SED EM 77475

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1723
subject Authors Roberta M. Berns

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Children's economic well-being is directly related to that of their
a. peers.
b. families.
c. teachers.
d. roles.
Adoption differs from foster care in that in adoption
a. the child gains legal rights similar to those of other family members.
b. living arrangements are not meant to be permanent.
c. families do not go through a legal process.
d. all of these.
Which of the following is true?
a. Many families are poor even though both parents are employed.
b. If the parents are employed, a family cannot be considered poor.
c. In a poor family the head of household is likely to be well educated.
d. Most families that are poor are headed by single men.
Researchers report that the abusive family
a. is generally active in the community.
b. is often isolated from the community.
c. does not want the child.
d. is not intelligent.
The socializing agent of which the function is to provide information about the world
and oneself from a perspective other than that of the family is which of the following?
a. The media
b. The peer group
c. The family
d. The community
Which of the following can be characterized as "thinking based on appearances"?
a. Preoperational
b. Concrete operational
c. Post-operational
d. Sensorimotor
Maria and Manuel read a book to their child every night before they put him to bed.
This is an example of a
a. symbol.
b. routine.
c. rite of passage.
d. conservation task.
Over _________ of American teenagers have tried an illicit drug by the time they have
finished high school.
a. 10%
b. one-third
c. one half
d. three-fourths
Standards for a child's behavior are set by
a. parents.
b. the peer group.
c. the teacher.
d. all of these.
The function of the community is to provide a sense of
a. belonging.
b. friendship.
c. socialization.
d. all of these.
Which socializing agent has the purpose to perpetuate society's knowledge, skills,
customs, and beliefs?
a. The peer group
b. The family
c. The media
d. The school
Renee observes someone else engaging in an altruistic act and getting rewarded for it.
Renee is experiencing what?
a. Vicarious reinforcement
b. Direct reinforcement
c. Negative reinforcement
d. Shaping
Which of the following is not an "output" of socialization?
a. Values
b. Attitudes
c. Socialization interactions
d. Self-esteem
a. transcends all socioeconomic levels.
b. is not found in areas of high unemployment.
c. is linked to growing up in nonviolent neighborhoods with little crime.
d. is not related to family variables.
Which of the following is an example of a behavioral tendency thought to be linked to
a. Impulse control
b. Frustration tolerance
c. Activity level
d. All of these
The process of socialization begins
a. at birth.
b. before birth.
c. at school-age.
d. after birth.
Services that maintain the health, education, and welfare of the community are called
a. supportive.
b. chronological.
c. linked-in.
d. preventive.
The mass communication system in the United States is generally characterized by
a. private ownership.
b. lack of new technology.
c. lack of regulation.
d. Lack of media outlets, such as television stations.
According to research, mothers provide which children with more attention, guidance,
and discipline?
a. The oldest child
b. The second child in a family
c. Boys
d. The youngest child in a family
Gangs tend to consist of
a. many individuals of one cultural group.
b. many individuals, each from a different cultural group.
c. biracial individuals.
d. none of these.
The community has the means to enforce adherence to community values. This is an
example of the ________ function of the community.
a. social control
b. social participation
c. mutual support
d. cooperative
Company A is interested putting a child care center on the grounds of its new
manufacturing plant. If plans for the center go through, and Company A is similar to
other companies, the company should expect which of the following?
a. Fewer people will be calling in 'sick" for reasons related to child care.
b. It will be easier to recruit new employees.
c. Employees will have a more positive attitude toward their work.
d. All of these are correct.
Which of the following is true?
a. Children absorb the verbal as well as the nonverbal cues of others.
b. Intentional socialization can end up being unintentional.
c. Much of socialization takes place spontaneously during human interactions.
d. All of these are true.
Researchers who study altruism suggest "I"ll help him because he can"t do it himself" is
characteristic of which age?
a. Infants, age 6"8 months
b. Toddlers
c. Preschoolers, age 3"6 years
d. School-agers, 6"12 years
Standardized tests may not give an accurate assessment of a child's development
a. each child comes from a unique set of family experiences.
b. maturational differences measured by standardized tests do not exist among children.
c. all children can control a pencil by a certain age.
d. none of these; standardized tests always provide an accurate assessment.
In a classic study by Lewin, Lippitt, and White (1939), 10-year-old boys were found to
show more enjoyment, and continued to work even harder, when the leader with which
leadership style left the room?
a. Authoritarian
b. Democratic
c. Laissez-faire
d. None of these
Binuclear families differ from joint-custody families in that
a. not all binuclear families have joint custody.
b. in the binuclear family, children are always part of two or more households.
c. not all binuclear families have joint custody and in the binuclear family, children are
always part of two or more households .
d. none of these; binuclear and joint-custody families are the same.
Rejection or acceptance in a group is thought to be affected by
a. how one communicates.
b. how one interprets others' emotional states.
c. whether or not one is disruptive.
d. all of these.
Low birth weight is linked to which of the following?
a. Lack of prenatal care
b. Drug and alcohol abuse
c. Mother under age 18 years
d. All of these
Gemeinschaft is to Gesellschaft as
a. informal is to formal.
b. trust is to mistrust.
c. non-cooperative is to cooperative.
d. independent is to dependent.
Coleman (1961) found that in most high schools, boys value _________, whereas girls
value _________.
a. athletic ability; popularity
b. athletic ability; intelligence
c. popularity; scholarship
d. intelligence; popularity
Compare and contrast the concepts of cultural assimilation and melting pot.
Answer:Answer not provided.
As it applies to libraries, a(n) _________ is an attempt, via a formal, written complaint,
to remove or restrict materials based on the objections of a person or group.
Moral values such as guilt, shame, and empathy are examples of the _________
component of morality.
Imagine you are a kindergarten teacher on the first day of class, and you are using
principles from behaviorism (operant learning) to teach the children to put away their
toys. Describe how you might do this, including key terms as appropriate.
Answer:Answer not provided.
The social and legal process by which individuals become permanent members of a
family is called _________.
As described in your text, explain why social groups vary in terms of their ability to
influence individual members.
Answer:Answer not provided.
_________ refers to the setting of certain standards and rules by parents, and the
insistence on adherence to them when necessary.
Equality of opportunity is an example of a(n) _________ value.
The differential treatment of groups of people because of their class background, and
the reinforcement of those differences through the values and practices of societal
institutions, is known as _________.
Describe how a classroom with an individualistic perspective might look different from
one that is collectivistic. Focus your answer on differences related to objects/people,
possessions, achievement goals, and social roles.
Answer:Answer not provided.
Families that have inherited wealth are typically found in the _________ class.
Compare concerns about children and books to those about children and television,
providing an overview of both. Include in your answer discussion of the issues of
violence and stereotyping.
Answer:Answer not provided.
_________ refers to a thought process in which one vicariously experiences another's
Behavior based on respect for persons in authority is considered morality of
The most common types of care for school-aged children (aged 6"12) are family day
care homes and care provided by _________.
A main purpose of the _________ was to include children with disabilities in public
school settings.
An example of the socialization philosophy of cultural pluralism is the concept of

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