SED EM 24301

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1681
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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At his class reunion, Cesar recognizes a number of familiar faces, but he has trouble
remembering their names. This is because __________ is easier than __________.
A) recognition; recall
B) recall; reconstruction
C) recognition; reconstruction
D) reconstruction; recall
In a large study of children with injuries to the cerebral cortex that occurred before birth
or in the first six months of life, where language and spatial skills were assessed
repeatedly into adolescence,
A) the children showed language delays that persisted until about 3 years of age.
B) recovery was greater for spatial skills than language abilities.
C) the brain-damaged children caught up to their peers in spatial skills only if the
damage occurred in the right hemisphere.
D) the children who showed early language delays in the left hemisphere still had not
caught up to their peers by age 5.
Among __________ without same-sex friends, having an other-sex friend is associated
with __________.
A) girls; corumination
B) girls; feelings of competence
C) boys; less positive well-being
D) boys; feelings of competence
Prenatal __________ exposure from maternal seafood diets predicts deficits in speed of
cognitive processing and motor, attention, and verbal test performance during the
school years.
A) lead
B) mercury
C) polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)
The concept of __________ is characteristic of __________ theories.
A) nurture; continuous
B) context; nature
C) change; heredity
D) stages; discontinuous
Four-year-old Lacy asks her mother, "What's that?" Her mother replies, "It's an
ice-cream maker." Lacy says, "No, you"re the ice-cream maker and that's an ice-cream
make." Lacy's remarks illustrate
A) illocutionary intent.
B) referential communication skills.
C) categorical speech perception.
D) metalinguistic awareness.
When asked if it is OK to exclude a child from friendship or peer group on the basis of
race or gender, Sam, a fourth grader, would say that
A) exclusion is fair under some conditions.
B) exclusion is always unfair.
C) exclusion is always fair.
D) it depends on who the person is.
Which of the following statements describes the relationship between toddlers' sense of
self and possessiveness?
A) Toddlers with a weak sense of self are likely to argue loudly in a dispute over an
B) The stronger toddlers' self-definition, the more possessive they tend to be.
C) The weaker toddlers' self-definition, the more possessive they tend to be.
D) Toddlers must develop a sense of ownership before they can develop a sense of
Lorraine, who has a son and a daughter, remarries. Which of the following is most
likely to occur?
A) Lorraine's daughter will have a harder time adjusting to the remarriage than her son.
B) Lorraine's son will have a harder time adjusting to the remarriage than her daughter.
C) Lorraine's son will have adjustment problems as long as he tries to maintain a
relationship with his biological father.
D) Both children will ask to go live with their father.
Currently, the most widely used potent teratogen is
B) Accutane.
C) aspirin.
D) thalidomide.
The second stage of labor lasts about __________ for a first baby and __________ in
later births.
A) 10 minutes; 5 minutes
B) 50 minutes; 20 minutes
C) 3 to 4 hours; 1 hour
D) 12 to 14 hours; 4 to 6 hours
In Wayne Dennis's research, Iranian babies who spent their days lying on their backs
A) learned to walk by 16 months of age.
B) scooted in a sitting position rather than crawled on their hands and knees when they
first moved on their own.
C) rarely attempted to reach or grasp at moving objects.
D) transitioned from crawling to walking within several weeks of adoption.
Dr. Sums developed a test of mathematical ability. To measure __________, he split the
test in two and compared children's responses on both halves.
A) inter-rater reliability
B) test"retest reliability
C) internal validity
D) external validity
Piaget believed that the major benefit of make-believe play during the preoperational
stage is to
A) strengthen representational schemes.
B) exercise logical reasoning skills.
C) build creativity and imagination.
D) facilitate perspective-taking ability.
Mr. and Mrs. Paxton are adopting Aina, a 5-year-old who has lived in a large orphanage
her whole life. Which of the following can the Paxtons expect to experience?
A) Aina will never develop deep ties to them.
B) Aina may fail to check back with them in anxiety-arousing situations.
C) After six or eight months, Aina will display few, if any, attachment difficulties.
D) Aina will probably shy away from adult attention.
Infant Doris has an attachment quality that changes from one insecure pattern to
another. Doris is probably
A) from a middle-SES family with strong attachments to several caregivers.
