can be said that Carl Rogers:
a. stated his concepts as testable hypotheses and submitted them to research.
b. literally opened the field for psychotherapy research.
c. inspired others to conduct extensive research on counseling process and outcome.
d. all of these.
e. none of these.
Which statement below is not accurate with regard to the phenomenon of
a. Countertransference reactions are the weakest source of data for understanding the
world of the client since they are so biased.
b. Countertransference reactions are inevitable because all therapists have unresolved
conflicts and personal vulnerabilities that are activated through their professional work.
c. Most research on countertransference has dealt with its deleterious effects and how to
manage these reactions.
d. It is critical that therapists monitor their own feelings during therapy sessions and use
their responses as a source for increased self-awareness and understanding of their
In which therapy approach is the client viewed as the expert on his or her own life,
while the therapist is seen as an expert questioner who assists clients in freeing
themselves of their problem-saturated stories and create new life-affirming stories?
a. existential therapy
b. narrative therapy
c. rational emotive behavior therapy
d. person-centered therapy
e. psychoanalytic therapy
In working with Japanese clients, a reality therapist might do which of the following
when asking clients to make plans and commit to them?
a. The therapist might be likely to accept "I"ll try" as a firm commitment.
b. The therapist would push clients for an explicit pledge to follow through.
c. The therapist would view a noncommittal response as a sign of weakness.
d. The therapist would refer their clients if they refused to commit to a plan.
Which of the following personal characteristics of the therapist is most important,
according to Carl Rogers?
a. unconditional positive regard
b. acceptance
c. genuineness
d. accurate empathic understanding
e. accurate active listening
Which of the following is not a key concept of Adlerian therapy?
a. family constellation
b. operant conditioning
c. social interest
d. triangulation
e. both (b) and (d)
The situation in which behaviors are influenced by the consequences that follow them
a. classical conditioning.
b. operant conditioning.
c. modeling.
d. flooding.
Narrative therapists pay attention to 'sparkling events." These are:
a. moments when the client feels exhilarated.
b. events that contradict problem-saturated narratives.
c. times when significant others give the client unconditional love.
d. events characterized by a striving to overcome barriers.
e. stories the client shares that are too good to be true, and in fact, prove to be gross
exaggerations of the truth.
One item in the series of five does not fit with the other four items. Identify the word or
phrase that does not fit with the rest of the series.
(a) positive orientation, (b) look for what is working, (c) exceptions to a problem, (d)
small changes pave way for larger changes, (e) therapist as expert
Behavior is determined by unconscious forces, early experiences, and by sexual and
aggressive impulses.
a. psychoanalytic therapy
b. behavior therapy
d. reality therapy
e. narrative therapy
The author makes a case for:
a. initially getting an overview of the major theoretical orientations, and then delving
more deeply into each approach.
b. delving deeply into one approach initially and then taking a superficial look at other
theoretical models.
c. learning the theories of counseling only after starting to work with clients in order to
make the theories more relevant.
d. the reader to choose the approach to which s/he subscribes.
A limitation of behavior therapy is that it:
a. does not provide a basis for accountable practice.
b. does not identify specific problems.
c. does not make room for cognitive factors.
d. fails to explicitly define the role of the therapist.
e. none of these.
According to Carl Rogers, the three core conditions that create a growth-promoting
climate are:
a. congruence, conditional acceptance, faith in a client.
b. congruence, unconditional positive regard, empathic understanding.
c. total love and caring, therapist transparency, and empathy.
d. realness, objectively viewing the client's world, full acceptance.
e. commitment, compassion, and confrontation.
The founder of rational emotive behavior therapy is:
a. William Glasser.
b. Frederick Perls.
c. Albert Ellis.
d. Joseph Wolpe.
e. Aaron Beck.
Which of the following statements about strategic family therapy is not true?
a. Therapy is brief, process-focused, and solution-oriented.
b. Change results when the family follows the therapist's directions and change
c. The focus is on solving problems in the present.
d. The therapist designs strategies for change.
e. Presenting problems are viewed as being symptomatic of a dysfunction within the

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