SED EM 69789

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 3395
subject Authors Ann A. Turnbull, H. Rutherford Turnbull, Karrie A. Shogren, Michael L. Wehmeyer

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Which of the following involves repeated movements and verbalizations, such as motor
movements, persistent attention to parts of objects, and strict adherence to routines?
A. Atypical social development
B. Repetitive behavior
C. Echolalia
D. Self-injurious behavior
An accommodation that is fairly unique to students with autism is:
A. Use of a familiar examiner
B. Use of a familiar testing site
C. More than doubling extended time
D. Using questions with only one format
Which of the following students are the least likely to spend time in the general
education classroom and more time in special settings?
A. White
B. Hispanic
C. Asian/Pacific Islander
D. Black
Which of the following involves closed-circuit wiring that sends FM signals from an
audio system directly to an electronic coil in the student's hearing aid?
A. Sound-field amplification system
B. Loop system
C. Closed-caption technology
D. Telecommunication device
Content integration, knowledge of the construction process, an equity pedagogy,
prejudice reduction, and empowering school culture and social structure are elements
A. Increasing knowledge and experiences of other cultures
B. Culturally responsive instruction
C. Enhancing self-awareness
D. Cultural reciprocity
Chelsea, a student with a mild hearing loss, often has difficulty following the teacher's
directions in class, particularly when the teacher is doing work at the whiteboard.
Which of the following suggestions would be a most appropriate first step for the
teacher to try to improve Chelsea's behavior?
A. Repeat all directions directly into Chelsea's ear.
B. Do not give directions when facing the board.
C. Provide an interpreter for Chelsea.
D. Have another student write down all assignments for Chelsea.
Individuals who typically use braille for efficient reading and writing are considered
which of the following?
A. Low vision
B. Functionally blind
C. Totally blind
D. Legally blind
List and briefly explain each of the six principles of IDEA.
A systems-level, problem-solving oriented, data-based approach to reducing problem
behavior, improving appropriate behavior, and achieving important academic, social,
and communication outcomes throughout the school building is:
A. Response to intervention
B. Universal Design for Learning
C. Alternative assessment
D. Positive behavior supports
Which of the following make mention of disability being related to an impairment in a
major life function?
B. ADA and 504
C. 504 and IDEA
Writing reports, taking exams, portfolios, drawings, performances, oral reports, and
videotaped reports are examples of:
A. Multiple means of engagement
B. Multiple means of action and expression
C. Multiple means of representing content
D. Multiple means of questioning
A popular person-centered approach that customizes students' IEPs to their specific
visions, strengths, and needs is:
D. Wraparound
All of the following are key characteristics of inclusion EXCEPT:
A. Home-school placement
B. Principle of natural proportions
C. Restructuring teaching and learning
D. Alternative assessment
What is a primary way to prevent legal action on behalf of parents?
A. Write the IEP before the meeting.
B. Keep sporadic data and reporting.
C. Include parents as much as possible
D. Provide services only near the IEP meeting time.
Judy is a student in your class who has suffered a closed head traumatic brain injury in
a car accident. When Judy returns to your classroom after the accident, you notice
changes in her behavior that include temper outbursts, anxiety, fatigue, and depressions.
The best way to help Judy with her behavior is which of the following?
A. Teach problem-solving skills to reduce frustration and behaviors.
B. Create a 504 behavior plan that has strict consequences for Judy's behavior.
C. When Judy exhibits her poor behavior, have her removed from the classroom.
D. Discuss the behaviors with Judy and tell her they will not be accepted in your
What percent of students with autism do not develop sufficient communication through
natural speech to meet environmental conditions?
A. About 75%
B. 33%- 50%
C. Approximately 25%
D. About 10%
The term for lost or reduced muscle strength is:
A. Rigidity
B. Ataxia
C. Atrophy
D. Spacticity
Anything a teacher does after asking a question to increase the chances a student will
provide the correct response is called a:
A. An SD
B. Reinforcer
C. Prompt
D. Intrusion
One early consequence of the efforts at school racial desegregation was that, as
enrollments of culturally and linguistically diverse children in previously all-white
schools increased, their enrollment in self-contained programs increased for which of
the following?
A. Students with learning disabilities
B. Students with autism
C. Gifted students
D. Students with mild intellectual disabilities