B) being raised by a single mother who has strong social support.
C) growing up in a low-SES family with many daily stresses.
D) from a high-SES family with many children.
Professor Nagini developed a measure to rate children's fears. To test inter-rater
reliability, he
A) compared the level of agreement between two different observers who used his
measure simultaneously.
B) used people who were part of children's natural environment to do the rating.
C) compared the degree to which children from different cohorts scored similarly.
D) compared the extent to which his measure correlated with neurobiological measures
of distress.
Longitudinal evidence indicates that among children of diverse temperaments,
authoritative child rearing in the preschool years predicts __________ a decade later in
adolescence, whereas authoritarian child rearing predicts __________.
A) maturity; adjustment difficulties
B) immaturity; high self-esteem
C) high self-esteem; low self-esteem
D) adjustment; poor academic achievement
A baby's production of stress hormones during birth
A) causes the baby to sleep during dilation and effacement.
B) causes the mother to breathe more deeply, increasing the baby's oxygen supply.
C) prepares the mother to withstand the pain by anesthetizing the uterus.
D) arouses the baby into alertness so it is born wide awake.
Because her mother and grandmother were teachers, Melissa has decided to become a
teacher. Melissa is demonstrating identity
A) moratorium.
B) achievement.
C) foreclosure.
D) diffusion.
At age 3, Heike shows great concern when her mother injures her finger while
gardening. Given her empathy in this situation, which of the following will be true of
Heike at age 5?
A) She is likely to ignore social convention in her moral behaviors.
B) She will show strong moral self-perceptions.
C) She will understand and act on moral imperatives.
D) Her empathy does not predict tendencies in moral identity or action.
If Shayla's scholastic achievement is related to her IQ, how do some researchers explain
this correlation?
A) IQ and achievement depend on the same abstract reasoning processes that underlie
B) The culturally specific information that predicts scholastic achievement is dependent
on IQ.
C) Achievement is more closely related to fluid intelligence, whereas IQ is a closer
measure of crystallized intelligence.
D) Shayla's scholastic achievements seem to be relatively unrelated to her experiences.
Between ages 6 and 11 years,
A) "feminine" gender identity strengthens among boys; girls' gender identity becomes
more androgynous.
B) gender-role conformity increases and gender segregation becomes less pronounced.
C) "masculine" gender identity strengthens among boys, while girls' gender identity
becomes more androgynous.
D) gender stereotyping of activities, occupations, and behaviors expands.
Research on creativity demonstrates that
A) creativity involves alternating between divergent and convergent thinking.
B) extensive knowledge is not necessary to make a creative contribution to a field.
C) IQ and creativity are highly correlated.
D) creative people tend to have little patience and persistence in the face of obstacles.
Newborn Wayne's round face, chubby cheeks, large forehead, and big eyes
A) are a sign of chromosomal abnormalities.
B) indicate that he may have suffered birth trauma.
C) make adults feel like picking him up and cuddling him.
D) ensure that nonrelated adults and older children will not be drawn to him.
Yuhui's parents use ridicule, humiliation, intimidation, and terrorizing as disciplinary
techniques. Yuhui is a victim of
A) verbal abuse.
B) neglect.
C) corporal punishment.
D) emotional abuse.
British psychoanalyst John Bowlby applied ___________ theory to understanding the
human caregiver"infant relationship
A) social learning
B) cognitive-developmental
C) ethological
D) sociocultural
Compared to Piagetian and information-processing views, the psychometric approach
A) is product-oriented and largely concerned with outcomes and results.
B) views the child as a passive processor of information rather than an active
C) emphasizes the biological bases of cognitive development.
D) focuses on the child's independent efforts in advancing cognitive development
through interactions with others.
Preschoolers do not understand why puns are funny because they have not yet
developed the ability to
A) handle unconventional word meanings.
B) extend language meanings through metaphor.
C) deal with word meanings on an entirely verbal plane.
D) appreciate the multiple meanings of words.
In her research, Dr. Esse uses procedures that combine conditioning and modeling to
eliminate undesirable behaviors and increase desirable responses. Dr. Esse relies on
A) observational learning.
B) behavior modification.
C) classical conditioning.
D) psychosocial learning.

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