SED DS 88362

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1681
subject Authors Daniel P. Hallahan, James M. Kauffman, Paige C. Pullen

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In dealing with the feelings of a child with a disability, parents should
a. respond honestly to specific questions asked by the child.
b. assure the child that he or she is no different from others and their disability doesn"t
c. speak about their disability in general, rather than specific ways.
d. wait until the child is an adolescent so he or she will be better able to understand.
Gifts and talents of students with disabilities are often overlooked for each of the
following reasons EXCEPT
A) stereotypic expectations prevent teachers from identifying them.
B) focus on assessment of disability without attention to talents.
C) legally, students cannot have more than one label.
D) narrow views of giftedness as global, high intelligence only.
When guiding a person who is blind, you should
a. take his or her arm and encourage him/her to walk slightly ahead of you.
b. let the person take your arm and walk slightly behind you.
c. walk at a much slower pace than normal.
d. allow the person to go through a door ahead of you.
Each of the following is a misconception about autism spectrum disorders EXCEPT
A) It is a single, well-defined category of disability.
B) People with autism spectrum disorders are all intellectually disabled.
C) All People with autism are impaired in some cognitive areas but are highly
intelligent or geniuses in others.
D) There is no evidence that bad parenting causes autism.
Compared to students with other disabilities, students with ADHD
A) have fewer social skills problems.
B) have more friends of the opposite gender.
C) are more disliked by their peers.
D) are viewed as less rude.
The primary distinguishing characteristic of children with physical disability is
A) intellectual and health problems.
B) intellectual and medical problems.
C) physical limitations or health problems.
D) medical or cognitive problems.
We know all of the following to be factors associated with disproportional identification
of ethnic minorities identified as needing special education EXCEPT
a. Many of the tests used to identify students with disabilities are culturally biased
b. Some ethnic groups are visual learners, and public schools put a heavy emphasis on
auditory learning.
c. Minority children are more likely to attend schools that are underfunded and
d. Poverty puts children at risk for having disabilities and that some ethnic minorities
(e.g., African Americans, Latinos/Hispanics, Native Americans) have higher rates of
P.L. 99-457 and IDEA mandate a free, appropriate public education for people ages
three to twenty-one. In addition, P.L. 99-457
a. requires employers to provide special programs for people with disabilities.
b. requires schools to provide transitional programs for people with disabilities who are
between the ages of 18 and 25.
c. provides incentives for states to develop early intervention programs.
d. requires schools to develop programs for students who are gifted.
Repetitive, ritualistic motor movements such as twirling, flapping hands, and rocking
A) only occur in children with ASD if they are also blind.
B) are no longer thought to be symptoms of ASD.
C) are evident in some, but not all, children with ASD.
D) are associated with superior intelligence in children with ASD.
ADHD is not a separate special education category under IDEA.
The meanings and concepts people attach to words and sentences are referred to as
A) morphology.
B) pragmatics.
C) syntax.
D) semantics.
The most common testing accommodations for students with learning disabilities are
A) extended time and small group administration.
B) dividing assessment into multiple sessions and individual assessment.
C) having directions read aloud and group administration.
D) extended time and group administration.
Among children and adolescents with E/BD, the future is especially grim for those with
A) neurosis.
B) conduct disorders.
C) withdrawal.
D) anxiety and depression.
With respect to the nature-nurture controversy, authorities now
a. believe that nature and nurture are of equal importance.
b. believe that nature is somewhat more important than nurture.
c. believe that nurture is somewhat more important than nature.
d. believe that both hereditary and environment are critical determinants of intelligence.
Research suggests that social support be integrated with functional behavioral
assessment and positive behavioral intervention support specifically in the case of
children with
a. Down syndrome.
b. emotional or behavioral disorders.
c. learning disabilities.
d. physical disabilities.
Each of the following is a feature of definitions of TBI EXCEPT
a) injury to the brain can be caused by a degenerative or congenital condition.
b) injury to the brain is caused by an external force.
c) there is a diminished or altered state of consciousness.
d) neurological or neurobehavioral dysfunction results from the injury.
Which one of the following statements is true?
A) Gifted students tend to be far ahead of their agemates in all areas of academic
B) Gifted students tend to be bored with and antagonistic toward school.
C) The majority enter occupations that demand greater than average intellectual ability,
creativity, and motivation.
D) They tend to perceive themselves in negative terms..
Which statement about phenylketonuria (PKU) is true?
A) It only causes intellectual disabilities.
B) It is the only known genetically determined metabolic disorder.
C) It requires a life-long special diet for treatment.
D) It goes away in late childhood.
Repeated readings is a technique specifically used to improve
A) phonemic awareness.
B) reading fluency.
C) phonics.
D) reading comprehension.
Swimmers' ear
A) is a myth, the external canal is impervious to infections.
B) is medically known as external otitis, an infection of the skin of the external auditory
C) is caused by allergies to algae in the water.
D) is caused by a perforation of the eardrum.
A person whose sensory perceptions are so abnormal that he or she could appear to be
deaf or blind would be
A) hyporesponsive.
B) hyperresponsive.
C) overresponsive.
D) hypersensitive.
What percentage of the school-age population does the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention report as having ADHD?
A) 1"2%
B) 1"3%
C) 2"4%
D) 7"9%
In the prerevolutionary era in Europe and America, what goal predominated in the
actions of society towards people with disabilities?
a. protection
b. inclusion
c. prevention
d. adaptation
In many ways, outcomes for persons with autism are similar to those with
A) learning disabilities.
B) intellectual disabilities.
C) emotional or behavioral disorders.
D) attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.
Advances in drug treatments appear to hold the potential for a cure for
a. cerebral palsy.
b. cystic fibrosis.
c. Down syndrome.
d. muscular dystrophy.
Which statement is true concerning the comparison between the language of a normally
developing child and one with a language disorder?
A) The sequence of development is similar, but milestones are reached at later years by
the child with a disorder.
B) The sequence of development is different, but milestones are reached at around the
same ages.
C) The sequence of development is different, and milestones are reached later by the
child with a disorder.
D) There is no developmental difference; they just sound different.
What is the distinction between litigation and legislation?
a. Legislation provides guidelines, whereas litigation specifies penalties for violating
the guidelines.
b. Legislation involves passing a law, whereas litigation interprets the meaning of the
c. Legislation is mandatory and litigation is permissive.
d. Legislation can be changed, but litigation is permanent.
Write a brief scenario describing a student's problem behavior. Then, explain how a
functional behavioral assessment (FBA) could be used to determine the"function"of the
behavior. Next, describe a contingency-based self-management plan that could be used
to address the problem behavior within the context of its apparent function.
After age 5, and increasingly through adolescence, the primary cause of TBI is
a) assaults.
b) accidental falls.
c) vehicular accidents.
d) gunshot wounds.
Executive functions include all of the following EXCEPT
A) ability to conceptualize stimuli as a whole.
B) working memory.
C) the ability to plan ahead.
D) self-regulation of emotions.
Until the mid-1960s the only institution specifically for postsecondary education of
students with hearing impairments was
A) Rochester.
B) Gallaudet.
C) Stanford.
D) Georgetown.
Most speech sounds have frequencies (pitch) that
A) have a very narrow range: 50"500 Hz.
B) have a range that is affected by altitude and humidity:100"900 Hz.
C) have a range higher than long-haired dogs: 250"1,000 Hz.
D) have a wide range: 500-2,000 Hz.

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