SED LR 31417

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2972
subject Authors Deborah Deutsch Smith, Naomi Chowdhuri Tyler

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Closed-captioning is
A) subtitles for all to see.
B) subtitles available only to those who select that option.
C) words presented on a screen with no picture.
D) audio descriptions of what is happening on screen.
__________ is a group of disorders or conditions which share some characteristics and
behaviors originally described under the classification of autism.
A) Asperger syndrome
B) Autistic spectrum disorders
C) Echolalia
D) Usher syndrome
IDEA '04 addressed the IQ-discrepancy concerns in the identification of learning
disabilities by
A) requiring that all states use the same discrepancy model with similar cut-off scores.
B) forbidding the use of IQ testing and requiring instead a series of neurological
examinations, such as CAT scans, that could identify central nervous system
C) dropping standardized testing and using an IQ test as the sole criterion.
D) suggesting the use of response to intervention while in the general educational
classroom as part of the evaluation process.
Abnormal production of speech sounds is referred to as a(n) __________ problem.
A) voice
B) loudness
C) articulation
D) depth
A dancer and an athlete both exhibit which of Gardner's intelligences?
A) logical-mathematical
B) spatial
C) body-kinesthetic
D) musical
Jamie, a special education student, has been expelled from school for assaulting a
teacher. Before Jamie was expelled, his IEP team needed to
A) get parental agreement on this course of action.
B) determine that this behavior was not a result of his disability.
C) determine whether his behavior was in self-defense.
D) receive an assurance from the school that his expulsion would only be until his next
Which of the following statements is true?
A) The federal government considers physical disabilities and health disabilities as
separate categories.
B) The federal government considers physical disabilities and health disabilities as
separate categories for educational services under IDEA '04, but under the same
category of other health impairments for vocational services under Section 504.
C) The federal government lumps physical disabilities and health disabilities under one
category referred to as orthopedic impairments.
D) The primary difference between orthopedic impairments and other health
impairments is that the need for physical therapy qualifies an individual for the former,
and a need for drug intervention qualifies an individual for the second.
ADHD first received government attention in the
A) No Child Left Behind Act.
B) Americans with Disabilities Act.
C) 2004 reauthorization of IDEA.
D) 1997 reauthorization of IDEA.
The __________ contributes to the communication process as the air expelled from the
lungs causes the vocal cords to produce sounds, and also controls changes in pitch.
A) respiratory system
B) vibrating system
C) resonating system
D) speech mechanisms
Hand over hand is
A) a tactile form of sign language used by individuals with deaf-blindness.
B) not a validated practice for students with deaf-blindness.
C) used less with individuals with deaf-blindness to the increased use of incidental
D) another term for the use of braille.
The main purpose of the pre-referral stage is to
A) notify the parents that their child is struggling in the classroom.
B) prepare the necessary paperwork for the formal referral process.
C) avoid unnecessary assessments and placements in special education.
D) conduct assessments to determine the child's learning strengths and weaknesses.
__________ is a characteristic associated with learning disabilities because poor school
performance cannot be explained by a student's intellectual potential.
A) Unexpected underachievement
B) Resistant to treatment
C) Low achieving
D) High incidence
Which child described below exhibits unexpected underachievement?
A) Lillyann, grade 2, performs math problems at the fourth-grade level.
B) Ariana, grade 4, performs at the third-grade level in all areas.
C) Jasmine, grade 4, performs at the fourth grade level in all areas except reading,
which is at the second-grade level.
D) Nicole, grade 2, performs at the kindergarten level in all areas.
Helen uses a wheelchair. Her educational activities should be chosen based upon
A) individual learning needs.
B) where a wheelchair can fit.
C) which buildings have accessible classrooms and bathrooms.
D) her favorite pastimes.
Madelyn receives services to address her articulation and fluency problems, which
qualify her under the ____ category.
A) mental retardation
B) emotional disturbance
C) speech or language impairments
D) a specific learning disability
Which problems below are the primary reasons for current dissatisfaction with
IQ/achievement method of identifying learning disabilities?
A) Students must wait until they are performing poorly in school to get help; large
numbers of students are identified as having LD.
B) Students with learning disabilities do not actually have normal intelligence; LD is
hard to distinguish from low achievement.
C) Proving a discrepancy between intelligence and achievement is difficult and
unreliable; there is not enough focus on medical aspects of LD.
D) The method identifies only a few students; it focuses too much on social aspects of
The ability to see beyond the direct line of vision or the width of vision is referred to as
A) visual depth.
B) visual efficiency.
C) visual acuity.
D) peripheral vision.
In the past, Francisco gave up as soon as he came across a math problem that he didn't
understand, Now, whenever Francisco comes to a difficult problem, he has learned to
talk himself through it, saying things like, "This isn't hard. I've learned how to do this,
and I can work it by myself." Which of the following is Francisco using?
A) self-instructions
B) self-monitoring
C) goal-setting
D) self-reinforcement
Jan is a student with deaf-blindness who is assessed through work and performance
portfolios. This is an example of which type of testing option?
A) partial participation in testing
B) out-of-level testing
C) alternate assessment
D) evaluation for placement in special education
