SED EM 50162

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 24
subject Words 2912
subject Authors David Zarefsky

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Rhetorical proof establishes the truth of a speaker's claims by appealing to listeners'
The preparation outline serves as a memory aid to the speaker during the delivery of the
Direct observation can refer to both observations made deliberately and those made by
accident or happenstance.
Listeners expect a beginning, middle, and end to a speech.
Listeners are not passive receivers; they form judgments and communicate them to the
speaker during the speech.
Summary statements and key words like "finally" and other similar cues can
prematurely give listeners a sense that the speech is ending.
Every speech has four parts: introduction, body, main ideas, and conclusion.
A complete transition consists of an internal preview, a link, a signpost, a main idea,
and an internal summary.
Note taking works best when you organize key words into a rough outline.
Speakers addressing a culturally diverse audience should use only the most concrete
type of supporting materials.
If you have a carefully prepared presentation outline, practicing your speech before
delivering it is not necessary.
Sometimes the message and structure of a speech are so simple that visual aids are not
Memory skills are critical for speakers when rehearsing both mentally and aloud.
Critical thinking is more valuable to speakers than it is to listeners.
Reinforcement is an effective strategy for increasing identification.
The primary way to get listeners to pay attention is to convince them that what follows
will be well organized.
One advantage of interviewing is that people are often willing to say things in an
interview that they would be reluctant to see in print.
The strategy of defining can be used for speeches that aim to inform or for speeches
that aim to persuade.
The room has to be completely dark for a transparency to be visible.
A flexible system of note taking is called "flexible" because it provides information for
more than one speech.
Heterogeneity refers to cultural similarity among audience members.
Direct observation of listeners, demographic analysis, and library research seeking
recent surveys and poll results are informal methods of audience analysis.
Reproducing supporting material in detail within the body of the outline disrupts the
clarity of the structure of the outline.
Critical listeners are willing to accept some statements at face value.
Persuasive strategies seek a change in the listeners, and informative strategies seek no
Distributed practice is considered more effective than massed practice.
A well-written essay generally makes a good manuscript for a speech.
Speakers typically choose language carefully and consciously, exercising considerable
control over perceptions of style.
To be effective, an analogy in an introduction should be simple and direct so that
listeners do not have to figure out its meaning.
Hearing involves the reception, transmission, and interpretation of sounds.
The same strategies that improve attention also encourage retention.
An analysis of listeners' beliefs, values, interests, and knowledge is an examination of
a. audience culture
b. audience psychology
c. audience demographics
d. audience composition
Once Maurice had gathered all the information he could about his topic, he began
working on determining the best structure for his main ideas. Maurice was engaged in
which activity?
a. invention
b. arrangement
c. style
d. delivery
Transitions should __________.
a. restate the main ideas completely
b. use parallel structure
c. gain attention
d. be discrete
Heterogeneity is an element of audience __________.
a. culture
b. psychology
c. size
d. demographics
Talia presented a speech about how to give a pedicure, covering several steps in a
specific order. Her informative strategy was __________.
a. describing
b. comparing
c. reporting
d. demonstrating
Which type of supporting material do maxims such as "if you want something done
right, do it yourself" represent?
a. common knowledge
b. personal experience
c. documents
d. direct observation
Reasoning by cause proceeds by __________.
a. using specific instances to infer a general conclusion
b. showing how one thing influences or brings about another
c. inferring that facts or opinions from a reliable source are accurate and trustworthy
d. using a powerful story to lead the audience to the conclusion one wants to support
Wanda wanted to use a visual aid to show the series of choices one should make when
selecting an investment strategy. Which type of visual aid would serve her best?
a. statistical chart
b. pie graph
c. diagram
d. flowchart
The speaker's ability to articulate the audience's unexpressed feelings is called
________, because the speaker's words echo listeners' feelings.
a. resonance
b. decorum
c. reinforcement
d. erudition
Which of the following steps comes first in the development of an outline?
a. List the ideas you plan to develop.
b. Determine which ideas subsume other ideas.
c. Diagram the relationships among ideas.
d. Determine the order in which you want to discuss your ideas.
Outside of the classroom, most speakers conduct audience analysis using __________.
a. simplifying devices
b. market research
c. focus groups
d. audience surveys
Which dimension of voice contributes to a speech by helping the speaker mark
transitions and emphasize what has been said?
a. inflection
b. pitch
c. rate
d. pauses
What element is essential to the effectiveness of both roasts and after-dinner speeches?
a. the effective use of humor
b. the speaker's balance of forensic and epideictic speaking
c. the brevity of the speech
d. the focus on deliberative goals
The first step in the mapping process is __________.
a. identifying the main ideas
b. assessing the main ideas
c. extracting the thesis
d. deciding whether the main ideas support the thesis
Miles's speech is organized around the following thesis: "We should take steps to
prevent illegal recruiting of college athletes." As you listen, you map out the following
main points. Which of these points is least relevant to the thesis?
a. Coaches are offering payments as inducements to high school athletes.
b. More restrictions should be placed on contacts with recruits.
c. College basketball authorities need to investigate athletes' finances more carefully.
d. Some college athletes have classwork done for them by their tutors.
If a case is inferred to be typical and there is nothing unusual about it, the case is
referred to as a(n) __________.
a. extended example
b. false example
c. aggregate example
