SED DS 85037

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1569
subject Authors Ann A. Turnbull, H. Rutherford Turnbull, Karrie A. Shogren, Michael L. Wehmeyer

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What graphic organizer is used to compare and contrast objects, stories, and characters?
A. A web diagram
B. A T-chart
C. Semantic maps
D. Venn diagram
Neuroimaging techniques have documented each of the following in gifted individuals
A. Difficulty switching brain regions during a task, making it easier to stay focused
B. Dominance of right-hemisphere activity
C. More efficient and flexible neural functioning
D. Greater connectivity among brain regions
Which of the following accommodations may be specific to students with physical
A. Additional time to take the test
B. Frequent breaks during the test
C. Physical access to the testing site
D. Oral testing rather than written testing
Problems with early motor development are related to limitations in:
A. Range and variety of experiences
B. Incidental learning
C. Ability to get around
D. Interaction with the environment
Weakness, fatigue, and which of the following are common side effects of TBI?
A. Sleeplessness
B. Coordination problems
C. Immobility
D. Repetitive movements
A formal, written plan for children from birth through age two is which of the
A. ITPIndividualized Transition Plan
B. IEPIndividualized Education Plan
C. IECPIndividualized Early Childhood Plan
D. IFSPIndividualized Family Service Plan
James frequently disrupts other students when he needs to be working independently on
his assignments. You have discussed this behavior with James but it continues. An
appropriate instructional intervention would be:
A. When James is disruptive, send him to the principal's office.
B. Move James to a different part of the classroom away from other students.
C. Use advance organizers to guide James' learning on independent assignments.
D. Inform James' parents of his behavior and ask for help.
What percent of all students are classified as having a traumatic brain injury?
A. About 2%
B. About 5%
C. More than 5%
D. Approximately 0.4%
66% of students with ADHD exhibit:
A. Internal and externalizing behaviors
B. Oppositional defiant disorders
C. Conduct disorders
D. Depression
Which domain addresses having resources for the family such as transportation, a way
to take care of expenses, and even dental care?
A. Exceptionality-related support
B. Parenting
C. Family interaction
D. Physical/material well-being
Which of the following programs emphasizes strategies that enhance a student's
acquisition of body image, language, early self-help skills, sensorimotor skills,
concepts, orientation, and early social interactions?
A. Transition
B. Early childhood
C. Functional
D. Academic
Starting in kindergarten or college early, skipping one or more grades in order to
experience higher levels of instruction, and/or attending a higher grade level program
for part of the school day is:
A. Cluster grouping
B. All-school enrichment program
C. Acceleration
D. Enrichment
Exposure to cigarette smoke, lead, and alcohol are which of the following
environmental causes/factors of ADHD?
A. Prenatal
B. Perinatal
C. Genetic
D. Biological
Which type of data would be most appropriate to collect to indicate student
performance that is not related to tests?
A. Response by response data
B. Instructional and test data
C. Error data
D. Anecdotal data
Each of the following may be related to the organic cause of a speech or language
disorder except:
A. Nervous system
B. Muscular system
C. Formation of speech mechanism
D. An acquired disorder
Which statement about suspensions and expulsions in grades 6"12 is TRUE?
A. Black students are expelled about 13 times more than White students
B. Black students are suspended about 13 times more than White students
C. Asian/Pacific Islander students are suspended about 2 times more than White
D. Hispanic students are expelled 3 time more than Black students.
Cataracts, or clouding of vision, results from damage to the:
A. Retina
B. Lens
C. Cornea
D. Cones
Which of the following models assists students in dealing with the social-emotional
issues that might accompany their giftedness?
A. Differentiated instruction
B. Curriculum extension
C. Problem-based learning
D. The autonomous learner model
Each is a way to effectively collaborate with parents in participating in the development
of an appropriate IEP except:
A. Prepare in advance by appointing a service coordinator
B. Connect and start meetings with informal conversations
C. Prepare the document in advance so all the parent needs to do is sign it
D. Give parents written copies of all evaluation results, ahead of time if possible
The name of a plan written for a student who does NOT require special education
services but needs some accommodations in the general education classroom is:
A. 504 plan
B. Behavior Management plan
How much more likely than students from families with incomes in the bottom 20% are
students from families with incomes in the top 20% to have intellectual disabilities?
A. 10 times more likely
B. 4 times more likely
C. Twice as likely
D. 8 times more likely
In what percent of time is the cause of severe intellectual impairments known?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%
When P.L. 94-142 was enacted in 1975, the group of students who had a right to special
education consisted of:
A. Only students age six to 18
B. Only infants and toddlers from birth through age two
C. Only young children ages three to five
D. Only older students ages 14 to 21
Augmented input that focuses on communication boards or books is called:
A. Facilitative language strategies
B. Aided language stimulation
C. Total communication
D. Augmented communication
Cindy is a gifted student who participates often in classroom discussions. However, she
asks so many questions and makes so many comments that there is not time for other
students to participate or for you to finish the lesson. How can you help Cindy continue
to participate without monopolizing the class?
A. Tell her to be quiet and pay attention.
B. Tell her you will only allow her to ask two questions per class.
C. Ignore her questions and allow others to ask questions.
D. Begin a dialogue journal that Cindy can write her questions in and enable her to
research answers during less-active periods.
Three ways that IDEA allows agencies to determine the presence of learning disabilities
are through each of these ways except which one?
A. Discrepancy model
B. Scientific, research based interventions
C. Other alternative research based procedures
D. Report card grades
Alternate achievement standards are designed for:
A. Students who don"t pass the state assessments
B. Students with severe cognitive disabilities
C. All special education students
D. They are an option for teachers who don"t like the state assessments
Which IDEA category includes ADHD?
A. Emotional disturbance
B. Learning disabilities
C. Other health impairments
D. Attention deficit disorder
Students with emotional or behavioral disorders may be gifted or have intellectual
disabilities, but most have IQs in which range?
A. Above average
B. Well below average
C. Low average
D. Middle
Procedures for seeking to improve the human race by encouraging birth of children
with allegedly "good" hereditary qualities and discouraging or preventing the birth of
those with allegedly "undesirable" hereditary qualities is:
A. Cultural deficit theory
B. Eugenics
C. Cultural reproduction theory
D. Genetic deficit theory
Each of the following is a type of emotional or behavioral disorder except:
A. Repressive disorder
B. Mood disorder
C. Oppositional defiant disorder
D. Schizophrenia
Lectures, computerized visual presentations like PowerPoint, role playing, and
computer-mediated instruction are examples of:
A. Multiple means of engagement
B. Multiple means of action and expression
C. Multiple means of representing content
D. Multiple means of questioning
Who typically collects assessment data throughout the day at school?
A. The SLP
B. The paraprofessional
C. The parent
D. The teacher
Which of the following includes a functional vision assessment, student's approaches to
new situations, the nature and stability of the eye condition, visual stamina, and
A. Environmental observations
B. Teachers and parents
C. Learning media assessment
D. Functional vision assessment
A recommended assessment accommodation for students with ADHD is:
A. Provide them with a shortened test
B. Allow the student to take extra breaks
C. Allow them to take the test with a partner
D. Allow them to take the test as an open-book test

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