Which of the following children may be at risk for having a learning disability?
A) Alan, a preschooler who developed language skills very early
B) Dan, a toddler who enjoys making up rhyming nonsense words
C) Greg, a four-year-old who does not know the letters of the alphabet
D) David, a one-year-old who shows strong babbling skills but no language skills
Mr. Sais, a general education teacher, and Ms. Alicea, an interpreter, work together to
provide an appropriate education for Kevin. What is the key component of this
collaboration process?
A) communication and teamwork
B) Kevin's feelings of like or dislike for both adults
C) Ms. Alicea's ability to translate technical terms like "photosynthesis"
D) agreeing on appropriate disciplinary actions for Kevin
Research findings suggest that
A) students who do not acquire core reading skills early on become poor readers.
B) struggling readers eventually catch up to their peers on their own.
C) readers who are struggling at third grade tend to become better readers by seventh
D) students who are poor readers in ninth grade usually have strong decoding skills but
poor comprehension.
The single best predictor of future problems such as substance abuse, delinquency, and
chronic unemployment is
A) neglect.
B) withdrawal.
C) aggression.
D) delayed language development.
Central County has a particularly high rate of sickle cell anemia among its children.
Which of the following identification procedures would you recommend to county
leaders as a quick, inexpensive means of early identification?
A) universal screening of newborns
B) genetic counseling of prospective parents
C) universal screening during pre-kindergarten medical exams
D) gene therapy of newborns
Including evaluation measures from at least two different settings and gathering
information from a range of people in a child's life can
A) greatly increase the costs of assessment, which is why these methods are not
recommended for students suspected of having emotional or behavioral disorders.
B) usually rule out a diagnosis of emotional or behavioral disorders for at least 98% of
students referred for special education services.
C) provide critical information for the responsiveness-to-intervention method of
identifying students with emotional or behavioral disorders.
D) reduce the disproportionate representation of students from diverse backgrounds
who are identified as having emotional or behavioral disorders.
As a preschooler, Charlie participated in the Regional Intervention Project. Now in his
early 20s, the chances are high that Charlie
A) is in jail.
B) is a high school dropout.
C) is on daily psychotropic medications.
D) graduated from high school.
When the teachers at East City Elementary hear students speaking both Spanish and
English in the same sentence, they should know that the students' use of dual languages
A) a possible need for special education services.
B) the need for a total immersion approach to English language acquisition.
C) that dual language proficiency is developing.
D) their confusion regarding appropriate language choices in educational settings.
Jim Lent and his colleagues at the __________ were able to teach children with
intellectual disabilities complex skills and tasks used in daily life and on the job.
A) Mimosa Cottage Project
C) Walter E. Fernald State School
D) none of the above
Stephen is a 7th-grader with a visual disability. Which of the following would be an
appropriate accommodation for his social studies class?
A) require him to listen in class but do not expect him to do the class readings
B) let him watch movies and videos about relevant course content rather than do the
C) provide him with the textbook on audiotape and let him listen to his assignments
D) have another student give copies of his or her notes to Stephen and grade those notes
as if they were Stephen's own work
Which of the following describe an alerting device for deaf persons?
A) ASL interpreter
B) communication board
C) alarm clock that vibrates the bed
D) closed captioning
One unexpected source of concern listed by parents of children with ASD is that
A) they cannot keep pace with their children's accelerated learning.
B) others are overbearing in their attempts to be supportive, resulting in less autonomy
and independence for their children.
C) their children have no physical features indicating this disability.
D) the FAPE options provided by public schools are so extensive that they have trouble
understanding them all.
Ella runs to her mother and says, "Mommy, I MISSDED you" rather than "MISSED" is
displaying what type of articulation error?
A) omission
B) substitution
C) distortion
D) addition
Explain how prescription drugs impact a school nurse's role for students with ADHD.
Explain pull-in programming.
Nehem's locker and backpack are filled with homework that was never turned in, old
assignments, and assorted trash. As a teacher, describe one thing you could do to help
Nehem organize this aspect of his school life.
Explain the differences between autism and Rett syndrome.
You've been asked to develop a high-quality, inclusive preschool. Describe
characteristics of the school that you would be sure to include.
What are the five outcomes for families that professionals in the field hope they can
What are some common causes and preventive measures of blindness in children?
Who are twice-exceptional students?
In what situation would a CCTV be helpful? In what situation would it be impractical?
What are the two kinds of disproportionate representation? Briefly explain each one.
Why is there is no accurate estimate of the number of students with ADHD in this
What are the benefits listed in your text regarding the advantages of using RTI to
identify learning disabilities?
Give an example of a statement made using conversational English (BICS) and another
example using classroom English (CALP).
Briefly describe the different types of seizures that may be experienced by individuals
with neuromotor impairments.
The combination of hearing and visual loss often presents three important
characteristics or challenges for students that teachers and families must consider. List
these three challenges.

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