SED LR 15520

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2174
subject Authors Cindy Corey, Gerald Corey, Marianne Schneider Corey, Patrick Callanan

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Which of the practitioners described below would NOT be an effective family
a. One who demonstrates acceptance, interest, and caring
b. One who is courageous and a risk-taker
c. One who downplays the influence of diversity
d. One who is assertive and confident
A theoretical orientation is best described as:
a. a rigid framework that provides specific steps of how to conduct a counseling
b. a set of general guidelines that counselors can use to make sense of what they are
hearing and what needs to change.
c. a conceptualization of the intrapsychic structures that dictate a client's behavior.
d. a set of techniques that can be used to promote behavioral changes.
The_____________mental health professionals can understand how individual and
systemic world views shape clinical practice and (b) when they are equipped with
organizational and system knowledge, expertise, and skills.
a. social justice
b. case management
c. ego-psychology
d. social interest
Which of the following is NOT a sign of therapist decay?
a. An absence of boundaries with clients
b. Accepting clients within one's scope of competence
c. Living in isolated ways
d. Being unwilling to seek professional help when experiencing personal distress
Joyce was hospitalized as a result of an attempted suicide. She tried to call her therapist
before taking an overdose of pills, but he could not be reached because he was on
vacation and did not make provisions for a replacement therapist while he was gone.
This action constitutes the following type of professional negligence:
a. misdiagnosis.
b. client abandonment.
c. vicarious liability.
d. practicing beyond the scope of competency.
Which of the following is NOT a reason for discouraging the practice of accepting
friends as clients or of becoming socially involved with clients?
a. Therapists may not be as challenging as they need to be with clients they know
socially because of a need to be liked and accepted by the client.
b. Therapists may be as effective with clients they know socially as they are with clients
they have never met previously to the therapeutic relationship.
c. Counselors' own needs may be enmeshed with those of their clients to the point that
objectivity is lost.
d. Counselors are at greater risk of exploiting clients because of the power differential
in the therapeutic relationship.
Voluntary participation is an important beginning point for a successful group
experience.___________in a group raises a different set of ethical issues and the
negative attitudes of some members can contaminate the entire group experience.
a. Voluntary participation
b. Supported participation
c. Mandatory participation
d. Group norms
The ability for counselors to manage their personal values so they do not contaminate
the counseling process is referred to as:
a. value conflicts.
b. value exploration.
c. discrimination.
d. bracketing.
________________occurs when a supervisor has concurrent or consecutive
professional or nonprofessional relationships with a supervisee in addition to the
supervisor'supervisee relationship.
a. Multicultural supervision
b. Clinical supervision
c. Multiple-role relationships in supervision
d. Competence
Some practitioners may over-diagnose, under-diagnose, or misdiagnose clients from
marginalized groups. In order to avoid these issues, counselors need to:
a. carefully consider all aspects of clients' culture without considering clients' past and
present life circumstances.
b. carefully consider the clients' past and present life circumstances only.
c. carefully consider the clients' decisions in life with no regard of culture.
d. carefully consider all aspects of clients' culture in conjunction with clients' past and
present life circumstances.
The intended victim's knowledge of a threat does NOT relieve therapists of the duty to
protect, as can be seen by the decision in:
a. Bradley Center v. Wessner.
b. Jablonski v. United States.
c. Tarasoff v. University of California Board of Regents.
d. Hedlund v. Superior Court.
Gail feels like she has not accomplished what she wanted in her therapy group and has
decided to leave. Gail's therapist needs to:
a. encourage her to explain why she wants to leave to other group members.
b. encourage her to leave before her negative attitude affects other members of the
c. put undue pressure on her to stay in group.
d. encourage other members to pressure her to stay.
Two processes that offer safeguards against malpractice liability in suicidal cases are:
a. consultation and documentation.
b. assessment and orientation.
c. individual therapy and group therapy.
d. diagnosis and informed consent.
Family therapy training programs use three primary methods of training. They include
all of the following EXCEPT:
a. didactic course work.
b. direct clinical experiences with families.
c. regular supervision by an experienced family supervisor who, together with trainees,
may watch the session behind a one-way mirror or through videotaped sessions.
d. famogram work.
In Chapter 6, a six-step ethical practice model for protecting confidentiality rights that
places legal mandates in an ethical context is presented. The six steps include all of the
following EXCEPT:
a. preparation.
b. tell clients the truth "up front."
c. obtain truly informed consent before making a disclosure.
d. have your attorney respond to legal requests for disclosure.
Not possessing the competence to use the DSM-5 appropriately raises an ethical issue.
Practitioners who use the DSM diagnosis must be trained. This training requires
learning more than diagnostic categories; it involves:
a. understanding V- and D-codes.
b. knowing how to make a diagnosis fit criteria accepted by an insurance company.
c. knowing how to work within some kind of diagnostic and assessment framework but
not needing a clear picture of the client's problem.
d. knowing personality theory, psychopathology, and seeing how they relate to
therapeutic practice.
Which of the following is NOTtrue about referrals?
a. Referrals have become common practice among mental health service providers at
the expense of exploring other possibilities.
b. The overuse of client referral among mental health providers often involves
