SED EM 61553

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1225
subject Authors James M. Kauffman, Timothy J. Landrum

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In order to make a meaningful comparison, a norm group should be composed of
a. At the same age.
b. At the same grade.
c. With the same instructional experience.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
The degree to which a test measures a specific concept or idea is referred to as:
a. Construct reliability.
b. Construct validity.
c. Content reliability.
d. Content validity.
Precursors of violent behavior do not necessarily include
a. Aggressive talk
b. Bullying
c. Dramatic violent acts
d. Intimidation
EBD can be caused by:
a. Food allergies.
b. Caffeine excesses.
c. Sugar excesses.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
Conceptual models can be used to understand:
a. Causes of disordered behaviors
b. Potential cures for disordered behaviors
c. Trajectories of disordered behaviors
d. All of the above
e. Only A and C
Unipolar depressive disorders vary between:
a. Normal and extreme dysphoria.
b. Extreme dysphoria and extreme euphoria.
c. Normal and extreme euphoria.
Bipolar disorders vary between:
a. Normal and extreme dysphoria.
b. Extreme dysphoria and extreme euphoria.
c. Normal and extreme euphoria.
d. None of the above.
Temper tantrums are developmentally appropriate. Johnny-- a third grader-- will
definitely grow out of this stage. This interpretation is an example of:
a. Developmental optimism
b. Fatalism
c. Realism
Behavioral problems
a. Can be the result of skill deficits.
b. Can not be the result of skill deficits.
c. Exist exclusive of skill deficits.
Research has clearly linked watching television with:
a. Decreases in aggression.
b. Increases in aggression.
c. No relationship with aggression.
Which of these factors are probably most associated with deviance?
a. Low socio-economic status and the breakdown of the family.
b. Low socio-economic status and the breakdown of the school.
c. Urban environments and the breakdown of the family.
d. Urban environments and the breakdown of the school.
Students who are low achieving and socially unsuccessful tend to exhibit:
a. Dependence on teacher for direction.
b. Originality and reasoning ability.
c. Volunteering in class discussions.
d. All of the above.
e. Only A and B.
The brain can be traumatized:
a. After birth.
b. Before birth.
c. During birth.
d. All of the above.
e. Only A & B.
Biological factors affect behavior only in interaction with
a. Environmental factors.
b. Medical factors.
c. Physiological factors.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
Historically, researchers focused on the role of the _____________ in the development
of EBD.
a. Family.
b. Media.
c. Peer group.
d. All of the above.
e. Only A and B.
Resilience seems to be heightened by:
a. Easy temperament and maternal warmth.
b. Easy temperament and paternal warmth.
c. Withdrawn temperament and maternal warmth.
d. Withdrawn temperament and paternal warmth.
Adolescents with the following characteristics are predicted to have the highest levels
of problem behaviors:
a. ADHD, lack of guilt, and low achievement.
b. ADHD, lack of guilt, and shyness.
c. ADHD, shyness, and low achievement.
d. Shyness, lack of guilt, and low achievement.
The overall finding regarding children and divorce is that:
a. Children adjust to divorce and go on with their lives.
b. Children never recover from the effects of divorce.
c. Most children develop some form of EBD related to the divorce.
d. Young children develop some form of EBD related to the divorce.
In prepubescent children, the prevalence of depression is:
a. About the same in boys and girls.
b. Is higher among boys than girls.
c. Is higher among girls than boys.
A fundamental principle of behavior modification is:
a. Incentive before work.
b. Play before work.
c. Work before play.
d. All of the above.
e. Only A and B.
Resilience is best understood as how an individual:
a. Copes with degrees of risk variables.
b. Copes with patterns of exposure to risk variables.
c. Copes with risk variables.
d. All of the above.
e. Only A and B.
Persistent anxiety is likely to characterize ____ of the child population.
a. 2%
b. 5-8%
c. 10-15%
d. 20%
Gangs are maintained by:
a. Bullying.
b. Coercion.
c. Dysfunctional family systems.
d. Perceived external threats.
Research indicates that:
a. ADHD can be treated effectively without medication.
b. ADHD is most effectively treated with medication.
c. ADHD is most effectively treated with medication and behavior modification.
________________ have been proven to cause ADHD.
a. Environmental toxins.
b. Food dyes.
c. Sugars.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
ADHD is:
a. A major problem but probably a temporary characteristic of childhood.
b. A major problem and likely a permanent characteristic.
c. A minor problem and probably a temporary characteristic of childhood.
d. A minor problem but probably a permanent characteristic.
A standardized measure is:
a. Conducted in a standard way with each individual with whom its used.
b. Conducted to determine whether a student meets a specific standard.
c. Conducted using content judged standard across grade levels.
d. Conducted using the standards of ethical behavior.
Effective parental discipline involves:
a. Laxness and demandingness.
b. Laxness and strictness.
c. Responsiveness and demandingness.
d. Responsiveness and strictness.
Early sexual activity is of greatest concern due to:
a. Risk of pregnancy.
b. Risk of contracting disease.
c. Societal mores.
d. All of the above.
e. Only A and B.
Behavior modification practiced in the 1960s and 1970s is now better known as
a. Applied Behavior Analysis
b. Direct Instruction
c. Functional Analysis
d. Positive Behavioral Support
Students with disabilities are entitled to assessments administered:
a. In all areas of suspected disability.
b. In child's native language.
c. By trained personnel.
d. All of the above.
e. Only A and C.
Effective substance abuse programs are:
a. Expensive
b. Controversial
c. Multifaceted
d. All of the above.
e. Only A and C.
Parents of two- to four-year-old children frequently make the following discipline
a. Laxness, overreactivity, and verbosity.
b. Laxness, overreactivity, and strictness.
c. Laxness, strictness, and verbosity.
d. Strictness, overreactivity, and verbosity.

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