d. representative example
Kai usually did not listen carefully to her classmates' speeches. However, when Andre
gave a speech about her favorite city, Paris, she focused intently on the speech and
followed each point carefully. This is an example of __________.
a. selective attention
b. selective exposure
c. selective stereotyping
d. rhetorical selection
In the strategic planning process, your ethos is a(n) __________.
a. constraint
b. opportunity
c. means
d. exigence
Which of the following comparison statements of written style and oral style is false?
a. Oral style is more complex than written style.
b. Oral style is more repetitive than written style.
c. Oral style is less formal than written style.
d. Oral style is more reflexive than written style.
The final thing you should do in your speech's introduction is to __________.
a. introduce yourself
b. preview the development of your ideas
c. state your thesis
d. state your purpose
You are writing an after-dinner speech for a gathering of student government
representatives from different universities. It is important for the speech to be
humorous. The safest use of humor is __________.
a. entertaining humor that avoids challenging the listeners
b. humor aimed at gender differences that are familiar to every college student
c. humor that pokes fun at the speaker in a way that listeners can identify with
d. jokes aimed at commonly held ethnic or racial stereotypes
When a speaker aims to reverse audience beliefs, which strategy should he or she use?
a. weakening commitment
b. strengthening commitment
c. conversion
d. manipulation
Jamal considered three potential speech topics: Rock & Roll from its Birth to the
Present, The Influence of British Rock on American Rock, or The Work of the Beatles.
Which criterion should he use to select the best topic?
a. clarity
b. appropriateness for written delivery
c. self-interest
d. appropriateness of scope
Which of the following is an appropriate purpose statement?
a. Vegetarianism promotes better health.
b. Switching to vegetarianism reduces your food bills.
c. My audience should understand the benefits of a vegetarian diet.
d. There are many varieties of vegetarians.
A situation in which people's understanding can be changed through messages is called
a. critical.
b. strategic.
c. rhetorical.
d. purposive.
Reflexive language is an important element of oral language style because it
a. educates the audience about the special terms associated with the topic
b. encourages repetition and aids memory
c. increases the speaker's credibility
d. helps listeners follow the speaker's thought progression
The tendency to believe that your own views are typical of everyone else's is known as
a. ethnocentrism
b. subjectivity
c. exigence
d. identification
Supporting materials drawn from people are typically gathered through __________.
a. direct observation
b. interviews
c. e-mail
d. common knowledge
Visual aids known as representations include __________.
a. photographs, diagrams, and maps
b. flowcharts, objects, and models
c. easels, flipcharts, and slides
d. bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts
According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, listeners who elaborate more will be
more persuaded by __________.
a. shortcuts that simplify their thinking about the topic
b. evidence and arguments that support the speaker's thesis
c. the speaker's positive ethos
d. extended narratives that support the speaker's position
Which of the following qualities is essential when reasoning by narrative?
a. resonance, plausibility, coherence
b. consistency, fidelity, truthfulness
c. personal, coherent, organized
d. credibility, plausibility, paraphrased
Bar graphs are useful for showing __________.
a. lists in columns
b. steps in a process
c. stages of decision making
d. comparison and contrast
Karla knows that her audience is familiar with the many public messages about the
dangers of alcohol. She decides to give her informative speech about recent studies
showing that one drink per day can have health benefits, such as significantly reducing
the risk of heart attacks. Her informative purpose is __________.
a. agenda setting
b. providing new perspective
c. creating a negative feeling
d. strengthening a feeling
What order should a complete transition follow?
a. internal summary, link, internal preview
b. internal preview, link, internal summary
c. internal preview, internal summary, link
d. internal summary, internal preview, link
A __________ analogy is a direct comparison of objects, people, or events.
When addressing an audience that already agrees with you, the most appropriate
persuasive purpose for your speech is __________.
How does cultural diversity present a strategic challenge to speakers? How can
speakers adapt to culturally diverse audiences? Which approaches do you believe are
most likely to work for you?
Brief reminders to pause, summarize, or refer to a visual aid are features of a
presentation outline known as __________.
Listeners sometimes resist persuasion by selective __________, which can be brought
about by polysemy or the boomerang effect.
__________ make it possible to generalize beyond a few specific examples and hence
to make a powerful statement about larger populations.
Respect for the listeners, respect for the topic, responsibility for one's statements, and
concern for the consequences of the speech are all part of a speaker's __________
New office holders often give speeches called __________ to formally accept the
office, unify the group, and outline goals for the future.
What three purposes are most closely associated with informative strategies? Why are
these purposes more suitable for informing than persuading?
Some theorists believe that the only purpose of speeches for special occasions is to
__________, but this position is misleading.
Responses from the audience during and after the speech, indicating their reactions to
what you have said, are known collectively as __________.
The strategy of __________ provides listeners with a basis for making a choice,
without telling or urging them to make a particular choice.
Speakers must always remember to speak to __________, not to the visual aid.
While the preparation outline uses complete sentences, the presentation outline uses
If the audience is in tiered or stadium-style seating, you can display your visual aid at
your own __________ level.
To know your speech purpose, you need to know your __________.
Identify the four major elements of bodily presentation and discuss one problem
associated with each and one solution for each problem.

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