discriminatory practices that are rationalized as ways to avoid harming the client and
practicing beyond one's level of competence.
c. Referring clients has been discussed frequently in professional journals.
d. The psychological community needs to critically examine why mental health
practitioners may refer clients over value conflicts and why these practitioners assume
that such practices are appropriate, reasonable, and acceptable.
The _______________ phase of group work may be the one that leaders handle most
a. initial
b. transition
c. working
d. final (termination)
People with traumatic brain injuries, paranoid individuals, hypochondriacs, those who
are actively addicted to drugs or alcohol, acutely psychotic individuals, and antisocial
personalities are considered poor candidates for a:
a. heterogeneous outpatient intensive therapy group.
b. inpatient therapy group.
c. group dealing with specific issues such as addiction, brain injuries, personality
disorders, and psychosis.
d. specific group created for their specific issue.
Informed consent generally implies that the person:
a. does not have the capacity to consent.
b. has verbally given consent.
c. has been persuaded or coerced to sign the consent form.
d. has the capacity to consent and has freely, without undue influence, expressed
California enacted a law in 2011 allowing mental health practitioners to treat minors (12
years or older) if:
a. a minor would like to enter into a counseling relationship; it is necessary to have
informed parental or guardian consent or for counseling to be court ordered.
b. the practitioner is informed by the minor he or she would like to enter into a
counseling relationship for minor educational purposes.
c. the practitioner determines the minor is mature enough to participate intelligently in
outpatient treatment or mental health counseling. However, the statute does require
parental (or guardian) involvement in the treatment unless the therapist finds, after
consulting with the minor, that this would be inappropriate under the circumstances.
d. there is no reason for a minor to be treated without parent consent.
The experts who testified at this trial believed the school board failed to provide
adequate training for school personnel. Without training, school personnel will most
likely underestimate the lethality of suicidal thoughts, statements, and attempts. The
conclusion of this expert testimony was that the student would not have committed
suicide if the employees had been adequately trained. Persuaded by this input,
the court held that the school could be found negligent for failing to notify the
decedent's mother. This explains the
court decision in which court case?
a. Eisel v. Board of Education
b. Wyke v. Polk County School Board
c. Hedlund v. Superior Court
d. Ewing v. Goldstein
Competence in working with couples and families only comes with:
a. a graduate course in family systems therapy.
b. fully resolving one's own family-of-origin issues.
c. years of training and supervision.
d. natural ability to think systemically.
Each major mental health professional organization has its own code of ethics;
however, most of these codes are:
a. specific and informative, giving answers to all ethical dilemmas.
b. broad and general and do not provide specific answers to ethical dilemmas.
c. not necessary to obtain or read.
d. old and outdated, not pertaining to current ethical dilemmas.
The fact that groups can be powerful catalysts for ____________ means that they can
also be risky.
a. skill competencies
b. personal change
c. professional codes
d. didactic course work
Developing an approach to counseling is an ongoing and fluid process. Counselors in
training tend to be drawn to a particular theory initially but modify it as they gain
experience. Ultimately, your counseling orientation and style must:
a. include some aspects of psychoanalytic theory.
b. be appropriate for the unique needs of your clients and for the type of counseling you
c. be a combination of all theories in the counseling field.
d. be appropriate for some clients; other clients will change to fit your counseling
orientation and style.
Feminists remind us that patriarchy has:
a. positive effects on both women and men.
b. negative effects on both women and men.
c. positive effects on women and negative effects on men.
d. negative effects on women and positive effects on men.
Jolene tells her counselor that she is depressed about the break-up of her relationship
and "just wishes she could go to sleep and never wake up." In this case, the counselor
needs to:
a. immediately commit Jolene to a psychiatric facility.
b. assess if Jolene is suicidal and intervene if necessary.
c. recognize that her statement is only a "cry for help" and should not be taken
d. see if there is any chance for reconciliation.
______________is a serious breach that results in harm to clients and is therefore
a. A slippery slope
b. A dual relationship
c. A boundary violation
d. A malpractice suit
Which of the following is NOT a way you can involve yourself in therapeutic
experiences that can increase your availability to clients?
a. Individual and/or group counseling
b. Continuing education
c. Keeping a personal journal and reading
d. Limiting travel and new experiences
______________ encompasses the full range of cultural factors including race,
ethnicity, socioeconomic status, ability status, privilege, sexual orientation, spirituality
and religion, values, gender, family characteristics and dynamics, country of origin,
language, and age.
a. Multicultural supervision
b. Developmental supervision
c. Feminist supervision
d. Social-constructivism supervision
The presence of chronic illness or severe psychological depletion that is likely to
prevent a professional from being able to deliver effective services and results in
consistently functioning below acceptable practice standards is called:
a. empathy fatigue.
b. burnout.
c. impairment.
d. client dependence.
Joanne finds herself wanting to solve her client's problems, which are similar to the
issues her daughter is going through. Joanne gives advice and feels frustrated when her
client won't follow through on her suggestions. Her emotional reactions to her client,
which involve her own projections, is based on:
a. transference.
b. nurturance.
c. countertransference.
d. caretaking.

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