Weakness, fatigue, and which of the following are common side effects of TBI?
A. Sleeplessness
B. Coordination problems
C. Immobility
D. Repetitive movements
One of the most frequent communication disorders in preschool and school-age
children is:
A. Apraxia of speech
B. Receptive language disorders
C. Expressive language disorders
D. Articulation disorders
Which of the following seizures, formerly known as petit mal, causes the student to
frequently lose consciousness for a brief period of time?
A. Partial
B. Semiconscious
C. Absence
D. Tonic-clonic
Which of the following statements about parents' participation in homework is TRUE?
A. Many students with disabilities do not rely on their parents for help.
B. Students with disabilities are five times as likely as their nondisabled peers to get
frequent homework assistance.
C. Students without disabilities receive more homework assistance than those with
D. There may be less stress between the parent-child relationships for parents who help
their children with homework.
When speech partners activate a student's communication device in naturally occurring
communication interactions at home, school, and in the community and encourage the
student to use the device, they are using:
A. Community based instruction
B. Universal design for learning
C. System for augmenting language
D. Facilitative language strategies
The prompting strategy used most often in errorless learning is:
A. Verbal prompt
B. Most-to-least intrusive
C. Least-to-most intrusive
D. Physical prompt
Which domain addresses having resources for the family such as transportation, a way
to take care of expenses, and even dental care?
A. Exceptionality-related support
B. Parenting
C. Family interaction
D. Physical/material well-being
Which of the following refers to a malformation of the spinal cord before birth?
A. Cerebral palsy
B. Spina bifida
C. Multiple sclerosis
D. Muscular dystrophy
Which of the following involves providing visual and/or audio cues to support students
to regulate their own behavior and to complete assigned tasks?
A. Self-instruction strategies
B. Student-directed learning strategies
C. Antecedent cue regulation
D. Task analysis
How many different sounds are produced in the English language?
A. 26
B. Over 100
C. 36
D. 45
Each of the following is a key microculture associated with disproportionate
representation in special education EXCEPT:
A. Race/ethnicity
B. Income level
C. Education level
D. Language
Desean is a student with conduct disorder who fights with other students and is always
on the defensive. How can you help Desean decrease his inappropriate social
A. Send Desean to the counselor for daily intervention.
B. Teach Desean appropriate social skills.
C. Seat him as far away from other students as possible.
D. Ask for a change of placement to a specialized program for behavioral problems.
Which component of school functional assessment evaluates students' ability to
complete functional activities requiring cognitive and physical skills?
A. Participation
B. Task supports
C. Activity performance
D. Academic achievement
Teachers helping students to understand, investigate, and determine how the implicit
cultural assumptions, frames of references, perspectives, and biases within a discipline
influence the ways in which knowledge is constructed within it is:
A. Content integration
B. Knowledge construction process
C. Equity pedagogy
D. Prejudice reduction
Which of the following determines whether any student, with or without a disability,
needs more intensive instruction?
A. Response to intervention
B. Universal Design for Learning
C. Alternative assessment
D. Positive behavior supports
Which of the following accommodations may be specific to students with physical
A. Additional time to take the test
B. Frequent breaks during the test
C. Physical access to the testing site
D. Oral testing rather than written testing
Compare and contrast accents and dialects.
Briefly describe how sound is heard, using the terms outer ear, middle ear, inner ear,
cochlea, auditory nerve, and temporal lobe.
Describe the characteristics of students who are gifted and talented.
Define adaptive behavior and list its three domains.
Explain the concept of and the steps of errorless learning and give examples of prompts
used in the process.
Define eugenics.
Explain each of IDEAs four parts and describe who benefits from Part B and Part C?
What is an ecological inventory?
Explain how one becomes a culturally responsive teacher and advocate.
Why is it important to have an educational understanding of the meaning of "family?"
Describe the outcome of the Larry P. v. Riles federal court case.
Compare and contrast externalizing and internalizing behaviors.
In your own words, explain the history of inclusion.
Identify the major causes of TBI.
Identify and explain the five principle components of collaborative teaming.
Explain how one can enhance self-awareness of one's own cultural values.

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